Here we are, prepping for Halloween and the final weekend of October. Before we welcome November, let’s open the Runfessional for some Halloween Runfessions. It’s always a good idea, don’t you think? Halloween Runfessions There’s a segment of trail I run on, that goes behind various residential properties. I told you about the guy who’s [Read More]
Running and a Trip to ATL
Can you believe we’re heading into the latter part of October already? Holiday advertising is becoming ever more prevalent but all I wanna do is enjoy fall a bit longer before thinking about the holidays and the end of the year. I had two weekends off in a row, which basically never happens, so my [Read More]
Summer is So Over and that’s Ok
It’s been quite a week. Work was challenging, the weather turned horrendous and it all paled in comparison to the tragic and heartbreaking events in Israel. We were enjoying what some called “false summer” until it all came to an abrupt end. For real now, we’re flirting with frost and summer is so over. Here’s [Read More]
October Coffee Date
Fall is here and it’s time to sit down and catch up with Deborah, Coco and you over a cup of a nice brew. I’m drinking Starbucks Casi Cielo with collagen and half & half. I found both Nutpods Pumpkin Spice and Peppermint Mocha Creamer at the grocery store, so those will be used soon. [Read More]
First Runfessions of Fall
As the year continues to slip away and fall makes it’s arrival, its time to open the runfessional. It’s always a good idea to clear the soul and soles, before we welcome a new month, am I right? Let’s get started with the first runfessions of fall. First Runfessions of Fall I’ve mentioned the guy [Read More]
All Roads Lead to Berlin
Although I’m not running the Berlin Marathon this year, I’m coaching a few runners who are, so for me, all roads lead to Berlin. It was fun to send them all off this week with one last pep talk. Back home, here’s how my workouts shook out. Sunday: Walk 4 miles, 20 min bike hill [Read More]
Running Toward Fall
Things settled down a bit this week. The Labor Day Holiday was low-key and relaxing. We had some much needed rain, the weather cooled toward the end of the week and I am running toward fall. Here’s how my workouts went. Sunday: Walk 4 miles, StrengthMonday: Walk 4 miles, Trail Run 4 milesTuesday: Walk 4 [Read More]
Dealing with Bullies Over September Coffee
Here we are in September already! We’re heading into Labor Day weekend and our glorious summer days are winding down. It’s time to sit down with Deborah, Coco, and you for a catch-up sesh over something brewed. Dealing with Bullies Over September Coffee Over coffee I’d ask you if you’ve had a Starbucks fall drink [Read More]
When Life Slaps You Up Side The Head
This week! Oh this week. This was the week with all the back-to-school open houses, meet the teachers and band exhibitions. Mix into that full-time work, insane heat, and my friend’s wake and funeral, and the week felt full, not in a good way. I kept moving though, here’s how the workouts went: Sunday: Walk [Read More]
Runfessions Before Summer Slips Away
While it is blazing…and I mean BLAZING hot here as I type, we all know Mom Nature can flip that switch any time she likes and fall weather will be here. Let’s get in some Runfessions before summer slips away. Let’s get started, shall we? Runfessions Before Summer Slips Away I received an Apple Watch [Read More]