MAYhem continues here, all the way to the chaotic, celebratory end of the month. At this point just two school days lie between Thing 2 and high school graduation. AP exams are over so basically her school days are filled with movie watching, yearbook signing and it’s anyone’s guess what else. I figured I’d post [Read More]
May Coffee Already
Here we are, time for the May Coffee Date already. Time sure does fly. As much as I try to slow down and soak up the goodness in each day, I also find myself frantic and rushing. The weeks can seem long but the months fly by. I’m sitting down with Deborah, Coco and you [Read More]
Runfessions: Is It Better to be Pooped Out or Pooped On?
Don’t look now but May is on the horizon complete with a healthy dose of MAYhem. I runfess I’m winding up a stress-filled, 6-day work week that’s left me pooped out. Before we bid farewell to April let’s make a visit to the Runfessional. A good ‘fessup is always a good idea. Is It Better [Read More]
Already Feeling that MAYhem Vibe
It was a quieter start to the week on the work front and I was grateful for that. Despite a quieter work week, I’m already feeling that MAYhem vibe. It was prom weekend, AP exams are sneaking up, Mother’s Day will be here before we know it, and all the end-of school stuff along with [Read More]
Consistently Inconsistent
This post contains an affiliate link It’s been a busy couple of weeks, with a spring-break trip followed by a college visit. Let’s just say my workouts this past week have been consistently inconsistent. Here’s how the week shook out. Sunday: Still in VA, lots of walking, late flight home, so “rest” dayMonday: Walk 4 [Read More]
April Coffee Date
It’s a new month, it’s SPRING and it’s time for our April Coffee date! I’m sitting down with Deborah, Coco and you for a little catch-up sesh over a nice beverage. I’ll drinking Starbucks Tribute blend with collagen and a splash of half & half. What’ll you have? April Coffee Date Over coffee I’d tell [Read More]
Runfessions: Spring Break Edition
Well hello SPRING? While spring here so far has been a little, shall we say, more wintery than I’d like, it is spring all the same and I am here for it. Well actually no I’m away on spring break, enjoying some sunshine and Vitamin Sea. But it is Runfession Friday after all, so welcome [Read More]
It’s Officially Time for Spring Break
Spring is here and it is finally, officially time for spring break. Cue the happy dance! As you read this we’ve headed off to a warmer climate, where I hope to soak up some sunshine and much-needed Vitamin Sea. But first, here’s how the week in workouts went: Sunday: Walk 4 miles, Trail Run/Walk 3 [Read More]
Lessons Learned On My Break from Running
Over the past couple of weeks, I’ve slowly, carefully returned to running. I started with run/walk intervals on the treadmill, then took those intervals outside to my beloved trails. Before I share the lessons learned on my break from running, here’s how the week in workouts went. Sunday: Walk 4 miles, Strength- Stretch-SaunaMonday: Walk 4 [Read More]
Tokyo and the Big College Decision
While February here was officially the mildest one on record weather wise, I for one am quite pleased to have it behind us. 2024 has been tough up in here so far and I am hopeful that March will be better. All that said, it’s time to sit down with Deborah, Coco and you for [Read More]