These weeks have been a blur. They fly by, one after the other, until here we are. Christmas is bursting out at Costco, and Shutterfly is telling me it’s time to order holiday cards. 2020 you’re a weird one. I find myself in a constant state of exhaustion and yet sleep eludes me. I just [Read More]
First Frost and the Best Weekend of Fall
It’s the best weekend of fall here in Chicago. Well maybe not in COVID times, but in a perfect world I’d be headed downtown to cowbell for the Chicago Marathoners at mile 13. Erica and I cheering from the famous Blogger Press Box. My first go at the marathon distance in 2007, at the very [Read More]
Ready or Not, It’s October
It was another dumpster fire kind of week here but what else is new? My dad is back in the hospital and I’m still a little nauseous from the presidential debates but life goes on. The heat is on here, although let the record show, I was not the one to turn it on. With [Read More]
Coffee in the Non-Farmhouse
Hello and happy October! October is hands down my favorite month of the year so I intend to make the most of it. Let’s sit down and catch up over coffee. I’m joining Coco and Deborah for the Ultimate Coffee Date. I’m going with some Bullet Proof coffee with Pumpkin Spice Nut Pods creamer and [Read More]
Virtual Races and Hygge
It was another week, similar to many others in our altered universe. The weather was warmer than what is typical here in late September and I will gladly take it. Running was the usual as well, with the exception of a couple of virtual races in the mix. But fall is officially here and it [Read More]
September Runfessions
I runfess this feels like the shortest month ever. Did we not just do runfessions like yesterday?? Time flies and it is indeed time once again to open up the Runfessional so let’s not waste any more time and get to it. I runfess I was intrigued when ACTIVE had an article about tips for [Read More]
A Nip in the Air and the Ghosts of Marathons Past
This was the week any hint of summer totally slipped away, leaving a nip in the air and frosty breath in it’s wake. The morning chill in the darkness brought back all the ghosts of marathon training cycles past. Don’t worry, they’re friendly ghosts. After training for 12 fall marathons, my brain is hard wired [Read More]
Suddenly It’s Sweater Weather
It’s kind of crazy how Mom Nature flipped the switch here this week. We went from a record-hot, dry summer to sweater weather with #alltherain. I’m not complaining, because we sure needed the rain, but I wish I could share it with our friends out West who are dealing with those terrifying fires. Here’s how [Read More]
Well Hello September
Well hello September. Fancy seeing you here so soon. 2020 is a weird year but time marches on. Here in Chicago, this summer is officially the hottest one on record. While we didn’t have days in the 100’s, the string of humid, 90+ days was relentless. That said, we’ve enjoyed a most welcome cool down [Read More]
Fall is in the Air: September Coffee Date
Just like that it’s September and the leaves are changing colors prematurely in these parts. I blame the hot, dry weather. Let’s sit down over a hot brew and catch up. I’m joining Coco and Deborah for the Ultimate Coffee Date. Today I’m sipping a cup of Trader Joe’s Autumn Maple Coffee and to be [Read More]