It was a profoundly sad and troubling week here after the shooting that took place just 15 minutes away at a local Fourth of July parade. Before I get into that, here’s how the week in workouts went: Monday: Walk 4 miles, Trail Run 4 milesTuesday: Walk 4 miles, otherwise restWednesday: Walk 4 miles, 20 [Read More]
Summer Skincare for Runners
Summer Skincare for Runners plus a GIVEAWAY! Here’s a little guest post from a dear friend! Hi all! It’s Mary Beth, formerly from Tutus and Tennies! I am now enjoying lifecombining my full-time job in health care and my side hustle with Mary Kay!Coach M was so sweet to allow me to do a little [Read More]
Running Down July
Well, like it or not, June has given way to July. Summer has a way of slipping away all too fast, so I’m not thrilled about having June gone, but let’s make the most of what we have. Here’s how the week in workouts went: Monday: Walk 4 miles, Trail run 3 milesTuesday: Walk 4 [Read More]
Hello July Let’s Catch Up
This post contains an affiliate link. It’s time to sit down, relax and catch up with Deborah, Coco and you, at the first coffee date of summer. I’m going with coffee I got in Portland when I was there for the Nike intern drop-off. A cute little coffee roaster called Fetch is right in Thing [Read More]
It’s Officially Summer! Here’s the Rundown
Well hello SUMMER! I’ve waited a long time to see you and enjoy your warm breezes. I tried to make the most of this first week of long, yet fleeting summer days. Here’s how the workouts went: Monday: Walk 4 miles, Trail Run 4 milesTuesday: Walk 2 miles, Run 20 minutes, Strength 20 minutesWednesday: Walk [Read More]
Speedo on the Trail and Summer Runfessions
Just like that, summer is officially here and it’s also time to crack open that runfessional. Let’s get started shall we? It’s rare that I see anyone on the trails when I run, but recently I came across a guy who was out for a walk. That’s not really noteworthy, but I runfess his Speedo [Read More]
The Nike Tour and Portland Rundown
I’m back from Portland and settling into a summer routine. While I’m sad our time having Thing 1 at home has come to an end, I am beyond excited for her. Before I get to the Portland shenanigans, here’s how the week in workouts went: Monday: Travel Day, RestTuesday: Walk 2 miles, marathon of workWednesday: [Read More]
Keeping Those Balls in the Air
I’ve been paddling hard to keep all the proverbial balls in the air, and as a result took a bit of a blogbattical last week. I’m back though….kind of…and here’s how the week in workouts went down. Monday: Walk 4 miles, Trail Run 4 milesTuesday: Walk 4 miles, Walk 4 miles, Bike Bootcamp, Upper Body [Read More]
What’s On Your Summer Bucket List?
This post contains affiliate links. Well hello June! I’m so happy to see you! Now that you’re here, my thoughts go to my summer bucket list. What will I put on it this year? I’m also happy to sit down with Deborah, Coco and YOU at our monthly coffee date. I’ll go with my usual [Read More]
School’s Out, Bring On Summer!
This post contains affiliate links. It was a tough week in light of the devastating incident in Texas. I found myself weeping during my morning meditation. There is nothing worse than losing a child. Nothing. I will leave it there. Here’s how the week in workouts went: Monday: Walk 4 miles, Trail Run 3 milesTuesday: [Read More]