While I’m not wild about losing an hour of sleep, I am thrilled to be springing forward, even if we are springing forward in the snow. Mom Nature is unpredictable like that. Before we get to that, here’s how the week in workouts shook out. Monday: Walk 4 miles, Trail Run 4 milesTuesday: Walk 4 [Read More]
Two Things I Missed This Week
Well hello March! I have to say I’m pretty happy to have February behind us, even though I never want to wish away time. Before I get to the two things I missed this week, here’s how the workouts shook out: Monday: Walk 4 miles, Treadmill Speedwork + StretchTuesday: Walk 4 miles, Lower Body Strength, [Read More]
March Coffee
This post contains affiliate links. Well hello March! I think of March as a transitional month. It is the month of spring after all, although it may or may not feel like spring. I’m sitting down with Deborah, Coco and you for a little catch up over some March Coffee. March Coffee Over coffee I’d [Read More]
Settling Into the End of February
We are back from Atlanta, Thing 2 is back from her band trip to Orlando, and we are all settling into the end of February. The week weather-wise was a wild one. Before I get to that, here’s how the workouts played out. Monday: Walk 2 miles, work 7a-7p so rest day kind ofTuesday: Walk [Read More]
Thinking of Spring but First, Runfessions
February is a short month and all and here we are getting ready to welcome in March. While March can be a fierce month weather wise, it always has me thinking of SPRING, because well spring does arrive in March. Yasss! Before I get ahead of myself with spring, let’s open up the Runfessional because [Read More]
Valentine’s Week Rundown
Valentine’s week was all about travel or shall I say getting ready to travel. Thing 2 shipped out to Orlando with her school marching band and we headed to Atlanta for our final college visit before Thing 1 graduates. Here’s how the workouts went before we left: Monday: Walk 4 miles, Trail run 4 milesTuesday: [Read More]
I’m Just Here Repopulating my Gut
It’s been a week here. Not in a good way. Before I get into that, here’s how the week in workouts went. Pretty sparse and you’ll soon know why. Monday: Walk 2 miles, sickTuesday: Walk 2 miles, sickWednesday: Walk 4 miles, StrengthThursday: Walk 4 miles, Half Hour of not so much powerFriday: Walk 4 miles, [Read More]
Running Into February…Kind Of
Just like that we are running into February. A good chunk of the week was a single-parenting one, which you probably know I tend to enjoy. While I’d have loved to be in Florida with the Caveman, I held down the fort here in Chiberia. Here’s how the week in workouts went Monday: Walk 1 [Read More]
Coffee with the Groundhog
So here we are, we made it past Groundhog day, spring cannot be too far in the future can it? Ok, yes it can. I’m sitting down with Deborah, Coco and you for a little catch up sesh over a nice warm beverage. I’m going with some Starbucks Winter Blend splashed with Half & Half [Read More]
Making Space
Just like that, we are cruising fast toward February and I continue making space. Before we get to that, here’s how the week in workouts went. Monday: Walk 4 miles, otherwise restTuesday: Walk 4 miles, Trail Run 3 miles + SaunaWednesday: Walk 4 miles, 1 mile treadmill warmup run + StrengthThursday: Walk 4 miles, restFriday: [Read More]