Yesterday I amped up my badassery by running my first ever pre-relay 2/day workout. It was weird being out running in the evening. The light is different, the traffic heavier, more people out and about. My legs actually felt better than they did earlier. Alas this geriatric is still tired from last weekend’s half and [Read More]
The Courage to Start
Lacey asked a question yesterday that I love so much.It plays right into my plan to talk about the mental aspects of racing: How do you get up the nerve to sign up for your first race? I’m afraid I’ll make a fool of myself… In the words of the creative team at Nike: Just [Read More]
Before MAYhem Begins
Oh wait, it already did. Well just a few random things about April before I jump in to May. For me, April was about baby steps. I snagged the graphic below from my friend Jodi’s board on Pinterest. It is a great reminder that change does not have to be huge….that even small tweaks, done [Read More]
Heed the Whistle
Growing up, my best friend Val lived just down the block from us. She had a Beagle named Missy Bowser who was cute as could be as a puppy but, like many, grew fat and ornery as time marched on. We learned the hard way that her temperment was nowhere as sweet as she appeared. [Read More]
Life Balance Yin Yang
Last night, I was in the school parking lot, about to head in to a meeting when it dawned on me the meeting wasn’t until next Monday. I sat there grateful the revelation came before I did something even more foolish. This was par for the course with the way things have gone recently. I’m [Read More]
Weekend Rewind and 3 Winners
First, how many times lately do you hear me say this? Yeah pretty much never: I had a solid workout week! All of my runs felt strong. I made it to yoga, didn’t tear or rupture anything and split shorts guy was a no-show. I went to cycle class and was called a ‘new face.’ Oops. [Read More]
Unfair Comparison
It’s International Women’s Day–a celebration of women and their political, economic and social achievements. Sounds good right? This post is timely because it’s about empowering our kids, especially girls, and an issue that’s been in my craw lately. Recently I’ve been quite active on the figure skating scene, in a coaching/mentoring capacity, which I love. [Read More]
Training? What Training?
Less than 3 weeks now until my nasty, hilly half marathon. Here’s how training shook out last week: Thing 2 seems to have an Exorcist thing going on with her eyes but she had fun. Monday: Yoga. Kids were off so next we went to a trampoline place for some frenzied fun. When I was [Read More]
Halloween Weekend Rewind and Other Scary Stuff
Google Images By the time you read this I’ll probably be off on my broom, nine batches of Rice Krispie Treats in tow, headed to various school Halloween parades, parties and the like.Trick or treating is after school today, which is a good thing as we had high winds and a major downpour yesterday. Workout-wise [Read More]
Sprint to the Finish
Shopping is done! Wow the stores were a mess…the parking lot was a bigger mess.Wrapping is not done! Baking would have been done if I didn’t shoot off my mouth and volunteer to make my brother (one of two Christmas babies in our clan) a birthday cake. But not just any cake. That would make [Read More]