Wow this time of year is SO busy! I find myself saying “if I can just make it through today…” Good: Weather has been gorgeous. Spring has sprung at last! We hit the links for the first time in ages. Track season is over! Thing 1’s team captured the conference championship and they’re being recognized [Read More]
Injured Week in Review: Rotator Cuff Healing
Last week was tough. After the freakshow that was the Wisconsin Half Marathon, thanks to my salsa funk shoulder, I knew running and I would need a hiatus. So I swapped my running shoes for my neglected bike. I focused on what I could do, rather than whine about what I couldn’t. For the week, [Read More]
The Groan Heard Round the World
In an unending quest to shake things up around here, well specifically around my midriff, I went to a new (to me) Barbell Strength class the other day. You already know I am no stranger to weights, so this was no biggie. Or so I thought. I got to class on the late-ish side and [Read More]
Weekend Wrap-Up
Monday: Yoga, upper body weights Tuesday: 4 miles, 4x800m Wednesday: Full body weights Thursday: 6 mile progression run, corework Friday: Endurance spin class, Upper body weights Saturday: rest Sunday: 12 miles, family swim A decent week. I got all of my workouts in, although Tuesday’s speed work should have been 6x800m. Volunteer obligations I signed [Read More]
Workout Dedication
Happy Fitness Friday! Today I’m linking up with Jill and everyone else for some blog hop action! Were you always so good about getting your workouts in? I get this question a lot. In a word: No. I’d workout in fits and spurts, then layoff for oh 6 months or so. When I was single, [Read More]
Wrapping My Head Around Marathon Training
On Monday, marathon fun fires up once again. I’ve known this day was coming since, oh since that winter day I sat watching my computer lock up when the Marine Corps Marathon registration opened…and closed. I am no stranger to this distance. Maybe that’s precisely why I’m anxious. Because I know what I’m in for. [Read More]
Workout Wednesday
It’s so easy to slip into a workout rut. That’s why I’m always looking for new moves to keep things fresh and my body guessing. But with summer here and the kids home, I’m not looking to add another gym day. I like quick workouts I can sneak in at home, whenever. I did Shaun [Read More]
Vitamin D: Progress Report
I’ve taken 3 weekly Vitamin D mega doses so far since being diagnosed deficient at my annual physical. To those of you who questioned the 50k mega-dose, know that I was taking 5,000 IUs daily and was still coming up way short. Crazy, I know. Effects? Nothing noticeable the first week. But last week and [Read More]
MAYhem Highlights
Here’s how May shook out: Miles run: 72 Miles biked: 80 Races: 4: 2 halfs, 2 5k Hours skated: About a billion I think School events attended: 7 Biggest challenges: Not forgetting anything and eating well on the go. Notes: Running mileage this month was the second lowest for the year so far. Maybe due [Read More]
Success, Spirulina and a Winner
I’ve been burning the candle from both ends for weeks, prepping for this weekend’s ice shows. I was ok with it when it was limited to after school and evenings but now that the rehearsals are impinging on sacred early morning workout time, it has been a challenge. Needing to to be on the ice [Read More]