Before we get to the wedding fun, here’s how training went last week: Total Miles: 26 Monday: Yoga Tuesday: 6 miles pace intervals Wednesday: 4 mile run + Pear Sports 30 min Cardio Intervals Thursday: Heavy weights and running drills Friday: 6 miles hill workout Saturday: Rest Sunday: 10 miles Everyday: Pushups and Corework Thankfully [Read More]
Who Inspires You?
Before we get to the inspiring stuff, here’s how week 7 of my training for the Lincoln Presidential Half Marathon panned out: Total Miles: 27 Monday: Yoga Tuesday: 6 mile pace run Wednesday: 1 hour easy run Thursday: Strength/Drills, Pear Sports HIIT workout Friday: 8xHill repeats Saturday: Rest Sunday: 11 miles (cold, windy, hilly course) Everyday: Pushups and [Read More]
The Anguish of a DNS
Week 6 of training for the Lincoln Presidential Half Marathon is complete. Thing in red did not happen. Thing in purple is what I did instead: Total Miles: 22 Monday: Yoga Tuesday: Pace intervals, upper body strength Wednesday: Easy 40 minute run, lower body strength Thursday: Drills, strength Friday: 8xhill repeats Saturday: Heavy weights Sunday: 5k [Read More]
Virtual Racing #WinterMiles and #5bythe5th
Not one but two virtual races happened here last week. I ran Run with Jess’ #WinterMiles Snowball Shuffle Virtual 8k on the mill. Ironically there were no snowballs in my running laboratory, I mean basement, and I did not shuffle either. To make sure I picked up the pace, I made my gut-busting 400m repeats [Read More]
Women, Running and Rest
Why Are Strategic Rest and Recovery So Important? Why Do Women Require More Rest and Recovery Time Than Men? Training is a continuous cycle of stress and recovery, stress and recovery. During training, you sustain micro-tears in your leg muscles. When training is managed properly, the body repairs itself and gets stronger during recovery. [Read More]
Is Being Healthy Just Too Hard?
The other day I ran into a woman I knew in college. She’d been heavy all her life, but she began running on campus, lost weight and looked like a freaking super model. When she graduated, she stopped running, the weight returned and she’s been quite heavy ever since. When I asked her if she [Read More]
Treadmill Tell-All
Heaven knows we’re milling quite a bit up in here no thanks to polar vortexular conditions. I think I’m milling now more than ever before. For many of us (yours truly included) the mill can be a hateful creature. But when it’s the only option… Brain freeze took on a new meaning when I arrived [Read More]
Race Pace Head Case
Yesterday on the new training plan, my coach wanted 7 intervals of 3 minutes each at half marathon pace. I’m somewhat embarrassed to admit this gave me no small amount of angst. Coming off a year riddled with injury and the heart scare, in which I ran (I use the term loosely) four halves but [Read More]
Things I Learned On My Break From the Marathon
It’s been more than a year since my last marathon. This was the first voluntary (not injury-induced) break I’ve taken from at least one marathon per year since 2006. I lived to tell about it. Here’s what I learned: Time flies. Maybe even moreso without marathon training in the mix. It’s still really fun watching [Read More]
Week in Review
Kids went back to school! It seems early, cuz it IS early, and of course now we have our summer’s hottest weather. Trust me it’s better for everybody this way. Mama can hang at the pool by herself. No news, is well, no news: Still no answers on the heart issue. The referral for my [Read More]