This week’s Tuesdays on the Run topic is a timely one: Running in heat. Although it’s been a relatively cool spring here so far, the heat seems to be rolling in. Since the very hot and cancelled Chicago Marathon 2007 was my first, and I finished, upright with a smile (ok a fake one), I [Read More]
You’re Made for So Much More
First here’s how last week’s workouts went: Miles run: 14 Miles Bike: 55 Swim: 5500 yds. Monday: Masters Swim 1 hr. + yoga Tuesday: 1 hr bike, 4 miles run Wednesday: 6 miles run, mile repeats+hill repeats Thursday: Cycle 20 miles Friday: Rest Saturday: 45 min swim (in wetsuit), 1 hr bike, 30 min run with [Read More]
Tuesdays on the Run and Swimtimidation. It’s a Thing.
I’m just back from a 6-day junket in the Allegheny mountains of Pennsylvania to celebrate FIL’s 80th birthday. More on that to come. First a recap of the training week: Total miles run: 23 Total miles bike: 22 Swim: Still not tracking but trust me it’s plenty Monday: Masters Swim from hell Tuesday: Bike/Run brick [Read More]
Running with a Fast Crowd
I don’t think I mentioned it, but this Tri Group I joined is all men and me. Well there’s one other woman who’s coming back from a broken foot I’ve yet to see. I’d be lying if I told you I didn’t find the all-male dynamic intimidating. Had I known that beforehand I doubt I’d [Read More]
Weekend Rewind and a Recipe
I hope you all had a wonderful Mother’s Day weekend! The weather here left something to be desired if rain isn’t your bag. I kicked off Saturday with my ‘long’ run. A whole 6 miles. Don’t worry the longer “long” runs will be back as soon as Twin Cities Marathon training fires up in June. [Read More]
What’s Up With That?
I just finished up 3 days of the most intense workouts of my life. FTP (functional threshold power) testing measures the maximum power one can sustain for one hour. Training zones are calculated from it. Day 1 I was tested on the bike, Day 2 was run, Day 3 was swim. All 3 days were [Read More]
Masters Swim 101
The Wednesday Word over at Deb Runs is Courage. Since my brain is waterlogged from all the time I’ve spent in the pool lately, I have to apply this to swimming. I summoned my courage and stepped way out of my comfy zone when I decided I’d finally learn (well I’m still learning) to swim [Read More]
How to Silence Your Inner Critic
Last week I was at the pool going through the motions of trying to swim when a coach approached. The Aquatic Director and Triathlon Swim Coach, actually. We talked about my goals (survive my first tri) and she asked to see my stroke. I swam out and most of the way back before I wigged [Read More]
You Look Like a Swimmer
Before we get to the swimming, some of you asked what my training weeks look like lately so here’s how my week in workouts went: Monday: Rest Tuesday Run 5 miles, Core/stability training Wednesday: 30 minute Swim Thursday Run 6.25 miles (800m repeats) Friday: 35 minute Swim Saturday 8 miles Sunday: Strength, 20 minute Swim [Read More]
February by Number
Who’s happy to put February behind us and turn the page to March? Raises hand. Here’s how February shook out here: Miles Run: 78 Races: 0 Swims: 11 Gym Days: 16 Unassisted Pullups: 3 Times the dogs slept thru the night: 5 Pool creepers: 2 Flat Whites: 2 Days til spring break: 20. You’d better [Read More]