I’ve known for some time now that occasionally I am prone to negative self-talk.Since acknowledgment is the first step in recovery, I’m gonna out myself here.As you probably know, my focus has turned to Boston training for just over a week now. The uber cold weather, coupled with the fact that I operate on toddler [Read More]
Blue Moon
Did you see the blue moon last night/this morning? Our very rare second full moon in a month’s time? Although the blue has nothing to do with it’s color, around here it did cast an eerily pretty bluish glow on the snow. Although I’m no astrologer, I interpret this blue moon on the last day [Read More]
My Running Year in Review
Before I can look forward to 2010 I guess I’d better look back to see what I did right and wrong in 2009. Reflection time! I started the year with the March Madness 1/2 for the third consecutive year. I managed to control my pacing this time and came away with a course PR.Then the injury demon [Read More]
Snowy Sunday Trivia
I hope all of you who were hammered by snow this weekend are safely digging out! We got only a few inches…made for a festive but slippery 6-miler yesterday and a beautiful 10 this morning. Look Who I’ll be Chasing in Boston! Meb Keflezighi and Ryan Hall have both signed on to run The Boston [Read More]
Caught Napping
Yesterday’s run almost didn’t happen because I overslept….again. I was dreaming about doing a triathlon, not sure I was actually participating…I think I was a spectator. Of course it was the swim leg (the most terrifying to this notorious dog paddler). The swimmers were circling the block of a neighborhood near where I grew up. Whatever [Read More]
Our New Addition
Last weekend, I hopped out of our car, (the beloved Estrogen Express) and popped into a craft store in search of some bling for Thing 2 to decorate her feather for the preschool turkey. Hubby and the kids drove down to the pet store for some fun of their own. Nextdoor is a Bath and [Read More]
Moving On
So now what? If I had a dollar for every time someone asked me this in the last few weeks…Post marathon recovery aches and pains. Check. Not bad at all this time.Post marathon head cold. Check. Glad to have this out of the way.Register for Boston. Check. Now if only securing a hotel were as easy.Register [Read More]
A New Gym Friend
I met a new friend at the gym the other day: The Power Plate. We’d actually met over a year ago at an exercise equipment store. That meeting turned ugly when I was standing on it unprepared when Thing 1 unexpectedly turned it on high, throwing my back into convulsions. But this time was different. [Read More]
Rough Week!
Whew! I’m glad to have this week behind me. Running-wise it was a real challenge. I swapped my usual Tuesday speedwork for my Thursday tempo run since my body is notoriously unstable and injury-prone after a race. I got out really early and begged hubby to leave for work a little later so I could squeeze [Read More]
Mental Toughness: Sweat and the Biology of Bliss
I am in the throes of party preparation once again, the final of my family’s “triad of summer birthday celebrations” Thing 2 is turning 4 shortly and I’ve spent the better part of this week searching for the perfect lemon cake recipe, stuffing the pinata, and amassing large quantites of food/drink/favors/games necessary for the big [Read More]