Yet another month is nearing the rearview as we prepare to welcome April. Before we do that, it’s time to open up the Runfessional. Let’s get started, shall we?
I have to runfess that this entire month feels like I’ve been moving through a heavy curtain of grief. We lost Ozzy, our beloved Malshipoo on March 7. It was sudden and horrendous and unexpected.
Moving Through Grief
We are devastated and shell-shocked to say the least. Read more about Ozzy here. Thanks to everyone who reached out. The calls, cards and texts are so appreciated.
Almost 5 years to the day, our walking streak has ended. It was a ritual for us to walk together with Ozzy, typically 2 miles each in the morning and evening. For now, I runfess the void is just too painful. We’ll likely resume at some point but for now, we just. Can’t.
While we have not been out on our daily walks, I runfess that I am doing “some” running. I told you in a previous post that hip pain sent me to the doctor where degenerative arthritis was diagnosed. Running was too painful. Since then I started taking a curcumin supplement and while there is still dull pain when I run, the sharp pain is gone. So I started running again. First on the treadmill and then out on the trails. I don’t go fast and I don’t go more than a few miles, but dang it I am still running!
After losing Ozzy, the Caveman was adamant about not getting another dog for awhile. The convo went like this:
Caveman: No more dogs for at least 5 years or when I retire.
Me: I confess I’ve been looking at Mary’s (breeder) website.
Caveman: Does she have any dogs??
Mary did in fact have dogs. While we didn’t want a dog exactly like Ozzy because he is irreplaceable, I felt I needed someone to focus on. Someone to love and dote on.
Meet Romeo. He’s even sweeter and cuddlier than he looks. While of course he’ll never replace Ozzy, he is a joyful salve for our broken hearts and a wonderful addition to our family.
Your turn: What have you to runfess?
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First off, my condolences again on the loss of your sweet Ozzy. Romeo certainly seems like an appropriate name for your new little fellow. He is so cute! I hope he’s helping to heal your broken heart.
I am so sorry for your loss. We lost our dog about a year and a half ago, and we knew that we would get another dog someday, just not right away. Well, “not right away” turned out to be two months! Our new dog did not replace our old dog any more than Romeo is replacing Ozzy. We needed a dog, and there was a dog out there who needed us, and from the moment that we met her it felt so right and we have been so happy.
My sincere sympathies, again, on the loss of Ozzy. While I never knew him the way that your family did, I had so much affection for him and his sweet demeanor. I hope the many memories are helping to ease your grief. That said, I have to Romeofess, your new little guy is absolutely adorable <3
Oh no, Marcia! I’m so sorry! Losing Ozzy must be unbelievably tough.
It’s amazing that you’re still getting out for some runs, even with the pain. Glad to hear curcumin is helping a bit!
Welcome to sweet little Romeo! 😍 He looks like a total heart-healer. Wishing you lots of cosy cuddles and peaceful miles ahead.
So sorry about Ozzy but Romeo sure is cute.
We did the same when our cat champ drowned. Shortly after we got Diamond. And I love her.
Yay. On running. Hope your pain free runs continue.
I am still so shocked and saddened about Ozzy. I understand why you can’t resume your walks without him right now. I am glad you are able to run — even a few miles makes all the difference in my day!
Romeo does look like a fuzzy ball of cuddles! <3 I know he will bring you joy with puppy antics.
We have not had a pet and I cannot imagine how difficult and sad it must be for you all. My best friends lost her dog a few weeks before you. He was kind of our MRTT dog for the last 10 years. I would meet them every week for a walk to the coffee shop where we got him treats. Those walks just have not felt the same without him the last few weeks. I was thankful to be just a small part of his life. I can only imagine what a void you feel on those morning walks without Ozzy. He sure was very loved! Hope Romeo does give you some joy in your hearty xoxo
The pain of losing a beloved pet cuts so deep – I am so very sorry about Ozzy. I’m sending you lots of hugs. Romeo looks like such a sweetie. I hope he brings you all much joy in the days ahead!
I’m so sorry for your loss! I hadn’t seen that. I hope you and Greg and Romeo can find some new walking spots and rituals. Great to hear that the curcumin is helping!
Dogs are something special, aren’t they? And when they’re gone, they leave a hole in our hearts. I’m so sorry for your loss of Ozzy. Romeo is so cute with his little paw tucked in, lol. Cocoa does that.
I’ve been taking curcumin since my diagnosis with RA. Also Fish oil, vitamin D, and collagen. I like to think it’s helping…
Marcia, I’m just so sorry for your loss. Ozzy was such a sweet boy.
I know that Romeo will never replace Ozzy, but it looks like he’s going to soothe some of the pain and I know he’s found the most amazing, loving family.
Big hugs to you all.
Oh Marcia!!!! I didn’t know you lost Ozzie. I’m so, so sorry. Romeo is not a replacement but… dang- he sure is a cutie. i love the conversation between you and your husband, lol. I’m very happy that you were able to give another dog a loving home!