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This week was a challenging one for pretty much everyone, everywhere. If you did not get a good dump of snow, maybe you experienced barbaric cold, like we did. Now that we’re above zero (for now), it feels “warm”…sort of. Our nest is once again empty, and I’m working considerably less hours. While things may have settled down, I feel like I’m still in holiday recovery mode.
Still In Holiday Recovery Mode
Here’s how the workouts went this week. The extreme cold (and my cranky hip) kept me indoors and compromised some of our walks.
Monday: Walk 2 miles, 40 min treadmill incline hike, 40 min bike
Tuesday: Walk 2 miles, rest
Wednesday: Walk 2 miles, Strength, Core, Sauna
Thursday: Walk 2 miles, rest
Friday: Walk 4 miles, Strength, Mobility, Sauna
Saturday: Walk 4 miles, 40 mins Bike Hills & Sprints, Corework
The last time I tried to run, I had to shut it down after just a few minutes. I’ve been resting my hip and working around it since then. I have a doctor’s appointment for it this week. With our weather being so darn cold, I took full advantage of the sauna. I have to say it felt very good to thaw out.
I was able to increase my daily pushups to 3×12 this week, without much trouble. As we all know, consistency is key. Where focus goes, the energy flows.

I’m sleeping better (more deep sleep and less awake time) and often longer, but my Lumen Metabolism Tracker is still indicating stress. I suspect not running + working less (which had me on my feet for 8 hours a day) have something to do with that as well.
I’ve also recommitted to enjoying at least one big green salad every day. It’s all about small changes, right?
Runfession Friday Linkup
Join me right here this for the first Runfession Friday Linkup of the year!
How was your week? Have you committed or recommitted to any new habits this year?
I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down. Join us!
I’ve been in a stress-induced fog this week. I need to recommit to some healthy habits. Your salad looks delicious!
My January got off to a bumpier start than expected as well. It’s ok everyday is a new day and every week is a new week right? We got this. Have a great week ahead
Sorry about your hip! I hope you get some answers at the doctor this week. I definitely know how frustrating this can be.
I’m very glad you’re working less though! And, you’re inspiring me with the salad. My mind is past the holidays, but my stomach is definitely still in recovery mode. A green salad every day would be good for me.
Glad to hear you’ve got a doctor’s appointment for your hip—I’m curious to see what they find.
Nice work on improving your sleep! I’ve been focusing on mine too, and it’s really helping my other body stats. I wonder if the sauna could be affecting your heart rate, which might be contributing to the higher stress levels? Just a wild guess! Even if it turns out to be the case, I wouldn’t give up the sauna—it’s such a great thing to have.
Rather cold temperatures certainly can feel quite warm after a few days of extreme temperatures. Seems everyone had a weather challenge this week!
This year I’ve recommitted to getting back to regular music practice, and having the courage to believe in myself! Otherwise I’ll just keep up the good work.
I hope you get some help for your hip!
It has been soooo cold and I am sorry about your hip.
We are doing the same thing with salads. Every week, I chop up (because I like my veggies small) romaine, cucumbers, carrots, and celery and then we can make lunch salads or salads with dinner. I keep crunchy noodles and cashews and some deli turkey for protein, too. It works well and ensures I get all my vegetables.
My weekend sleep is getting better (allowing sleep-ins MOST Saturdays and Sundays). My work-week sleep is still pretty jacked, and my job is pretty stressful and the days are long. Sigh. The pay is decent, but I’m realizing the bigger paycheck (with this new job, as of late October) hasn’t been the pot of gold, LOL. I hope you get some solid answers on your hip!
Hope nothing serious is wrong with your hip but glad you have a dr. appt. soon. Keep us posted.
I was thinking that in the winter I hardly ever eat salad. Thanks for he reminder.
This was an incredibly stressful week at work–we have a new mid-manager who’s really showing everyone there’s a new sheriff in town. Not my boss, but thinks she is. We’re going to nip that in the bud immediately. Surprisingly, my sleep only suffered one night. I’m using my Oura ring to track. It’s been fun to monitor everything.
I hope your hip calms down. I swear it’s always something, isn’t it?
So sorry to hear that your hip’s giving you trouble. Glad you’ve got an appointment scheduled with your doc!
I like your commitment to having a salad daily – definitely something I need to focus on. Like you said, it’s about those changes.
Ooof, good luck with your hip. I had some hip issues last Jan/Feb and ignored htem/kept running on them until I had to take more than month off. Hopefully yours heals up and is nothing too serious- good for you for getting a dr appt. Daily salads sound great! I love salads, but unfortunately, my kids (8,6,3) and husband are not fans, so I rarely get to enjoy one unless I’m out.
Sorry about the hip issues. I wonder what is going on with it.
I make huge salads every day for work. I am a bit challenged in the winter to figure out new varieties, but in the summer there are so many fresh choices.
I hope you get some answers about your hip and can start the recovery process soon.
It’s great that you’re working fewer hours – hopefully that makes your life less stressful. Your salad looks great, BTW!
Sleep is so important! Even though its fickle when there’s extra life stress. I hope you find out some answers with your hip at the doctor!