2024 was a challenging year here. One could go so far as to say it was a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad year, except now that it’s over, we’re still standing, maybe a little battle scarred, but standing, all the same. I’m going to choose to focus on the good stuff, even if it’s a little harder to see at first.
I’m sitting down with Coco, Deborah and you for a catch-up session over a nice beverage.
Focus On the Good Stuff
Over coffee I’d tell you I’ve decided I’m going to feel proud of how old I am. As we age, many of us tend to hide and be embarrassed by how old we are. I am alive and kicking and proud to have come this far. Age is a luxury not afforded to everyone.
Our final meal of 2024 was with friends at a Korean BBQ place.
Over coffee I’d ask how your holidays were. We had a magnificent time enjoying family and friends. We went to so many restaurants, I feel like a food critic about now. I will get back on track. That’s what January is for, right? We loved having our kids home with us. Thing 2 headed back to Atlanta in time to host a NYE party. Thing 2 is here for another week or so before she heads back to school for her Sorority Rush.
Over coffee I’d ask if you decided on a word for 2025 and if you had one for 2024. While I can tell you my word for 2023 was FOCUS, I don’t even know what word I might have chosen for 2024. Whoops!
I decided my word for 2025 will be SPACE. I’ll be making space for what matters. Family, friendships, and experiences that fill my heart with joy. That also means unsubscribing, decluttering and stepping away from things that don’t. Life is simply too short.
What would you tell me over coffee? What was your final meal of 2024?
Oh, I love your perspective: turning a bad year into a badge of resilience is the ultimate power move.
Battle scars and all, you’re here, thriving, and making SPACE for the good stuff.
I remember you have been busy decluttering in the past, but it’s a never-ending process, right?
Wishing you all the best in your decluttering, unsubscribing, and heart-filling adventures in 2025. 😊
Oh yay, I hope you will make space for me! LOL. Seriously, though, for me, it has become all about relationships and making time for people. I’ve leaned into my trail running group and for this solo runner, it has become very important to have these women in my life. I’m so sorry you had such a tough year and I sure hope 2025 brings you lots of joy. Life is certainly not getting easier, but we can lean on the people in our lives to help us carry on!
Happy New Year Marcia!
You did have a rough year, but there were good times and things to celebrate — that’s life!
My intention is to be more intentional with how I spend my time — and who I spend it with. 😉
I am sorry that you had such a challenging year. That was me in 2023. I”ve also had a newfound appreciation for my age and the blessing of doing all that I can do instead of focusing on what I cannot. It’s not easy but I am trying hard to embrace it. I hope you have a happier year ahead!
Space is a GREAT word. I certainly hope 2025 is a better year for you- sounds like it wouldn’t take much. Let’s say instead- I hope 2025 is an INCREDIBLE year for you! Oh and I agree- we should embrace our age! We’re still kicking ass, we should be proud of it.
Space is an amazing word. I can’t wait to see how that plays out for you.
I agree with you about the privilege of aging. It’s a true gift.
I hope this year is kinder to us all.
Agreed, 2024 was a challenging year for myself as well. Lots of peaks and valleys getting to this new “reality” of mine, LOL. I also feel like a trooper and I know my resilience grew by leaps and bounds on the journey to 2025. Wishing you well, Marcia! Let’s hope 2025 plays nicely in our metaphoric sandboxes.
I’m glad to hear you had such good family time with your girls! 2024 was a rocky one for me too and like you I’m choosing to focus on the good and carry that forward with me into this new year. I love your word choice of Space. I picked Nourish – focusing on the things that feed my soul.
Happy New Year Marcia! I hope 2025 is good to you!
I’m so sorry you had such a tough year. Focusing on the good is the healthy approach. Although you’re much younger than me, welcome to the old ladies club – I’m 67 and proud!
What an important word…
and i’m 71 and don’t feel old at all and try not to act old.
Hope 2025 is a good one… filled all the things you need.
Definitely agreed! I think society places wayyy too much emphasis on youth — age is a luxury and a privilege that some never get to experience.
Space is a good one — I didn’t choose a word, but one of my main goals this year is consistency!
I am learning to let go of the age thing. I am happy to be able to make it this far. I like your word. I haven’t come up with one yet.