It’s coffee time and I am all in for fall. I’m joining Deborah, Coco and you for sit-down and catch-up sesh over a nice beverage. I’m going with a coffee blend and new mug I grabbed at Foxtail Coffee Co. in Atlanta.
Coffee Time: All In For Fall
Let’s just say they had me at all the dogs. I’m writing this on a rare and much-coveted “slow morning” where I don’t have to be at work. September has been unseasonably warm here and I’m enjoying time out on the patio before I have to shut it down for the season.
Over coffee I’d ask you if you have any races coming up. I enjoyed seeing everyone’s posts about the Berlin Marathon. It looks like the conditions were perfect this year.
I also realize just how long it’s been since I ran in Berlin. I ran the Berlin Marathon in 2017 and finished the 6 World Marathon Majors in 2019. It’s ancient history. Haha!
Over coffee I’d ask how/if Hurricane Helene affected you. I told you in a previous post that the Caveman managed to cut short his time in Florida to avoid being stuck there. Thing 1 actually flew out of Atlanta headed to Boston for a long weekend with her sorority sisters. I’m still amazed her flight got out but thankfully it did. What I did not see coming was how the hurricane affected Virginia and Thing 2’s campus in Blacksburg. Flooding rain, high winds and power and cell outage caused the campus to shut down. She still has a boil order in effect and they are rationing each student 2 bottles of water per day. I can’t even imagine how scary it was for the UFlorida FSU and UTampa kids who had to evacuate. The damage in Georgia, Tennessee and the Carolinas is devastating as well. Here in the Chicago area we experienced high winds and eerily warm, humid weather for a few days, but thankfully that was it.
Over coffee I’d tell you that the “fun little job” I took a couple of years ago has grown into a 40+ hour behemoth. While what I do can be exciting and rewarding, it is also stressful and exhausting. I have to do some serious soul searching to decide if this is really what I want at this stage of my life.
Over coffee I’d ask you if you have any travels coming up. I’d tell you we’re heading to Virginia later this month for homecoming weekend. We haven’t seen our college girl since August and I simply cannot wait. Now to pack all the goodies I’m bringing for her!
Over coffee I’d ask about your holiday plans. I just realized the other day that it’s my year to host Thanksgiving. The Caveman insisted it was not, but honestly what does he know? I’m happy about this since both kiddos will be home. Let the planning begin!
Over coffee I’d ask you if you’ve started your holiday shopping. It’s kind of a ridiculous question coming from me, since I’m mostly a last-minute kind of girl. Let the record show I’ve already started. I just got one thing that will sell out, but still, I am on it! I am determined to enjoy all the comfort and joy of the season despite my ridiculous schedule.
What would you share with me over coffee? Do you enjoy an occasional “slow morning?”
I’m linking up with Darlene, Michelle, Renee, Jenn and Zenaida, for Fit Five Friday. Join us!
That view from you deck is beautiful! So serene.
Just yesterday we had that work-life discussion with friends. Like you, they enjoy their work. However, they are tired and feel that life is slipping away while they’re sitting in front of their screens (they’re in their 50s). They are now thinking of a way of how to reduce their workload.
I hope that you will find a way to reduce the behemoth… you deserve a break!
Holiday shopping?? What? No! I’m even skipping Halloween this year because I won’t be home for it. 🙁
Gosh, I hadn’t heard about the situation at Va. Tech. Our news is dominated by the devastation in the Asheville NC area. MIL had damage to her home in Bradenton FL, but I’’m glad she’s out of her home in Brevard NC.
I love your new mug!
I think everyone is astonished at the devastation from Helene. Who knew the damage could be so severe and widespread? Glad both your Things are okay!
Ooh, holiday shopping! I don’t do any official holiday shopping this time of year, but if I’m out and I see something, I’ll get it. So far that hasn’t happened so the First Gift of Christmas is still waiting to be purchased. I haven’t really started thinking about Thanksgiving yet, but we always stay home and make a huge meal. And of course my son will be home so that makes it fun and festive.
I have thought about holiday gifts but not purchased any yet. We don’t do lots of gifts for the kids anymore as we all go away together. I may just go practical this year and give them gift cards for work clothes. Yes, we are hosting Thanksgiving which now seems very close 🙂 Have so much fun visiting your daughter. Homecoming weekends are always fun
I’m a last minute holiday shopper as well, but I do keep my eyes alert if something pops up that would be “perfect” for someone. My daughter in Charlotte says the Helene damage there is bad. Crazy how widespread the damage is!
That mug is adorable!!
My heart goes out for everyone who’s been affected by the hurricane! It’s still so bewildering that it managed to make it all the way even to Asheville. :[
I’ll be headed off to China in less than 12 hours! 😛
That is awful about the damage caused by the hurricane.
I don’t buy gifts for anyone except something small for my students. I am trying to remember if I bought them something last year.
I am not a big Thanksgiving fan, but this past week, my cousin was talking about it and invited us to her house.