Well here we are: September already. School is in session, daylight is fading fast and fall is most definitely in the air. It’s time to sit down, grab a cup and catch up on things with Deborah, Coco and you. Ready to get started?

Over coffee I’d tell you we had the nastiest storm last week. We’ve lived here over 23 years and this was easily the worst we’ve ever experienced. Purported by the weather service to be a “severe thunderstorm” I guess I wasn’t expecting the damaging winds and crazy hail. Our power was out for 6 hours, but we miraculously have no damage on our property, other than some wayward tree branches and a broken window. Sadly the rest of the neighborhood did not fare as well. The trails where I run were completely impassable and even a week later with numerous cleanup crews working on them, there’s so much cleanup left to do. The once-majestic willow trees look like they’ve exploded.
Over coffee I’d ask you about your running and fitness goals. I recently started a new heavy strength cycle and I won’t lie, it was humbling to say the least. I’ve got work to do but I’ll get there.
Over coffee I’d tell you that college drop-off went as well as it could have. The goodbyes were tough and she was ambivalent for the first couple of days. By her first weekend on campus though, she started to love it. She’s made friends, joined clubs and so far, is really making the most of what college life has to offer. You can imagine how happy this makes Mama Bear. On occasion…ok daily…I find myself standing in her empty room here, out of habit I guess, except there’s no laundry to collect or trash to remove.
What would you tell me over coffee? Are you all in for fall? Or hanging onto summer?
I’m feeling the slowdown that I never thought would happen. My body is telling me that I’m done with long distance races and I’m going to pull out of my planned half in Indy this fall. I’m strangely at peace with it. I will continue to run–mostly trails because they feel good for me. I’ll also continue CF and strength training.
Glad the drop-off and adjustment have gone well. I still miss my boys…
I really feel that quote – good to hear drop off went well and she’s settling in.
I’m excited for the fall – it’s my favorite time of year! And, while it feels odd to not be gearing up for a race, I’m looking forward to upping my strength game and getting back on my neglected Peloton bike.
I thought about you- so many people I know were doing the college drop off. I love that quote, although it also brought tears to my eyes. Why is this so hard?????
My ongoing fitness goal is to be running (sigh) and also figure out how to fit strength in. I think I’ve come up with a reasonable plan- we’ll see how it holds up when I’m doing long runs again.
Glad you didn’t have much damage from the storm- although a broken window and power outage seem fairly significant!
I’m glad you were all okay! Sorry to hear about your neighborhood though. :[
I really like the bird launcher quote, hehe. Super glad your daughter’s enjoying herself at college now!
September is a great time to start or change up our fitness routines. Loving my strength workouts right now as well. I love that quote!
That’s great news your daughter made the college transition so smoothly. Sounds like you’re doing alright with it too, it’s a tough “new@ phase for everyone. Sorry to hear about all the damage from the storm.
I’m glad to hear that college drop off went well and that your daughter is embracing college life. It’s got to be tougher coming from so far away where you don’t have a few high school friends to hang out with while making new friends.
While I absolutely love the cooler crisp air, I get a little chilly on my early morning bike rides.
Less laundry, less cleaning and cooking… welcome to empty nesting.
Sorry about that storm…. glad it missed us.
It’s great that you are challenging yourself with a new heavy strength routine!
Isn’t it funny how everything new that we try feels so hard??
We started doing Bodypump here in Zurich (less expensive than Crossfit). I thought I would be fine after all the Crossfit in Cape Town. But NO! I was so sore after the first Bodypump class! Not fair!
I am so beyond in for fall. I’ve already started decorating for Halloween! We miss so much due to band-tober, so I want to enjoy the season for a few more weeks.
Glad college move in went well.
I’m glad your daughter is settling in. It’s a transition for everyone!
Yikes on the storm damage. I hope your trails are restored soon.
Umm, I feel like I am living under a rock, but what storm? Yikes on the damage!
Glad you didn’thave any damage and that she’s settling in well.
Fitness goals. Um, unbreak?