Well friends, believe it or not, JUNE is winding down, which means we’re heading into the latter half of the year. Blink and you’ll miss it, am I right? Before we welcome July, it’s time to open up the runfessional. It’s the best way to start a new month, trust. me.
Runfessions: I’m in my “Still Era
About that “still” era. I runfess that STILL is a word I hear more and more frequently lately and it makes me feel old. “Do you STILL run? Do you STILL do triathlons? Do you STILL talk to so and so? Do your kids STILL talk to you? Do you STILL write that blog? A couple of weeks ago I heard my boss referring to me and telling someone incredulously “she STILL runs!”
I’ve told you before that I’m this close to cancelling the Peloton app. I runfess I rarely use it anymore and when I do, it seems like it offers me way more walks than runs lately. I never use it on our walks so I’m not sure what is up with that.
I will also runfess that I’ve been doing some of the German Peloton runs and workouts. I figure why not multi-task and learn another language as I get my fitness fix? Apparently English words like “easy peasy”, “warm it up”, “jog it out” “cool it down” and “high knees” are universal.
While I haven’t used my trusty treadmill since who knows when, there’s someone in this household who’s been running on it pretty regularly. Shhhhhh….I don’t want to jinx it! Thing 2, bless her college-bound heart, has built up to running on it for an hour at a time. I fought hard to restrain myself from being overly eager with running where my kids are concerned, however I runfess this brings me endless joy!
Ok your turn: What have you to runfess? What “Era” are you in?
I’m linking up with Darlene, Michelle, Renee, Jenn and Zenaida, for Fit Five Friday. Join us!
That’s exciting the treadmill is getting used by she who must not be named 😉 My oldest sheepishly “bikefessed” to getting a bike recently. The things that make us moms proud, LOL! While I STILL get my money’s worth out of my Peloton strength workouts, I am really frustrated with the price structure. The runs/walks/rides are limited to THREE per month unless you have the higher-end subscription. All of the “exclusive” stuff (musical artists’ series, etc are also off limits.
Sometimes I think I will need to rename my blog to “I’m STILL running” instead of “Keep on running”.
Some of my acquaintances are convinced that I’ll be crippled in a wheelchair in a few years.
That’s why I’m so grateful for all these blogger ladies here and for people like Jeannie Rice.
Ha, I’m always surprised how many English expressions are creeping into the German language. My neighbour in Zurich has started using the word “nice” in his German sentences. It’s hilarious!
haha at least they used the word “Still” referring to your running! With me it’s more like “Oh, you RUN?”
Europeans do love to use American words and phrases i’ve noticed. Especially younger people. I runfess I have never used peloton and likely never will. Happy for those who enjoy it.
We also tried to be careful with our enthusiasm of running with the kids. T tried it for a while and even participated in 2 races with me. P likes running for about 20 seconds and that’s it 😀 it’s great that Thing 2 has taken up use of the treadmill! Fingers crossed it sticks and she gets some joy out of it!
My stepson ran track in high school. I was hoping he’d continue running. Nope.
I’m in the still working era. Still racing. Still running half marathons. Still blogging.
I’ve quit peloton and quit tennis.
I’m glad you’re still running and blogging.
Darlene’s comment about “still working” resonated with me this week!
If I’m running outside, I pick a peloton running class by playlist, so it doesn’t really matter if it’s cued as a walk or a run. I’m so happy to be able to follow some of the running cues now I’m having to hold back on the HIIT classes.
Yay on Thing 2’s interest in running. It will be so good to take a healthy habit into college.
That’s great that your daughter has started running! My oldest too his running with him to college and it proved to be a good stress reliever.
Like Coco, I’ve always picked Pelo classes for the playlist for a run. But now that I’m doing more walking than running I’ve been enjoying the walk classes.
Yeah, people ask me all the time, “Are you still running?” They’re probably thinking, surely her knees have exploded by now! HA.
I wish my kids would get into running! Right now it doesn’t seem likely, although my son is into weightlifting these days. Actually my daughter has been going to the gym with friends, but I’m not sure how much of a “workout” she’s getting.
Interesting you say that about Peloton. I am using it more than I ever have. The hikes (walks) are my new obsession and they keep creating new programs for strength that are really motivating and challenging. I also know I won’t stretch for a full 15 min but I will do a class for 15.
On the “still” yes I get that al the time. A lot of do you still run marathons? Well, I never ran a full marathon but yes, I do still run 🙂
Thanks for the link up!
I get “are you still running?” all the time, too. SMH
Love that Thing 2 is using the ‘mill – for an hour! Wow. Hopefully she’ll find it a useful stress relief when she goes to college and “become” a runner!
Go Thing 2! That’s amazing!
As far as your Peloton app, it’s ok to let things go that aren’t serving you. You can always come back to it, if the urge strikes, and there’s no reason to have it if it’s not giving you what you need.
I think I’m in the season of CHAOS. Which is ok, but I am a little tired.
I was getting that ‘are you still…” all the time but it seems to have stopped. Maybe people have given up on me lol!
I never did jump on the Peloton bandwagon. It wasn’t because of the workouts–it’s just that I don’t like working out to music I don’t like. Lol