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Although it’s not “officially” summer, Memorial Day is in the rearview mirror and I am going forward as if summer is indeed already here. Summer is so fleeting in this part of the world, I’ll take all the summer days I can get, official or otherwise. I’m sitting down for a little catch-up session over coffee with Deborah, Coco and you. Ready to get started?
June Coffee Date
Over coffee I’d ask you if you’re looking forward to any summer travels. It’s coming up on the one-year anniversary of our Africa trip and I’d tell you we have nothing planned for this year that begins to approach that.
Check out a highlight reel from our Africa trip here.
We’d originally planned a summer hiking trip through Switzerland followed by a Rhine River cruise beginning in Basel and ending in Amsterdam, but with my mom’s ongoing health issues, it’s been postponed. We do have plans to visit Thing 1 and see her new apartment in Atlanta and of course we’ll make some trips to Blacksburg for college drop-off and then Homecoming.
Over coffee I’d tell you I’m still struggling to get back to my healthy eating routine after all the grad party festivities. My body is actually craving salads these days after all the sweets I ingested but I’d be lying if I said I was not still craving sugar as well.
Over coffee I’d ask you if you’ve read any good books lately, running related or otherwise. I was sent Pain + Performance by Ryan Whited and Matt Fitzgerald. The premise of the book is that “training is treatment”. It presents a 3-step process designed to start you on the path toward better performance and less downtime due to injury. I haven’t finished reading this yet but it does present some interesting food for thought.
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Over coffee I’d whine about how difficult it has been to get Thing 2’s immunization records sent to her college. The first time I called, which was weeks ago, they told me she “needed to be seen” and that the first available appointment was August 30. Yeah, not gonna work. The second time I called they told me her immunizations were all up to date and we just needed to request her records. Okay much better…so I requested them…and now weeks have passed and still no records. Ugh.
What would you tell me over coffee? Are you embracing summer or dreading the heat and humidity?
I’m linking up with Darlene, Michelle, Renee, Jenn and Zenaida, for Fit Five Friday. Join us!
It would be hard to top your Africa trip from last summer, but hiking through Switzerland and a Rhine Rive cruise sound pretty good. I totally get it, it’s hard to plan trips, especially abroad, with an aging parent.
I hate humidity so yes, I’m dreading it (actually, we had several humid days this past week).
Ugh, those trips sound amazing- it must have been hard to postpone them. But what can you do. No big trips here this summer, other than the annual trek to Waco. Not that my son needs help anymore, but it’s our tradition to drive there in August (and then I’ll fly back.) So, it’s super hot and humid here, and my only planned trip is to a place even HOTTER. Sigh… summer.
That book sounds intriguing! I want to read it.
summer is sooooooo fleeting here. people are still wearing jackets. I refuse. I am longing for retirement in Spain but I still have more than a decade ahead of me as far as work goes. No huge vacations on the horizon either – home reno is happening this year and I need to be home and in my Bob the Builder outfit for certain projects. If you do ever end up on the Rhine Cruise let me know! I live on the Rhine! (well not on it haha, near it 🙂 )
Oh yes, I am totally embracing any & all semblance of sumner as well! The season is far too short. Your Africa trip was pretty epic; that would be tough to top!
I feel you on the hesitancy to make big travel plans right now – I need to stay close for my mom at the moment too. Hoping to maybe finagle a trip this fall. I hope your mom is on the mend!
I’m intrigued by the premise of Pain + Performance – may have to take a read. Thanks for sharing.
I haven’t heard of that book but will definitely add it to my to-read list! I was always super bummed that I couldn’t keep doing a lot of the stuff I loved when I was injured so alternatives that might help/work are always appreciated!
It is challenging to get back a routine after traveling and events. I feel that. We do the bet we can. I am trying to learn to be a little more forgiving with myself. Thanks for joining for coffee
I agree… it would be hard to top an African safari.
I don’t mind the heat but I could do without the humidity.
I seem to crave ice cream everyday,
It’s hard to be away when you’re parents need you. My parents moved house last weekend and I wasn’t there to help them. My sister and niece and nephew did all the work!
The Rhine will still be around next year. You deserve a good vacation for sure!
I am not a big fan of Summer because of the heat but I hate the humidity even more. It is frustrating when you request something and it is not done. One day I would like to go to Africa.
I hope you will get your Switzerland vacation soon. We are finally renewing passports this week and i just want out so badly.
Getting records is always hard. We are going to have to get A back into the doctor for an annual so we can make sure to keep on top of that.