MAYhem continues here, all the way to the chaotic, celebratory end of the month. At this point just two school days lie between Thing 2 and high school graduation. AP exams are over so basically her school days are filled with movie watching, yearbook signing and it’s anyone’s guess what else. I figured I’d post now before we head into the big graduation weekend. There’s no telling when I might come up for air again. Workouts are very much a “side dish” but they’re happening, for the most part. Here’s how the week shook out:
Sunday: Walk 4 miles, 20 min. Bike Hills and Sprint Intervals, Strength
Monday: Walk 4 miles, work trip
Tuesday: Walk 4 miles, work trip
Wednesday: Walk 4 miles, Strength + Core
Thursday: Walk 4 miles, Trail Run 4 miles
Friday: Walk 4 miles, 20 min (8 miles) Bike Hills/Sprint Intervals, Upper Body Strength + Core
Saturday: Walk 4 miles, Trail Run 5 miles
It was an odd week because the Caveman was home while I was traveling and vice versa. So we really did not see each other at all this week. I did enjoy some precious girl time with my soon-to-be high school graduate. I am cherishing every moment because I know the days are numbered.
I’m finding myself very protective of “our” single gosling. Did you know Great Blue Herons prey on goslings? Yeah I didn’t either, until I heard a loud ruckus going on along the water in our backyard. A pair of adult geese were in the process of fending off a blue heron attacking their little one. So scary. I knew herons ate fish, but they also prey on amphibians and small birds. Yikes. I also learned that goslings cannot fly until they’re 2-3 months old. This little guy sure can swim though!
I hope you are enjoying these long, warm days and that Mother Nature is treating you well. I really can’t complain. It’s been gorgeous here for the most part, and I am taking full advantage of it. Graduation weekend is shaping up to be pretty nice as well. Let’s hope the forecast holds!
How was your week? Any milestone events coming up?
I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down. Join us!
Congrats to J! It’s hard to believe she’s going to graduate!
I didn’t know that about Blue Herons! A few weeks ago there was a Sandhill Crane couple who were nurturing a gosling who had been abandoned by its flock. Something got it tho…
congrats to your daughter! Empty nester here you come! It’s been extremely humid here and we’ve had more rain than usual which has made things more challenging outdoors. Doing our best is all we can do! It is very rare that my husband is home without me
Glad you are finding moments to treasure amid the mayhem — it’s hard to soak things and treasure those memories in when you are too stressed.
LOL on the tag-team trips with the Caveman. We try not to be gone at the same time because of Scooby — unless we’re traveling together, of course!
Congratulations to Thing 2!!!!!!! I’m vicariously excited for you guys, and aching at the thought that soon she’ll be off to college- it’s a tough transition for the parents. But what an exciting time in her life.
i hope you enjoy the big graduation weekend!!!!!!!
“When I come up for air again” is a very good way of putting it!
I hope that you have wonderful weather for the graduation party and that everyone can enjoy the deck.
We are friends with some young students here in Cape Town. I casually told them they could celebrate their graduation at our place (they’re from other parts of South Africa), not thinking that they would actually take me up on it. This has now evolved into an event with over 20 young people at our place. What have I done??!!!
You’ve got the perfect mindset…cherishing all those moments with your daughter. As you know, they go much too fast! I was admiring my son and oldest daughter yesterday; in awe (and wonder) that they were grown-ups, doing all the adulting things on their own. Crazy how it happened so quickly! Good luck with this next week 😉
I love all this. I’m in the middle of MAYhem here too and sometimes I’m just going through the motions. What a great reminder to cherish every minute of it. Everyone is growing up too fast!
Congratulations to your daughter!
We have a great blue heron who lives in our creek. I had no idea they prey on small birds. I watch him regularly hunting for fish and occasionally see him come up with one. We don’t have geese in our creek, but we do have ducks. Those baby ducks better watch out!
I had no idea that about herons either! yikes. Congrats to your daughter! I am glad to be able to spend a bit of time with my college kids who are home, but my son is leaving soon for a summer job out of state. I will miss him terribly! Enjoy your family time!
Congrats to your daughter.
It’s my hubby’s birthday tomorrow.
May seems to be filled with celebrations and travel for me.
Congrats to your daughter! What an exciting time. Busy lady!
Oh gosh, that makes me sad about the gosling, I hope it makes it! I would be protective as well!
Huge congrats to your daughter…and to you! I hope the weather holds for a great graduation day!