So this week was a sprint toward graduation day…and my mom’s surgery. Workouts were put waaaay on the back burner. I’m not even going to laundry list them here. You’ll have to trust me that they got done…mostly.
Thing 1 flew in from Atlanta on Thursday night. O’Hare was pretty much a madhouse with holiday travelers. Thursday was also my last day of work before a glorious, 4-day holiday.
An added kink came earlier in the week when my mom failed her stress test and the hospital said surgery was a no-go. We scrambled to have her seen by a Cardiologist, who deemed her healthy enough to withstand surgery. Seriously. So surgery was on again.
As I mentioned before, graduation and my mom’s surgery day were one and the same so tensions were high. Surgery was scheduled to begin around noon, however when we got to the arena for graduation at about 4pm, my mom was still waiting for the doctor to arrive. The arena had no cell reception, so we were completely in the dark as to my mom’s status throughout the graduation ceremony. Ugh.
I sat through the graduation ceremony, trying my best to enjoy it, but on pins and needles as well. Check out a picture recap of the special day here. It wasn’t until we got out to the car that we finally got an update on my mom. My mom was heading to recovery and everything had gone perfectly. She was released late yesterday and is resting at home. Can we all breathe a collective sigh of relief right here?
Proud doesn’t even begin to express how I feel about our youngest daughter and the amazing things she’s accomplished during her high school years. I know she will be phenomenal going forward and I am beyond excited for her as she heads toward college. Many have asked how I feel about the impending empty nest. At this point I’d say I’m neutral. I’m not looking forward to it, but I’m not dreading it either. I’m grateful for the opportunity to experience a new milestone along life’s path.
Runfession Friday Linkup
Yes it’s that time again. Time to open the Runfessional before we welcome JUNE! Join me right here this Friday.
How was your week? Ever have two major events happen concurrently?
I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down. Join us!
Congrats to J and to you! You made it! I’m glad your mom did well too.
Oh, that’s SUCH good news on your mom’s surgery! I cannot imagine the level of stress you had on your plate these past few days. Huge congrats to the daughter! Such beautiful pics 😉
That’s such good news about your mom’s surgery! And congrats to your daughter too!
Congratulations to Thing 2 and what a relief on your Mom. Sorry the worry marred your ability to enjoy graduation but glad everything went ok.
I was surprised to learn that a record number of people were screened by TSA on Friday. I always think of Memorial Day as a driving to the beach type holiday not a flying one.
So glad that your mom is on the mend! That is stressful. Congrats to your daughter and all of you.
Congratulations! How amazing! She is going to do such great things!
And I’m glad surgery went through and went well. That is such a relief.
I feel like we are always juggling big things, but this seemed bigger than most.
I hear you on the empty nest. It’s neither good nor bad… just the next adventure.
That’s great to hear that your Mom’s surgery went well. What a relief indeed. I hope she is recovering well. Congrats on your daughter’s graduation! Big things ahead for all of you!
Gosh, what a week! So glad that everything went well. Thanks for the link to the pics on Instagram, they’re lovely!
I like that you aren’t negative about an “empty nest”. It’s a stage of life with exciting opportunities and a new kind of freedom. I’m sure you are going to enjoy it!
Congratulations to Thing 2!!! What bad luck that your mom’s surgery was scheduled for the same day as graduation- glad everything is okay.
I’m glad to hear your thoughts on the empty nest- I’m gearing myself up for it (in three years- but those years go so fast) and I’m glad to hear it’s not all sadness.
I hope you have some time to relax this week!
What a relief that your mom’s surgery went well and she’s home recovering. Congratulations to your daughter!
You’re right, empty nesting is just another stage of life, and once my sons were both settled away at college, it was a stage that enjoyed very much!
Good news all round, what a worry to have to sit through the graduation not knowing about your mum. I can’t think of two big things like that that have happened on the same day apart from when I was running my ultra quite near to where a conference I like to go to was taking place, but sensibly just did the one!
Congrats to your daughter. And glad to hear your mom is doing well. Phew.
Now you can relax.
I’m enjoying empty nesting. No meals laundry etc.
Huge congrats to J! And so good to hear that all went smoothly with your mom’s surgery. Wowza what an emotional roller coaster you’ve been on! I hope you’ve been able to relax a bit this week.