Don’t look now but May is on the horizon complete with a healthy dose of MAYhem. I runfess I’m winding up a stress-filled, 6-day work week that’s left me pooped out. Before we bid farewell to April let’s make a visit to the Runfessional. A good ‘fessup is always a good idea.
Is It Better to Be Pooped Out or Pooped On?
I runfess I’m pretty sure I got pooped on by a bird during one of my recent trail runs. I didn’t notice it until I got home. There was an odd…let’s call it a splotch…on my vest. I’ll spare you a pic. It was gross. I’m calling myself lucky that in all the years I’ve been running, this was my “run-in” with bird excrement.
I runfess that ever since I significantly limited my spending on non-essentials back in January (NOSPENDuary), I’ve been consistently spending less. I hope I didn’t jinx myself but I like it!
At the end of last year when Peloton changed its pricing on the app, I did not upgrade and opted for the cheapest option. While I still get all the workouts I could ever want, I miss the badges for reaching a specified number of workouts every month as well as the mileage tracker. I runfess this may be a deal breaker for me. I enjoyed those badges more than I realized and since there’s no mileage tracker now , I may or may not use Peloton when I run.
I runfess I’m still working on culling my race medal herd. I came across this medal holder I received at the Flying Pig 3-Way Challenge back in 2013. I believe it was the first time I ran a multi-race weekend. We started with the 10k, and the 5k went off just a short time later. The half and full marathons took place the following day. The 10k and 5k races were so close together that if you couldn’t complete the 10k in less than an hour you’d miss the start of the 5k. That’s a pretty stringent cut-off by today’s standards and yet back then nobody whined about it. But I digress. Since 11 years have passed and the medal holder hasn’t made to the wall, I runfess I should probably toss it.
Ok your turn: What have you to runfess? Ever been pooped on by a bird?
At an outdoor graduation party, bird doo landed on my PLATE as I was eating. EWW! That was a terrible waste of graduation cake (a corner piece, nonetheless)! I am doing the cheap Peloton gig as well, and I’m really disappointed how limiting it is in terms of running, walking and biking. At least the strength programs are mostly unchanged (except for “exclusive” series).
Ha, so far, I’ve never been pooped on by a bird! But may still happen…
Well done for a continued NOSPENDuary! Looks like it’s becoming a NOSPENDyear. It’s a win all round: less clutter, less expenditure, less time wasted on shopping, less environmental damage. I love it!
Hopefully, MAYhem will not be too bad!
Yes, I was pooped on by a bird while volunteering at a race, handing out water. 🙁
I have cut back on spending recently and it feels great! Of course, with inflation I’m more than making up for spending that saved money on groceries. Ugh!
Nope. Never pooped on.
I cut back but on buying stuff but instead eating out a lot. And that costs
No I have not been pooped on but it’s supposed to be good luck right?! Impressed that you have not bought anything new this year!
I’ve dodged a bird encounter so far – though now I feel like I’ve jinxed myself LOL
Nice job on the no spending – with the final stages of the house remodel in full effect I feel like I’m constantly buying all the things!
Oh, gosh, and here I am posting about new features on the Peloton app that let me log miles from tread classes — I do have the top tier and consider it an essential spend!
I’m sure I’ve had bird poop land on me but not in a memorable way — like you discovered after the fact.
Ha, yes I was once pooped on by a bird while standing on the street in NYC, talking to an ex-boyfriend. It landed on my shoulder and he was all concerned, getting a kleenex to wipe it off. Grr. I think Kim’s story wins though.
I quit Peloton and was just doing free workouts on Youtube (or my own thing) but recently I’ve started paying $15 a month for Sally McRae’s app. It’s worth it- I was getting in a rut and need someone to tell me what to do.
So, being pooped on is apparently very good luck. I have been pooped on and I have not appreciated it in the least. Boo.
I still love all my medals so much. I have a few virtual medals I have pulled down from my medal holder, but other than that, my holders hang in a corner of our room and don’t really get in the way.
April and May are our busiest times. With end of the year, birthdays, mother’s day and all that.. it’s a lot and I’m not looking forward to it.
Oh yes, I’ve definitely been pooped on!
I would through that medal holder out. But my marathon medals live in a drawer so maybe I’m not the best person to ask – LOL