It’s a new month, it’s SPRING and it’s time for our April Coffee date! I’m sitting down with Deborah, Coco and you for a little catch-up sesh over a nice beverage. I’ll drinking Starbucks Tribute blend with collagen and a splash of half & half. What’ll you have?
April Coffee Date

Over coffee I’d tell you our recent spring break was so glorious. I love my job but man oh man I needed a break! I wanted to go somewhere warm and sunny where I could relax and enjoy some quality family time and Palm Beach did not disappoint. Thing 1 flew down from Atlanta and it was so nice to be all together.
Over coffee I’d tell you we’ve got a bit of a quick turn-around because we’re heading to Blacksburg, VA this weekend for an admitted student event at Virginia Tech. As I type, the weather is not looking great (cold) but what can you do? I’m super excited for all that is to come for Thing 2. Graduation is less than 2 months away, prom is later this month, and once she takes her AP exams in early May, she’s essentially done with high school. It all flies so fast. Sigh.

Over coffee I’d ask you if you’ve seen this year’s Boston Marathon medal. Apparently it’s made from recycled materials and people are screaming about how cheap it looks. Personally I was so honored to qualify and get to run Boston, I couldn’t have cared less what the medal looked like. Also notice that John Hancock is no longer the race sponsor.
Over coffee I’d ask you if you get DMs like these on Insta. I’ve noticed for quite some time that the formatting is all the same, just the company names and pics are changed. Is this a spambot? Anyone respond to DMs like these? Enquiring minds wanna know!
What would you tell me over coffee? Anything fun planned this month?
I’m also linking up with Darlene, Michelle, Renee, Jenn and Zenaida, for Fit Five Friday. Join us!
Congrats to J! I’m sure it feels great to have the big decision made. Yes, it sure does fly fast!
I just got one of those DMs yesterday. I ignored it but do you think these are AI generated? I’m so tired of the scammers out there.
Ok, the Boston medal does look a bit cheap but I wouldn’t care either.
I don’t need a race medal (more stuff!) so I prefer it when they make a medal an option for which you can pay an extra fee. The same goes for race shirts.
Yay on spring break!
We are having some cold weather in Virginia, but the forecast changes every day, so hopefully you’ll have at least one nice day in Blacksburg.
I hadn’t heard about the change in sponsors for Boston. That seems like a story needing to be told!
I had no idea that Bank of America was the sponsor for the marathon. I wonder what happened to the other one? I don’t care too much for the medals either, so that wouldn’t bother me. Looks like a wonderful time in FL. I like my job too and needed a break. I didn’t go anywhere, but did enjoy staying home.
Glad you all got to get away together. Those family trips become a lot. More special as the kids turn into adults and time is so precious together. Hope you will swing through DC on one of your trips to Va Tech
WELL, if Thing 2 had decided on FSU you would have beautiful weather this weekend (ha ha… just sayin…) But seriously, what an exciting time for you guys. Yes, it really does go fast.
Honestly, I can’t even imagine getting to run the Boston marathon and complaining about the medal. But I guess medals are so fancy these days, people are spoiled. I think it’s cool it’s made from recycled materials!
I delete and block DM’s line that (not that it really works). Your spring break trip sounds glorious! I agree, time flies much too fast; my oldest is turning 30 this summer. How did THAT happen??????
Ah, time goes by so quickly!!
I get those messages a lot and assume it’s spam + block/report/delete (not that it helps, but I like to think it does, haha).
I’m with you. Medals don’t excite me. The accomplishment is the reward.
I delete and block many IGs… ugh.
This has been a crazy spring – snow, rain and today there was an earthquake.
I’ve seen a lot of folks complaining about the Boston medal – many think the BOA logo is too big. I’m thinking if I earned a Boston medal I wouldn’t care.
The IG DMs have gotten out of control – I’m constantly blocking but it doesn’t seem to do much good.
So glad you had a nice family get-away! Enjoy re-visit day – I feel like the rest of senior year is going to go by in a blink.
Va Tech is so exciting! This time is just RACING by. It’s funny… these are my favorite years and they are flying.
I love that the medals are made from recycled materials. I hadn’t seen the uproar yet, but i’m with you. I kind of couldn’t care less… just to get the unicorn is such an honor. Then again, you are paying top dollar for the event… it would be nice to have great quality swag.