While February here was officially the mildest one on record weather wise, I for one am quite pleased to have it behind us. 2024 has been tough up in here so far and I am hopeful that March will be better. All that said, it’s time to sit down with Deborah, Coco and you for a little catch-up session over a nice beverage. I’m going with Starbucks Veranda blend with collagen and a splash of Nutpods creamer.
Tokyo and the Big College Decision
Over coffee I’d reminisce that it’s been 5 very fast years since I ran the Tokyo Marathon. While it was not my slowest, it was definitely the most difficult of all of my marathons. Standing in the starting corral (their rules) for 90 minutes in 40 degrees with pouring rain, clad in a tall kitchen trash bag had me soaked to the bone before the race even started and I never warmed up. It’s the only marathon I’ve ever shivered through.
Back when I ran Tokyo, it was virtually impossible to score any merch at the expo and none was offered online internationally. We filed through a tiny Asics store at the expo and most everything was already wiped out. I think I came away with a pair of gloves, nothing more. Over coffee I’d tell you all that has changed. I received an email from the World Marathon Majors inviting me to the Tokyo online store. If that had been an option five years ago I’d have spent hundreds. Oh well. Good luck to everyone running in Tokyo this weekend!
I’ve mentioned it here before how I’ve been waiting (literally for years) for my Runners World magazine subscription to expire. Over coffee I’d tell you what appears to be the final issue just arrived. Let’s be done with it already. Do you still receive any magazines in the mail?
Over coffee I’d tell you we spent a sparkling (and very late) evening in the city last night at Symphony Center. Thing 2 and her Honor Band were invited to a dinner and performance with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. It was beyond amazing and a proud mom moment for sure.
Last, over coffee I’d tell you that the college selection process here is finally complete. Thing 2 will be headed to the Honors College at Virginia Tech this fall. We are so proud of her! Go Hokies!
What would you tell me over coffee?
I’m also linking up with Darlene, Michelle, Renee, Jenn and Zenaida, for Fit Five Friday. Join us!
Congrats to your daughter! A proud moment for her and the family. I remember reading about your experience running the Tokyo Marathon. I would have been miserable too waiting in the rain for that long.
Wow, that’s a lot of exciting news to turn the page to March!
Seeing your daughter perform in that setting must have been amazing!
I wish Va. Tech. were closer to No. Va. — maybe Deborah and I can make a roadtrip anway, or you can come up here after drop-off. 😉
Oh huge congrats on VA Tech! Maybe we can convince you to do a swing through DC on one of your trips. Would love to see you! I do still get my Runners world magazine -not sure I’ve paid for it in a while. Admittedly, I don’t like it anymore and it used to be my favorite.
WOOHOO! Congrats to Thing 2! Although you know I’m a little disappointed she didn’t choose FSU ; ) I’m sure you’re very proud of her and happy to have the decision made. Exciting times ahead!
That must have been a very cool experience with the CSO! Is she going to going to continue to play in college?
Honestly, your experience running Tokyo sounds miserable. But maybe I just have PTSD from my recent cold, rainy race. I hope the runners this weekend have a better experience!
If you feel like you need a dumpster fire mug like mine, I can tell you where to get it! Hope March is a better month for both of us.
Congrats to your daughter! Go Hokies!!! You’ll have to let me know if you decide to go to any football games and perhaps I can meet you there. We had season tickets for years, but gave them up a few years ago. We really need to go back for a game.
I remember reading your Tokyo Marathon recap, but had forgotten about the starting line rules and how cold you’d gotten. Seems like there were lots of cutoff times along the course and rules against littering (accidentally dropping your gel packet, etc.) which had serious consequences.
I JUST stopped getting Runners World! MY kids school does a magazine drive and it was one I ordered regularly, but realize that I never really read it. So I stopped.
Congrats to your daughter – what an amazing performance!
Oh my. I don’t think I would have made it in the coral for the Tokyo Marathon! That sounds like torture! That is funny about the Runner’s World subscription. I did have a magazine that did the same thing. They just kept sending it, even when I moved even though I had not paid for a renewal?!
I bet you are a proud mom and I bet that was a fun evening! My husband went to VT for his masters and PhD, he loved it there!
Now that you mention, I haven’t got a RW magazine lately. Do not miss those shoe reviews. LOL
I remember your Tokyo experience. And what an experience.
Congrats to your daughter. I see warmer weather trips in the winter for you.
Congratulations to Thing 2! How exciting for her! And what a huge honor for her honor band! I love when our children get these incredible opportunities!
Tokyo sounds like it’s the hardest of the world majors with those time cut offs! I’m sure standing in the rain for 90 minutes didn’t help. I’m over here pitching a fit over the chance of rain for a local 15K. I would have been feral with frustration in Japan!
I very rarely end up buying merch at expos. Even yesterday, I saw a race branded Brooks tank top that I loved, but it was $45 and not the usual style I wear. I ended up not getting it because that’s a lot for a shirt I might not wear again .
A huge congrats to your daughter on VT!! And what a wonderful evening for her and her honor band!
I remember when you ran Tokyo – crazy to think it’s already been 5 years.
And now that you mentioned it, I just realized the issues of Women’s Running have finally stopped coming – thank goodness!
I well remember your cold & wet Tokyo 26.2… what a tough ordeal! But quite an accomplishment; so proud of you! Huge congrats to Thing-2 for all her musical talent and success, and for making that big decision on V-Tech! Proud mom moments aplenty!!!
That’s lovely that everything is settled for Thing 2!
Now you can all relax a bit and hopefully enjoy the summer.
So now you can buy a Tokyo souvenir 5 years later?! Crazy. I wonder what kind of weather they will have this year? Do you have any athletes there?
Congrats to J! What will she major in? Is she going to pursue music?
Crazy how marathoning–especially the chase for the 6 stars–has blown up. I know quite a few people in Tokyo right now. Aren’t you glad you did it before the frenzy?
Aww, congrats to your daughter!! :] You must be so proud!
I got a few free magazine subscriptions back in 2018 but never renewed after it ran out. They’re in a giant stack in a bin right now that I’ve been meaning to go through to figure out what to do with em’, but every weekend I get distracted by something else, haha.