While I’m mostly feeling better from my recent bout with pneumonia I’m not quite 100%. So in an abundance of caution, I’m not taxing the lungs with running just yet. But I’m building back slowly. Let the record show my stationary bike is getting some time and attention. Here’s how the workouts went:
Sunday: Walk 2 miles, 10 min bike, Strength, Stretch, Sauna
Monday: Walk 4 miles, Restorative Yoga, Sauna
Tuesday: Walk 4 miles, very early work day
Wednesday: Walk 3 miles, 15 mins Bike, Strength, Stretch, Sauna
Thursday: Walk 4 miles, 15 mins Bike with 5 mins hills and sprints, Strength, Core, Stretch, Sauna
Friday: Walk 3 miles, very early work day
Saturday: Walk 4 miles, 15 mins bike, Strength, Core, Sauna
Building Back Slowly
While I’m not running just yet, I’ve been slowly building back my strength. Progression on the bench press this week looked like this:
Day 1: 3×25 reps just the 45# bar
Day 2: 3×12 reps 65#
Day 3: 3×12 reps 85#
Progression on squats and dead lifts was similar, although of course the weight was different. I won’t bore you with specifics because it is meaningful only to me. Normally 85# on the bench is my starting point, so the plan is to build back from here.

We’re having some unseasonably mild weather that’s melted almost all the snow and I am here for it. It’s tough to not run the trails (although they’re still flooded in spots) but the last thing I need is another relapse into illness, so I won’t press my luck.
There are robins around, I think they stay all year now, I saw geese in V-formation heading NORTH and the groundhog saw no shadow, portending an early spring. I may be reading too much into these but I’m all for an early spring.
I other news, Thing 2 got a very exciting college acceptance, which brings the total to 4 admission offers. While there are still four decisions hanging out there, she’s really only waiting on one more before she makes her decision. Exciting times ahead for sure. Her prom dress also arrived so things are moving quickly toward the end of the school year here.
How was your week? Any signs of spring?
I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down. Join us!
The bike always seems to be a good thing to have on hand when you can’t run. Glad you are almost better! Prom and college! Exciting times for sure! Hopefully you will be back to your normal workouts very soon!
We had an unseasonably warm week here! Almost hit 70 degrees two days in a row!
I’m glad you are feeling better. We’ve been seeing so much pneumonia this year in our patients. It sounds like you’re going to come back quickly with your strength workouts. 25 reps? Wow!
Congrats to J. I’ll be excited to hear where she decides to go!
Oh, that is such great news for Thing 2–and a relief for the whole household, I’m sure. 😉
I’m glad you’re finally starting to feel better and agree it’s best to ease back. You don’t want your lungs to flare up again.
I’m surprised that squats bother my hamstring more than RDLs—maybe it’s wear the tear is.
No robins, but it has felt like spring ever since the snow stopped mocking us. Congrats to the daughter! What an exciting time 🙂 Nice job on your ease-back; glad to hear you’re feeling better!
Strength, stretch and sauna sound so good to me!
Nice job on the workouts. It just occurred to me that we never do bench presses in CrossFit. It’s a shame, because I’m sure it trains a lot of useful muscles!
When is the end of the school year? I thought it was June, but maybe it’s earlier?
I am so glad that you are feeling better and staring to build back. Slow and steady is the way to go. It’s not always sexy but it gets us there. I am continuing a slow build back up as well.
Glad to hear you are feeling better. It took my hubby a month to get over pneumonia.
We’ve had sun two days in a row after weeks of clouds. Hopefully the snow leaves and stays away (doubtful, though)
That’s exciting about college acceptanes… you will soon be an empty nester.
I’m glad you’re feeling better! Sounds like you’re building your strength back slowly but surely, which is the smart way to do it. You have plenty of beautiful weather ahead of you and you’ll be able to run.
Congrats to Thing 2!!! I can’t wait to hear what she decides to do. Yes- the end of the year will be here before we know it.
Glad you’re feeling better – take it easy and listen to your body! Congrats to Thing 2!! School will end before you know it – it ends here in MAY This year which is so early.
Lou, I am so sorry you were so sick. I was really sick in January and fighting my way back, too. Not sure what it was but first time EVER I called in sick at work (and I work from home!). Glad you’re feeling better.
Exciting about Thing’s 2 college acceptances – woohoo!
Miss you!!
Very exciting about the college acceptances! I hope it all works out the way she wants it. Good idea to keep it easy on the illness recovery. The sauna must be helping you out!
How wonderful that you have the bike option and so glad you are on the mend from pneumonia. Have a wonderful week!
It sounds like you are making a wise decision! You will be back at it at full strength soon enough!
It’s been cold for us, though we will have a warm weekend, and then it will be back to chilly.
Keep feeling better.