It’s been quite a week. Work was challenging, the weather turned horrendous and it all paled in comparison to the tragic and heartbreaking events in Israel. We were enjoying what some called “false summer” until it all came to an abrupt end. For real now, we’re flirting with frost and summer is so over. Here’s how my week in workouts went.
Sunday: Walk 4 miles, Trail Run 4 miles + Core
Monday: Walk 4 miles, rest
Tuesday: Walk 4 miles, Trail Run 5 miles
Wednesday: Walk 4 miles, Full-Body Strength, Sauna
Thursday: Walk 4 miles, Run with dog 2 miles, Strength + Core
Friday: Walk 4 miles, Rest
Saturday: Walk 4 miles, 30 min Bike Intervals, Core
I had some decent trail runs early in the week, before the monsoons set in. The driving rain and high winds blew many of the leaves from the trees before they had a chance to change color.
I’ve been slowly dismantling our deck and outdoor spaces, getting the potted mums and ferns in the ground so hopefully they’ll set roots and reemerge next spring. One can hope. There’s still so much left to do though.
First Band Concert of the School Year
With a high school senior, it’s a year of “lasts” and we had Thing 2’s last fall concert this week. Renovations to the main auditorium are not yet complete, so the concert was relegated to a smaller one, which was not ideal for the audience, but what can you do. We enjoyed performances from 2 of the Symphonic Bands, the Advanced Symphonic Band and finally Thing 1’s Honor Band. With 450 kids in the band program, it’s a lot. The Freshman and Concert Bands performed on a different day.
I’ll leave with you with this pic of my front porch. I love how the lobelia in the foreground jumped out the planter and seeded itself in the cracks in the bricks. Bloom where you’re planted.
How was your week? Is fall in full swing? Are you ready for Halloween?
I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down. Join us!
Fall sure arrived with a bang, didn’t it? Glad I’m out of town this weekend to miss all the rain. It’s cool here in Banff but with the mountains as a backdrop, it’s pretty tolerable. :p It’s hard to believe it’s J’s final year of school–anxious to hear what she has planned ahead! Enjoy it all…
Bloom where you’re planted indeed.
This weather is nuts. I was just saying we’d finally have fall colors with no drought, and then we got drowned.
We had lots of rain this weekend too but I am enjoying the cooler temps. Your porch looks nice-I need to plant some fall flowers but waiting to make sure it is actual fall 🙂
We had a lot of rain this week and cooler weathers. I’m not ready for fall and wish summer could last just a little longer.
Send some of your weather our way!
HOW many bands does your school have? We have a concert band, symphonic band and a wind ensemble, and I thought that was a lot. Does J go to a performing arts high school or something? Anyway… i know those “lasts.” Enjoy every single one!
We are still not at peak, but things are popping. I predict next week — which is also our actual anniversary — but Mr. Judy could be sitting on a trial . . . the weather has been lovely here, though.
The world, OTOH. As my mom would say, Blech. Or my Grandma, Fey. It was definitely a heavy week.
All of a sudden, we have cool temps in the morning. No frost yet. I’m still in a skirt and tank or short sleeves.
And as Wendy said, where’s she going next year?
I’ve bet you’ve got a lot going on with senior year. Enjoy it all! My son just decided he is not going to do band next year (spring session of college) because he wants to take some other classes that interests him. Bummer! I’m glad he has stuck with it this long though.
Awh, your front porch looks so nice! I keep thinking I need to get a few pumpkins to spruce what remains of my front porch decorations…but I have yet to do so. It got really cold here as well…not winter-like cold, but a big plummet from the extended summer conditions I’d be delighting in.
The sauna is back! Yay!
Seeing all your core work reminds me that I should be doing it more often.
Are you going to leave the little courageous lobelia between the crack? It’s a lovely little thing.
We have quite a lot of accidental plants esp in the bits at the front that are sunny, but also developed a lily last summer!
wow, the weather has been all over the place there!
your porch looks so nice!
It looks like a very big orchestra!
Beautiful photo on the trail. Trail is not for me anymore, I tried one week ago but I had some problems, better to not risk injures.
Here the weather is not so bad but rain and low temperatures are coming.
Sometimes it feels like the world is burning, and there’s just nothing we can do. I have no words for what is happening right now.
I wish we did fall concerts, but we are firmly enmeshed in marching season. Three more competitions, and then honor band and winter concert/all-arts showcase. And then indoor winds and wind ensemble. This is the ride of a lifetime.