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Well hello May! Even though you are a crazy busy month, you are one of my favorites. I’m all for fragrant flowers, gentle breezes, longer daylight and the prelude to summer. Can we have some of that please? Before MAYhem commences, it’s time to sit down with Deborah, Coco and you for a little catch up session over something nice. I’m going with the new Starbucks Odyssey blend. If you haven’t tried it, it’s a winner!
Over coffee I’d ask you if you’ve got a million things going on this month. As I’m sure you already know, because I’ve been basically shouting it from the rooftops, it’s graduation weekend and we’re in Atlanta celebrating the auspicious occasion. I’m pretty sure I’m more excited than Thing 1 is.
Over coffee I’d ask you if you read Dimity’s article in Women’s Running Magazine about no longer running. Mostly I really felt for her. I had no idea she was in so much pain so frequently. I do recall her being injured quite a bit, but still I did not realize things had gotten as dire as they had. What I disagreed with was when she questioned how she could lead a running community if she in fact no longer ran. I think once a runner, always a runner at heart. We all know yours truly doesn’t run very much anymore compared to how I used to. It’s not because I can’t though. Mentally I got to a point where I just didn’t want to take the time to train for marathons anymore, and for now, I don’t care to race at all. I’m at peace with it though,, and I still feel “qualified” to do plenty of coaching. It is my choice. Never say never but right now, my heart isn’t in it.
Over coffee I’d tell you I’m very disappointed my favorite doctor who helps me manage my Hashimoto’s thyroid has decided to leave my health insurance network. Now I’m faced with either finding a new doc, or paying out-of-network costs. I swear the struggle is real.
Over coffee I’d tell you I have a new discount to share for the Lumen Metabolism Tracker. I’ve been using mine for over a year now and it continues to amaze me. Since having Covid back in early December, I had a hard time getting back to that optimal fat-burn zone. I suspect job stress earlier this year was no help in this regard. Lately though I’m finally getting back there and I think giving up added sugar is helping a ton. Try one for yourself and save $50 with MARCIA50.
What would you tell me over coffee?
I’m also linking up with Darlene, Michelle, Renee, Jenn and Zenaida, for Fit Five Friday. Join us!
Congrats to M on her graduation!! It’s all so exciting. For me, getting ready for our graduation has been a bit overwhelming. My parents insist on coming and the logistics of herding everyone around Madison has me stressed out. Enjoy this exciting time!
I thought Dimity gave up running a long time ago?
congratulations to you all and to your daughter! Have a fantastic weekend in Atlanta. I did not read Dimity’s article and will have to go look for it. I used to follow them years ago but have not recently. Thanks for the heads up. I agree, once a runner always a runner. It’s very cyclical
I hope you really enjoy graduation weekend! It looks like it will be good weather. 🙂
Ugh on the doctor dilemma. Especially with something like Hashimoto’s it can be important to see someone who really knows your history.
When people (women?) as excellent in their field as Dimity say things like, it drives home how pervasive and detrimental imposter syndrome is. Hopefully she truly realizes she has a lot to offer others!
I’m SO sorry about the loss of your doctor. That is really tough.
Have a wonderful graduation weekend! My how time flies.
I knew Dimity was having problems (although I didn’t read the article). Imposter syndrome is a real thing. 🙁
Yay for graduation weekend – congrats to M! Enjoy the weekend!
Thanks for the heads-up on Dimity’s article. I knew she’d been struggling with injuries for a while. It is sad to me that she’d question her value to lead a running group. I can say with almost certainty that a man in a similar situation wouldn’t question himself. Why are we women so hard on ourselves?
I skimmed the article and really feel for Dimity. But I agree with you- Once a runner, always a runner. Anyone who’s run all the miles is totally qualified to coach and lead a running group.
Congratulations to your daughter! How exciting. I hope you’re having an amazing time in Atlanta and enjoying every second of it.
Huge congrats to the graduate! I know how exciting that is (especially as a proud parent).Bummer about the doctor leaving the network. I agree with your thoughts on being a runner, regardless of anyone’s current circumstances. All those miles through the years have taught many lessons and each mile contributed to the status of “runner.”
Wow, I can’t believe your daughter is graduating college already. It seems like just last years when I was reading about you taking her for college visits! Congrats to her!
If we were having coffee, I’d like to talk to you more about the running thing. I’m right there with you. I enjoy running on my own, but I don’t know I have it in me mentally to train for long distance races right now. I just have other things that I want to accomplish with that time. I do hope I get back to it on some level though. Have a great weekend celebrating!
Congratulations to Thing 1! You must be so proud of her.
Legend has it that Caruso’s teacher couldn’t sing. I don’t expect my coach to crack running records. I don’t even expect him to be a good runner. I do, however, expect him to know all about running and how runners feel. And he does!
I’m sure that you do a fabulous job at coaching – you have all the experience and know exactly what’s needed to get the best out of your runners.
That’s so sad about Dimity. Maybe she just needs to take a break for her own mental wellbeing. It can be so hard to be too close to an activity that can no longer serve you 🙁
Doctors are hard. I can imagine it’s tough to have to sort through those details, especially when you found one you love.
Congratulations! Enjoy the celebrations!
Congrats to your daughter on her graduation! What will she do after graduation?