After some horrendous weather, we finally have a little warmup to look forward to and things are starting to bloom. Even though my trails are a flooded, muddy mess, one way or another, I’m running through April. Here’s how the week in workouts went:
Monday: Walk 4 miles, Hour of Power (20 mill, 20 bike, 20 strength)
Tuesday: Walk 4 miles, otherwise rest
Wednesday: Walk 4 miles, Matt Wilpers HIIT + Hills on mill
Thursday: Walk 4 miles, Strength + Core
Friday: Walk 4 miles, Track Intervals WooHoo!
Saturday: Walk 4 miles, bike Tabata + core
Sunday: Walk 4 miles, heavy strength
Running Through April
The big news this week is I finally ran on the track for the first time this year. I’d planned to make it to the track during spring break, alas the weather did not cooperate. Other than a couple of geese and a bunch of robins, I had the oval office to myself, which is exactly the way I like it.
I kept the workout extremely conservative, and yet my legs still felt kind of trashed later in the day. I suppose always running on soft trails will do that. There is nothing quite like the endorphin rush though after a good spin at the track.
Thanks to the torrential rain and thunderstorms, the grass has greened up dramatically here and things are finally starting to bloom.
The Week Ahead
I’m looking forward to Thing 2’s Wind Ensemble concert this week. With the school year winding down more quickly than I’d like to admit, there are only one or two more band concerts left. I ordered announcements for the big college graduation, which is less than a month away. Work is going to be off the leash in a big way for at least the next two weeks, so I’m buckling in tight for that. Should be crazy in an exciting sort of way.
New On YouTube
Chest, Back & Shoulders Sculpt. It’s no secret that working the upper body is my favorite. Join me over on YouTube where I’m celebrating surpassing the 1000 subscriber mark!
How was your week? Happy Easter and Passover to all who celebrate!
I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down. Join us!
Kudos on making it to the track – I love a good track workout! I haven’t run intervals since training for the OBX Half for my 60th birthday celebration which was five years ago.
All of the HS activities come to an abrupt end. I miss them too! It is fun to hit the track sometimes. Have a good one!
great reminder… I should hit the track at some point..
good luck with all your end of the school year activities..
I think Spring will finally make its arrive here next week too! Looking forward to it.
Good luck navigating the work/life madness of the next few weeks.
Your track workout reminds me that I have not been to my local track (ahem, a 7-minute walk away) since sometime last summer (or maybe it was last spring?). Maybe I need to bring back the weekly 1-mile time trials…food for thought. Sounds like you’re gonna be keeping busy these next few weeks!
Wow on the school year coming to end — it will feel fast and furious I’m sure.
Nice on the track workout. I do my speed work on the tread, but I feel like it’s cheating since I can set the pace.
Yay for the track! Speedwork on the track is fun. Sounds like you had a great week of workouts. We also have a flurry of end-of-year concerts coming up- the last concerts of middle school, sniff…
I must be the worst mom ever because I didn’t think to get senior portraits of my grad AND until now, I didn’t even know that graduation announcements were a thing. Something tells me M won’t even care. He didn’t even want to walk for graduation (oh the horror!) and balked when I told him he had to order the special stole for graduating with distinctions. I’m milking this one.
Nice work in the oval office!
I’m so looking forward to getting back to the track (and I’m going to steal that name “oval office for Strava, ha)
We have a special arrangement with the local stadium: we pay a small fee (1.50 dollars) each time we go there. It has a great infrastructure (showers, toilets) and we always have the track to ourselves.
How lovely to have the track to yourself! Is it a public track or is school just out of session right now?
Glad spring is arriving in your neighborhood!
I hope the Wind Ensemble show is wonderful! We have three more shows: FMA, MPA state performance, and the spring concert. I can’t wait!
Yay for getting back on the track! I wish we had one publicly available.
That’s awesome that you were able to get out to the track last week!
Congrats on hitting 1,000+ subscribers on YouTube 🙂
Woohoo on 1K subscribers *and* oval office time! Win win
Crazy summer weather in April! I’m doing almost all walking nowadays. I miss the track though!