Mother Nature teased us with that 80-degree week but its been back to frost ever since. It looks like spring but feels like winter. Can you believe it’s almost May? Here’s how the week in workouts went:
Sunday: Walk 4 miles, Trail Run 4 miles
Monday: Walk 4 miles, Strength, Core, Sauna
Tuesday: Walk 4 miles: otherwise rest
Wednesday: Walk 4 miles, Trail Run + Strength
Thursday: Walk 4 miles, Trail Run 4 miles
Friday: Walk 4 miles, rest
Saturday: Walk 4 miles, Strength
Looks Like Spring, Feels Like Winter
The geese and ducks are busy and I hope to see ducklings and goslings soon. I shouldn’t complain that much about the cool temps, because honestly 30s and 40s are ideal for running and my trails have been enjoyably mud-free. I really want to get our outdoor space opened up though and enjoy the longer daylight.
I made it through a busy work week. Lululemon is a lot, but it’s super exciting and I love it. I’ve never worked for a company where nobody complains.
Graduation Week
The high school is going through all their senior activities like Senior Sunset, Senior Assassin and the like. The end is in sight! I’m super proud of Thing 2 for being elected next year’s President of the Music Honor Society.
Thing 1 humored me with a last-day-of-class pic.
We are heading off to Atlanta this week for Thing 1’s graduation. I’ll go a bit earlier to assist in her apartment hunt. I can’t even express how proud I am of her, graduating with highest honors.
New On YouTube
Full-Body Power. A strong body is a powerful one. This workout will strengthen your entire body and help you maintain and gain muscle mass. Grab your moderate-to-heavy hand weights and join me.
How was your week? Are you ready for MAYhem? Did you have all kinds of senior festivities in high school? Other than cut day and prank day we did not.
I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down. Join us!
I remember cut day. That’s about it. Wow. Those 4 years went by so fast.
Same weather here. 80 to 40. And now rain rain rain.
I’m excited to leave for some Fla. Sun.
I am so tired of this weather. We were a bit underwhelmed by the spring blooms at the Botanic Gardens. Sigh.
M’s graduation is in 2 weeks! Maybe the weather will be more cooperative by then? Congrats to your M. Safe travels!
Wow on Thing One’s graduation! What a momentous occasion. I know you are so proud!
That top photo is stunning!
Have a great week celebrating.
Wow almost time for another graduation!? All the good stuff goes by way too fast doesn’t it? I am glad to read you are enjoying your new job more. Hope you get actual spring soon!
Wow, you have a lot going on! Congratulations to Thing 1! That’s definitely something to be proud of. And Thing 2 is going to be a senior? That’s exciting! Lots of changes coming up for you guys.
You really got in a lot of good workouts this week. I would take 30s and 40s and no mud! And your photos are beautiful.
Congrats to both of the daughters! Isn’t it surreal to have a college graduation happening? The high school years seemed to fly by, but the college years were a mere blink of an eye. Those photos…breathtaking!
Congrats to J on the Music Society and to M on her graduation! Enjoy your time in Atlanta!!
Stunning photos Marcia! I love them. Congrats to both of your daughters, exciting times!
And congrats on the new gig at Lululemon! I must have missed that in a previous post!
You have two very talented and hard-working daughters! I guess they got that from their mum.
It must be awesome working in such a positive environment. So good to hear that!
My desk neighbour used to complain sooo much…. it was really annoying. I was so glad when he finally looked for and found another job!
I have never heard of those senior events. Do tell! I am helping out with Senior Breakfast and the Senior Picnic at our school, and then sob sob sob, it will be graduation day! I can’t believe my youngest will be graduating high school. Congrats to your daughter on her graduation!
I didn’t know you are working at Lululemon. That sounds like a great gig!
Same situation here. Looks like spring, but it’s freaking cold out there! except for yesterday it was boiling! make up your mind Mother Nature!
Looks like you had a good week. Congrats to your kids – it’s amazing to see them growing and flourishing and basically becoming adults!!
I honestly don’t remember much about my senior year…I think we had a ditch day and we had some other activities like powder puff football (rolls eyes now – so basically the girls played touch football instead of the guys). and we had a few extra events with various clubs – I was in Key Club and we did some fundraising event at the end of the school year with the Kiwanis. I was not a cool kid by any means so if there were other things going on I wasn’t invited haha!!
I’m so sorry about the frost. In Sweden they received tons of snow this week! I’m forever grateful I moved away from there! I hope real spring comes to you asap.
Happy graduation to your daughter! That must be so exciting. I hope it’s easy enough to get an apartment there.
Nice work with your walking and running despite the cold weather! I’m totally ready for May, and we have some lovely sunshine and decent temperatures now!
The weather has not been kind the past 2 weeks. We had nothing but rain and wind here all weekend. This week is supposed to be chilly as well but next week we’re back to 70 degrees so I am looking forward to that.
Such exciting times for both of your daughters – I know you must be one proud mama!
Exciting times for everyone – well done all!
So many graduations!
I remember prom, cut day, and prank day. Also, I wasn’t allowed to cut lol. My mom was not about that.
This year, our seniors had a sunrise at the start of the year and a sunset this week. They did a campout on campus, grad bash, cut day (official and unofficial), grad bash, and they did do something that involved water balloons, but there is no way they called it Assassin Day. They also have Senior Debt Day, to make sure their accounts are clear before graduation. It’s a lot but it’s so cool.
Yes, those warm days were a tease. However, I’m actually glad that it’s not too hot as I ease back into running. I seem to run hotter when I’m first starting out! I guess my internal temperature regulator needs to acclimate to the workouts?