Well spring has finally arrived and our weather has begun to moderate…a bit…maybe…wait no, we got yet another “winter” storm over the weekend…even though winter is officially over. It is Chiberia after all. Nevertheless, I’m running into spring, one way or another. Here’s how the week in workouts shook out.
Monday: Walk 4 miles, Muddy afternoon Trail Run, 4 miles
Tuesday: Walk 4 miles, otherwise rest
Wednesday, Walk 4 miles, Bike Bootcamp + Core
Thursday: Walk 4 miles, Trail Run 4 miles, Upper Body Strength
Friday: Walk 4 miles, otherwise rest
Saturday: Walk 1 mile, treadmill 3 miles + Core + Sauna
Sunday: Walk 4 miles, heavy strength
Running Into Spring
This week was all about playing cat and mouse with Mother Nature. Sometimes I waited for it to warm up but then the wind would kick up. Or I’d get out early while the trail mud was reasonably frozen and firm, but there was still a raw bite in the air.
The poor daffodil sprout (above) that grows along the trail’s edge has been submerged in water, frozen over with ice, covered in 6″ of snow, and yet, every year, it perseveres. I’m looking forward to bloom time, alas we are nowhere near it just yet.
Home Life
Our college daughter is here for a few days before heading back for her final 5 or so weeks of school. I feel like we were just sitting at the Starbucks near campus in Atlanta, crying in our coffee on Freshman move-in day and now here we are, finalizing graduation plans. Thing 2 just started her spring break and her college selection process is beginning. Time flies.
Sugar-Free Life
I’ve completed just about 4 weeks now of eating no added sugars. I’d love to tell you it’s easy now and I never have cravings but that’s not true. The struggle is real. I’m planning to take this sugar-free thing to 60 days but I’m contemplating whether I can maybe do 80% sugar-free or if that’s setting myself up for failure. The truth is I don’t want to NEVER have anything sweet ever again, I just don’t want to be in the habit of eating something sweet mindlessly, every day. The goal is to get to a place where sweets are an occasional treat. We’ll see.
Runfession Friday Linkup
Yes, it’s that time again. Join me right here this Friday so we can usher out March and welcome April with clean souls…and soles.
How was your week? Are you having weather whiplash? Any races? Travel plans?
I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down. Join us!
Great job on the sugar elimination plan. I don’t think I could be totally without sugar–I do love my Hershey’s nuggets–but I don’t eat much in the way of sweets. What is my weakness is wine and I don’t want to give it up. I need to moderate a little more tho, because my midsection seems to be holding onto every glass I drink!
It is darn near impossible to eat 100% sugar free especially if you eat any meals out. All we can do is try to reduce it as much as we can. It is in everything! I crave it most mid day.
time sure does fly by with the kiddos!
I think the sugar thing depends on whether you’re a “moderator” or an “abstainer.” If you can get to a point where you enjoy sugar in moderation, that would be great. I can’t do that. If I just have one cookie I’ll just crave more and more, but if I stay away from it completely I don’t crave it. Now I do eat out in restaurants occasionally so I know I’m getting some sugar then, but I try my best not to order things like “sweet and sour tofu” or “teriyaki stir fry.” However it works for you, getting rid of (most or all) sugar is a great thing for your health.
I grew up near Chicago and we frequently had snow on Easter. So you’re right on track… but spring will come!
After Christmas, I quit what I call “unnecessary” sugar. I use honey for my yoghurt and in coffee, and a few biscuits in the pub where we play music on Saturdays because the owner gives us tea and biscuits afterwards which is ok, but other than that I’ve only had something sweet for a special occasion, like my birthday. I don’t miss it at all! If I’m up to a piece of chocolate I’ll have one, just not regularly.
I’ve always felt it’s so awkward that some countries have this date when it’s officially spring. Personally I’ve always thought it’s down to the weather. In Sweden we speak more of “meteorological spring” which happens when it’s plus degrees consistently day and night for at least a week (and other criteria for the other seasons). However, I hope you won’t get any more snow! Your running trail there looks very inviting.
yes on the weather… it seems that spring may be here and then… NOPE… snow, cold temps.
at least we have more daylight.
What, she’s graduating already??
I probably eat too much sugar… but I try not to eat or have junk food around at home.
Sweet dessert then is a treat or a reward. Not an everyday piece of candy.
Congrats to your daughter! Time flies by so quickly with the kids. It’s hard to believe my youngest graduated from college ten years ago.
Spring is sneaking in here with intermittent beautiful days. I just hope we don’t jump right into hot and humid!
We share your back and forth weather, complete with snow covered bulb shoots, but thankfully no shoveling this week! I will admit the shoveling was tiring me out.
Good luck on the sugar free journey! It is NOT easy (especially when my mom “thanks” me with sweets. Sigh.
I applaud you on getting through the month sugar-free! As I’ve shared before 2 weeks was my max and it was a struggle on the daily!
Enjoy having your daughter home! Amazing to think graduation is so close.
Gosh, Thing One will be a college grad before you know it! She seems to have had a great time.
I mindfully enjoy my sweets.
With my Mom in the hospital I’ve rediscovered the chocolate peppermint Luna Bars which are like a giant Thin Mint. And I enjoyed the oatmeal cookies a neighbor baked for her — she wasn’t up to eating them, and I usually ate one on my way home for a late dinner.
I hope your spring has sprung for good now!
I know I could never totally give sugar either. I do know I need to kick it into gear, though, and cut back. UGH. Kudos to you for all your efforts! I wish I had the willpower to follow your example. Isn’t it crazy how fast those college years go?
Decision to make it a conscious choice vs. mindless is so so true. Love the easter egg look and that daffy’s tenacity
The colour of the Easter Egg outfit suits you perfectly!
My family calls me the Cookie Monster because the moment that I see cookies, I gobble them all up. I have zero discipline… not buying them and not having them in the home is the only way to go for me.
Thank you for being honest about the sugar free challenge. I know that I would definitely struggle with this, especially with all the added sugars in foods.
No plans here to do it, but appreciate the honesty about your sugar free goals!
Time really flies, I’m sure even more so with kids!
Reading blogs on the Eurostar on the way to Paris with my niece and nephew (12 and 14) and they are so much more grown up than the last time I saw them; now they’re actually adults that want to have conversations with me
Aw. I can’t believe we are in the last quarter of freshman year! It’s too fast!
It’s hot again. It might be a little cooler this weekend but who knows anymore.
I have a 5K this weekend, and then we’ll see how things go from there.
I’ve been forced onto a “no sweets diet” after my insulin levels were too high at my last check-up. It’s been about 3 weeks now – I’m surprised at how well I’ve done so far BUT I do hope we will find out what caused the spike in my insulin as I’d love to have the occasional sweet here and there. Like you, I want them in my life but don’t want to be overly dependent on them!
Time does fly – I look at my kids on some days and think how did we get from diapers to here so fast?!
My son is getting ready to make his college decision too. It’s so weird to be planning this stuff!