While I’m not wild about losing an hour of sleep, I am thrilled to be springing forward, even if we are springing forward in the snow. Mom Nature is unpredictable like that. Before we get to that, here’s how the week in workouts shook out.
Monday: Walk 4 miles, Trail Run 4 miles
Tuesday: Walk 4 miles, Upper Body Strength
Wednesday: Walk 4 miles, otherwise rest
Thursday: Walk 4 miles, Bike Hills & Sprints + Core
Friday: 2 mile walk/run on snowy trails + 3 treadmill miles
Saturday: Walk 4 miles, Bike Tabata, Heavy Strength, 5 min Core AMRAP, sauna
Sunday: Walk 4 miles, Run of some sort
Springing Forward in the Snow
I was glad to get out on the trails early in the week. I had no idea there were 6″ of new snow in our future + more Saturday night. Enough already!
We attended Thing 2’s Winter band concert, and winter was most definitely in the house. We drove through raging snow to get there…I even wondered if they’d cancel the concert but cancellations don’t often happen here. Our trip home was through a literal winter wonderland. The snow was falling so fast.
No Added Sugar Update
I am 12 days in and so far I’m hanging tough on making March a no added sugar month. The daily play-by-play in video form is here. The struggle is most definitely real at times but like I said last week, it is worth it and let’s see where this leads when the month is over.
New On YouTube
5 Best Exercises for Sculpted Arms. Light weights are optional for this one. Join me!
I’ll leave you with the view from my office. Snow is beautiful but I’d really love some spring weather about now.
How was your week? Has Mom Nature dealt you any unseasonable surprises? Have you ever kicked sugar to the curb?
I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down. Join us!
The snow is pretty, but so is green grass, just saying. It was unusually cool when I was in California, but it sure felt better than what we had here!
I don’t eat many sugary foods so I haven’t ‘kicked it to the curb’. Probably my biggest contributor would be my nightly wine. It’s funny when I eat something sweet, it really affects me, like a high!
Funny. My daughter said nothing really stuck in the city! Cutting sugar is so hard and once I have it again, I definitely crave it. I am still doing my best to decrease how much I eat. It’s not easy. Looking forward to hearing your updates.
Never kicked the sugar habit… but I’m proud of you.
I don’t like the dark mornings but I will appreciate the extra daylight when I return to running.
We got snow yesterday(not much stuck) and more is coming this week.
Living in Florida where it never snows, I’m loving your photos- it’s so beautiful! I know the reality is hard- shoveling and driving through blizzards- but it’s pretty from a distance.
You had a good week of workouts! And nice job on the sugar- I know it’s VERY hard. You really do lose the craving if you can get through that initial phase, but then you have to be vigilant to keep it from insidiously creeping back in. Sugar seems to be added to EVERYTHING.
Your view from your office is beautiful. Here in Northern Virginia, school and all after school events would have been cancelled at the mere suggestion of a snowstorm.
Congrats on staying strong with “no added sugar”.
We are driving from Charlotte, NC to Charleston, SC as I type. The weather here is cold and rainy. 🙁 Last week as I stalked the Charleston weather the high temps seemed to stay in the 70’s with a high one day of 85°. This week it’s going to be in the high 50’s to mid-60’s until Friday when it will hopefully climb to 72°. At least we’ll have our sons and their families with us. 🙂
We had quite a lot of snow for us this week, so quite glad I’m not running. I had to tiptoe to my physio appointment in the crunchy snow on Thursday!
Ugh to the snow. We got our third dowsing of it yesterday afternoon. It looks beautiful, but HELLO, it’s no longer the Christmas season, LOL. Glad the Operation Kick Sugar is going well!
Great job with no sugar! Already so far into it, I’m impressed.
Your office view is gorgeous, but we’re all ready for spring! The UK doesn’t spring ahead for two more weeks, so I’ll be closer in time to my NYC and Mpls team for a little bit 🙂
We might get out largest snow of the winter on Tuesday . . . it is what it is & I can’t change it. I’m just really tired of shoveling though! So time consuming.
Those Robins are out — how far away can Spring be? Well, we both know, LOL!
I’m bracing myself for the snow they say is coming our way on Tuesday. I need Spring!
While I have tried to be much better about my sugar intake, it does have a way of slowly creeping in. I’ve only tried a 14-day sugar detox – I’m looking forward to hearing your thoughts after a whole month.
Again, I give you huge kudos for cutting sugar! I think I’d say it’s my only vice! We did get snow a few days this week. I think it might be the end of it, but April is a weird month around here and you just never know. Cute picture of Ozzy 🙂
Wow on the snow! I’m happy to enjoy it from here, and definitely happy I didn’t have to drive in it. I’m sure the concert was wonderful!
I’m glad I am working from home tomorrow, so I have another day to adjust to the time change on my own terms!
South Africa is one hour ahead of Europe which I really enjoy. I can get a lot of stuff done before Europe wakes up! At the end of March, Europe will change the clock and then we’re aligned again.
I hope that will be your last snow for the winter! It does make for beautiful photos, though.
Right now, we have eliminated salt and joy from our diet, so one thing at a time. I’m glad it’s going well for you!
I feel like our winter concert was ages ago! I know your daughter’s was amazing!
It always takes me about 3 days to get adjusted to daylight savings time. I kind of wish we could be like Arizona and just stop doing it lol.
That’s crazy about the snow! I am actually shocked at the lack of snow we have received this Winter. It’s kind of nuts.