Here we are pushing through those final days of winter. While overall our winter has been relatively mild, I am so happy to be looking for spring. Here’s how the week in workouts went:
Monday: Walk 4 miles, Trail Run 3 miles + Upper Body Strength
Tuesday: Walk 4 miles, Bike Bootcamp, Core, Sauna
Wednesday: Walk 4 miles, otherwise rest
Thursday: Walk 3 miles, Trail Run 4 miles
Friday: Walk 4 miles, 20 mins. Bike, Strength + Core, Sauna
Saturday: Walk 4 miles, Trail Run 4 miles
Sunday: Walk 4 miles, Heavy Strength
Looking For Spring
It’s been an up and down, freeze and thaw kind of week. The trails are basically either icy or a flooded, muddy mess, but that doesn’t stop me from heading out to test my luck. This weekend we enjoyed (not) according to weatherman Tom Skilling a “January level air mass” that featured below zero wind chills. Enough already.
This week I surpassed the 4k mark on the Peloton app. While I feel like I roll with the “spring forward” time change pretty well, on Thursday I overslept by exactly one hour, and then on Friday I did the same. With so many of my work colleagues sick, I’ve been listening closely to my body and doing my best to avoid the germs.
It was a single parenting week, which you probably know I do not mind. As I type I’m approaching the 3-week mark on my no-added sugar initiative. It’s going well, and I’m even entertaining the idea of going added-sugar-free for another month,
The Week Ahead
Our college daughter is in Jamaica this week for spring break but she’ll stop by the old homestead for a few days this coming weekend and I am here for it! Thing 2’s spring break from high school is the following week. Hopefully the weather will be nicer by then. One can dream.
New On YouTube
Strength Circuit Workout. I runfess this little workout hit my hips, glutes and quads in the best way.
How was your week? Did the time change throw you off?
I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down. Join us!
The time change plus the time difference from California really messed me up this week. I didn’t know if i was coming or going!
I hope you enjoyed your time with Maddi!
I am liking the sun setting later in the day. Always nice to get some bonus time with your daughter as she swings through. Have a great week!
How sweet of your daughter to take some of her Spring break to visit you!
Someone here had posted a photo of his dog enjoying the preserve I trail run at (during the non-Winter months) on the day of the Nor’Easter. I said clearly it was not taken that day. 🙂
You are brave to get out on those ice trails! Yes, I guess you’ll be happy for spring-like weather. My sister said the weather returned to winter up there this week. Spring will be here soon! At least that’s what the calendar says.
Hope you enjoyed your time with Thing 1. My daughter’s middle school spring break is also this coming week. Too bad the college and high school/middle school breaks never coincide.
The time change doesn’t usually affect me since I’m up early most days anyways. The sudden loss of early morning light was a buzzkill, though (but I know it will be returning in a few weeks, so not a deal-breaker). I hadn’t realized just how much early morning daylight had been happening until it was taken away, LOL. Our forecast is showing seasonal weather this next week, can I get an AMEN? It’s going to feel tropical!
It’s never fun trying not to wipe out on ice while running. I agree, enough already, it’s time for spring!
We were on spring break when we changed to DST so I didn’t have any 5 AM wakeup times and was able to ease into things.
The time change combined with some really early work mornings messed with me a lot this week!
That’s so great that M will be swinging through during her break – enjoy your time with her!
Ugh, that’s my least favorite part about winter- navigating the slippery icy roads and trails. I’m so ready for spring, too. Enjoy the time with your daughter!
It looks like your body needed that extra sleep, ha!
Do you measure how much you sleep? My sleep is ok (over 8 hours) but my body battery never fills up to 100.
For the last three days, I went to bed at 9 pm… and this morning, I was finally rewarded with 100%.
Seems like I need to go to bed early for the rest of my life, ha!
I’m still thawing out from the weekend in NYC….
Oh, it will be so nice to see your daughter!
No spring here. I thought it was coming but nope. Hoping for a few more weeks of cool days before the brutal summer kicks in.
Our weather has been so nuts lately, and it was freezing cold yesterday for the NYC Half – which is odd if you think about how mild our Winter has been for months, lol.
Awesome job surpassing 4K in the Peloton Annual challenge!
We’ve had a lot of cold wind lately — I guess that’s what March is known for.
Enjoy your visit with Thing 1!
Be careful on that ice Marcia 🙂 You don’t want to end up like me, ha! Hopefully that was the last of it though, and spring should be there soon.
Enjoy your visit with daughter post Jamaica! I remember going through for spring break in college…it was a blast!