We are back from Atlanta, Thing 2 is back from her band trip to Orlando, and we are all settling into the end of February. The week weather-wise was a wild one. Before I get to that, here’s how the workouts played out.
Monday: Walk 2 miles, work 7a-7p so rest day kind of
Tuesday: Walk 4 miles, Treadmill Run 4 miles
Wednesday: Walk 1 mile, Superset Strength
Thursday: Walk 4 miles, Bike Hills & Sprints, Stretching
Friday: Walk 4 miles, Trail Run 4 miles
Saturday: Walk 4 miles, Heavy Strength, travel day
Sunday: Walk 4 miles, work event
Settling Into the End of February
Overall February here has been mild, although this week’s ice storm was a doozy. It poured all day and gradually the ice encased the trees and all outdoor surfaces. I was grateful for a work-at-home day, but I worried about Thing 2 driving to and from school in it. We were lucky our lights only flickered a couple of times, because many were without power for hours.
The ice gave way to polar temps, then a dump of snow, then it warmed up again. Lather, rinse repeat. It felt good to get outside for at least one run this week, even if it was 14 degrees.
It felt good to get outside for at least one run this week, even if it was 14 degrees.
We had so much fun in Atlanta. We crammed in a basketball game, a baseball game, a girls’ softball tournament, and soaked up as much campus life as we could, since the next time we’ll be in ATL will be for graduation. Sigh. Thing 1 also showed us the office building where she’ll start her job in July. We are beyond excited for her.
It was so nice to see spring blooms already, as we are far away from that in the Chicago area.
New On YouTube
Superset Strength Workout. Grab your moderate and heavy hand weights and join me for this full-body workout where we’ll work opposing muscle groups.
How was your week? Any signs of spring? Crazy storms?
I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down. Join us!
We did lose power this week, for about 6 hours. Not fun. Sounds like you had a nice time in Atlanta! I’m with you, I am ready for spring.
Flowers. We have snow instead.
Looks like you had a great time in Atlanta
Where to next?
Glad you had a nice visit with your daughter in Atlanta. February was nuts for us we never knew what season we will wake up to. Have a great week ahead!
Oooh, so Thing 1 will be working in Atlanta? More fun visits ahead!
I used to hate how DC area schools had snow days with barely any snow on the ground until my daughter started driving. We’ve had a few days where snow fell from the sky but never got more than an inch this year.
We had some flurries on Thursday, but nothing made it to the ground. Very thankful most of Wednesday’s ice missed my area…no time for that nonsense. Sounds like a great time in Atlanta!
Although we have cherry trees and daffodils in bloom here, the temps this weekend feel anything but spring-like (Thursday was a different story, though).
It’s amazing how quickly those college years fly by. Congrats to your daughter on her many accomplishments while at GT.
Glad to hear you had a great trip! Amazing to think graduation is nearing.
I’m so over winter, but apparently, it’s not done with us.
Sounds like a fun time in Atlanta, and as Coco mentioned, if Thing 1 will be working in Atlanta you’ll still be going down there. Is Thing 2 a senior this year? I think I’ve asked you that before but I can never remember. You’ll have a whole new college to visit soon.
Your photos are beautiful! I needed some of that ice on my trail run this week.
Oh yes, Winter is back in full force this week — and next! Glad your power stayed on. Not only did we have ice, we had wind too, so I was very happy we never lost power either.
I know the time is getting bittersweet with Thing 1, but you’ve obviously raised some awesome daughters. You’ve done your job well!
What crazy weather you’ve had!! Ice storms are so alien to me – we never had them in Sweden and in Ireland it’s probably too mild. We have plenty of spring signs here, but colder weather came back this week and will likely remain for a good while so I’ll stop thinking of spring for a while.
It sounds like a great week for you all! I know a lot of people were in Atlanta for sports and other events this weekend – it must have been so fun!
We have just gone straight to summer. Yuck.
Wow, that ice storm! Glad you didn’t lose power.
Nice job on that icy outdoor trail run!
Working on Sunday does sound rough! I hope you can get an off day in compensation for it!
As much as everyone is ready for the snow to be done, your pictures still are beautiful! Looks so crisp and clean with the snow.
But the flowers and signs of spring in Atlanta are much preferred 🙂