Just like that we are running into February. A good chunk of the week was a single-parenting one, which you probably know I tend to enjoy. While I’d have loved to be in Florida with the Caveman, I held down the fort here in Chiberia. Here’s how the week in workouts went
Monday: Walk 1 mile, Hour of Power (HOP) Sauna
Tuesday: Walk 1 mile, Strength + Core
Wednesday: Walk 1 mile, otherwise rest
Thursday: Walk 4 miles, Bike Tabata
Friday: Walk 2 miles, Leg Day
Saturday: Walk 4 miles, Run 4 miles, Core, Sauna
Sunday: Walk 4 miles, Heavy Strength
Running Into February
After getting 7″ of snow, the temps dropped, so all of it is sticking around, making runs and walks more of a challenge. My trails are off limits for the time being. Like so many of my weeks, this one started off looking spacious with plenty of time to make my own, and then slowly it fill-fill-filled. The sooner I get stuff checked off the to-do list, the better. I’m a work in progress on that.
It’s official, January was our gloomiest month on record. So far February is shaking out to be sunnier and for that I am grateful. That said, other than my walks, all of my workouts were done inside. I have to say The Pioneer Woman (my treadmill entertainment) has some amazing sounding Superbowl party recipes, not that I’ll make any of them. Haha!
New On YouTube
Strength Circuit for Net Downhill Running. When most of us train for hilly races we focus on the uphill. The secret to running a hilly race really well lies in your ability to run those downhills with strength and endurance as well. This video shows some of my fave exercises for building that downhill strength. You might also enjoy my Training Tips for Downhill Races and my Boston Marathon Race Course Tips.
How was your week? Have you run a net downhill race?
I have run a net downhill and will do it again in April. 🙂
Our bike paths are iced over. Boo.
And I actually postponed a long run yesterday. Yes me. Too friggin cold.
Hope the temps warm up this week for both of us.
People (ahem!) really underestimate training for the downhills! Not that I know anything about that, lol
I did find some groomed trails in one of the local forest preserves. It was pretty amazing! Of course now it’s all melting…
Everyone got hit with colder temps this week! It is nice to have indoor options and that sauna too. Hope you can get back out to your trails this week
We’ve had no snow yet this winter, but we got the cold this weekend. It was 14F when I landed at the airport Saturday morning — I was relieved when my car started!
It is so smart to have a downhill training program! It really is hard on your quads.
Awh, that pic of Ozzy and the sunrise is beautiful! Isn’t it crazy how much harder the downhill really are? Fighting gravity (in BOTH directions) is not for sissies, LOL
Well, it may have been cold but you got in some good strength training this week.
Even though The Pioneer Woman is the anti-vegan, I still enjoy watching her. I’m still trying to decide our Superbowl Sunday menu, so I’ll check her out for some ideas.
What a pretty sunrise picture with your pupster! It looks COLD, though.
I read an article in Runner’s World by Jeff Galloway about gliding on the downhills just before running the Steamtown Marathon. I implemented his tips and got my marathon PR that day!
While we had the Polar Vortex this weekend, we didn’t have new snow & it’s supposed to warm up next week so I predict our snow will melt. Although it takes longer to melt off the running paths . . .
You know I’m happy with my short runs & my treadmill, but I’m beginning to think I should be running a bit more, LOL!
I hear you on enjoying single parenting time (even if I’m not a parent, LOL!). Doesn’t actually happen too much for me.
That top image looks cold but it’s absolutely beautiful!
That’s some good tips on exercises for downhill running, I’ll try those jump squats, training the muscles to absorb impact should be useful for all kinds of running! I haven’t tried downhill running yet, other than very subtle declines (that I wouldn’t really call hills even!).
I love that photo with Ozzy and the sun! So pretty 🙂 Glad you had a nice week solo!
I had one strong downhill race (Cottonwood Canyon) but I think it was only because Dustin was pacing me. I was the most sore I’d ever been after. I thought I could do it again in Sun Valley Idaho and I fell apart. No more downhill for me (I didn’t feel like Boston was downhill, it seem like way more uphill!)
I work with checklists, too! It feels good to cross stuff off.
I hate it when I lose control over my agenda. We have implemented a new rule at our house (we are self-employed and work from home): no meetings or appointments before 11am. We’ve been trying it out and I’d say it works 80% of the time. Things get hectic in the afternoon, though!
Nice week. I have ended up at the Pioneer Women for a lot my recipe searches lately too. Um, downhills are hard for me. I like hills, when I train for them, anyway. I don’t like steep downhills though. They’re hard on my ankles and especially now I think I’d avoid them.
No net downhills for me. I wouldn’t even know where to find one LOL!.
I hope the weather clears up for you soon!
Some checklists can seem so daunting but as soon as you get things off the list – you feel so much lighter. I am also a work in progress in that area too! Glad you survived the week without Caveman!
Well done on surviving the week without Him Indoors. I have 9 days coming up with husband in California and me here. I’m fortunate to have local friends!!