It’s been a week here. Not in a good way. Before I get into that, here’s how the week in workouts went. Pretty sparse and you’ll soon know why.
Monday: Walk 2 miles, sick
Tuesday: Walk 2 miles, sick
Wednesday: Walk 4 miles, Strength
Thursday: Walk 4 miles, Half Hour of not so much power
Friday: Walk 4 miles, Bike Tabata, Strength
Saturday: Walk 4 miles, Lululemon Barre event
Sunday: Walk 4 miles, Run of some sort…hopefully
February here is starting out to be a much sunnier month than January. While there wasn’t much running happening this week, I did get out for my walks. The tree in the pic doesn’t seem to be doing so hot either.
When I laid down to sleep Sunday night, my stomach felt off. Uh oh. I slept fitfully and by morning when I still was not feeling great I took some activated charcoal, which typically does the trick. While I felt a tad better, I was definitely under the weather. Is it a tummy bug? Food poisoning? Flu?? No lie it’s been over 20 years since I last had some sort of stomach flu. All day Monday was no bueno. I slept for 12 hours. Who does that? Tuesday was better but not great, although I definitely turned the corner by the afternoon. There’s something about getting sick that makes you so grateful for the vast majority of time when you are healthy.
So the front of the week was loaded with some much-needed rest. Not a bad thing. I focused on repopulating my gut with “good” bacteria via kombucha, yogurt and the like. Moving on.
March Madness Half Marathon
This was my first ever (and hardest ever) half marathon back in 2007. When running became crazy popular and the Boston qualifying buffers started to happen, this race would sell out in 20 minutes, because the course simulated the Boston course perfectly and an ideal tune-up half the month before. I ran it 6x back in the day but now I just enjoy watching how long it takes to sell out because it’s a good bellwether for the popularity of running. Registration opens at 6am on New Years Eve. This year as I type, registration is still open. We’ve come a long way from the days when registration would break the internet. Let the record show the price of this race has more than doubled too. Back when I ran it was a whole $30 but there was no medal or shirt. Now $80 gets you a medal and jacket.
The Week Ahead
Thing 2 ships out to Disney this week with her marching band and we are looking forward to making our FINAL visit to Georgia Tech before Thing 1 graduates in May. Weren’t we just crying in our coffee at Starbucks when we dropped her off? It sure feels like it. Oh how time flies.
New On YouTube
Strong Chest, Back Biceps & Triceps. Grab some moderate and some heavy weights and join me! I have to say my triceps especially loved this one! Haha!
How was your week? Any Super Bowl plans?
I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down. Join us!
I’m so sorry you have a stomach bug! I have never heard of activated charcoal for that, but I am off to check out the science. Because we are seeing a ton of norovirus in the office and been there, done that, don’t want to do it again.
Good luck to J on her trip to Disney. How fun for her! Yep, right there with you on the bittersweetness of those college kids graduating…
OH stomach issues are the worst! Sounds like you have weathered the worst part. Time really does fly by with the college years. They just grow up way too fast! Hope you have a better week ahead!
So sorry to hear you were sick. When I was in Russia they swear by activated charcoal. I have very old stuff.
I’ll be in Florida for the Super Bowl. I’ll be watching the half time show. Lol.
Ugh to the tummy bug! Like you, it’s been eons since I last had one of those invade my space. Glad you were able to rally-back. Yes, isn’t it surreal having our “kids” reach all these milestones? I was in a happy fog, watching our youngest walk across the stage, but HOW did that happen?????
So sorry to hear that you had a stomach virus, but happy that you’re feeling mostly better.
The college years fly by, and you’re right, it seems like just yesterday that you were telling us that your daughter was heading off to Georgia Tech. How fun for your other daughter who’s going to Florida with the band.
I had a good week. Sorry for the tummy issues. I have a pretty strong stomach, but since I have little kids they still bring home bugs from time to time. Glad you’re feeling better. Hope you get a nice run in today.
Boo for the stomach flu!
We are working a car wash to raise money for A’s wind ensemble – they were selected to perform at a special concert in Orlando in April so whatever money they can bring in is super helpful.
No big plans for the big game. I don’t like either team, and Mr PugRunner can’t have any of the fun snacks, so we will be making nachos for A and me, and something for him and I’ll be in bed by 9.
Eew about the stomach issues. That’s the worst and you lose so much energy when you’re unable to eat like normal. How cool that you check the marathon registration to assess the popularity of running. So interest has decreased then? Or do they have more spaces for runners?
Super Bowl isn’t a thing here, but we kind of follow the Six Nations rugby since it’s always on when we go to pubs!
Ugh! I know what you mean- you never really appreciate being healthy until you suddenly aren’t. Stomach bugs are the worst. I’m glad you’re feeling better.
Don’t keep telling me how fast college goes!!! I don’t want to hear it! Next time I blink I”ll be saying “Wasn’t it just yesterday I was crying in the parking lot of his dorm?” Sigh.
Ooof, sorry about the stomach issues. That’s no fun at all. I hope you keep on feeling good.
I remember when you had to sign up for Boston right away and it sold out within minutes!
Stomach bugs are the worst, and I say this after a week of having covid. But, yes, any sickness makes your grateful for feeling well.
Interesting insight on the race registrations. There are so many races these day, maybe people just have more to choose from?
Enjoy your visit to Georgia!
Sorry about the stomach bug – I was dealing with some stomach issues mid-week too – just no fun 🙁
It is crazy to think that you’re preparing for M to graduate – the college years are too quick!
Poor you. I was also down with a bug this week. Glad we’re both on the end.
The NYC runs are a crazy bellweather too. There are times you can’t get in for anything, and others you can sign up week off.
March Madness sounds fun!
Very interesting observation about the March Madness half-marathon.
There’s a very popular race in Switzerland, the Jungfrau Marathon. Traditionally, it opens up on Valentine’s Day and sells out within hours. Last year, they still had open spots right up to the day of the event in September. So strange!
Was the Lululemon Barre class an online event that you hosted?
I’m so sorry about the stomach bug. I swear that’s the worst. Obviously you needed all that sleep!
We are also enjoying more sun and for the most part warmer temps (with a few crazy cold days once in a while to remind us that it’s still Winter). I’ll take it!
Such a a bummer about the stomach illness, but glad that it seemed to be short lived. I totally agree with you that being sick really makes you appreciate all the time that you are healthy.
We’re in for another mild weather week and that makes me happy lol.
Oh, I’m sorry about the stomach bug. That’s tough. I just have a slight cold and it makes me grateful for the days when I can breathe out of both nostrils, ha! We don’t realize we are lucky until we’re sick.
Glad you’re feeling better!