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It’s time for that first glorious cup of coffee of the New Year. I’m sitting down with Coco, Deborah and you for a little catch-up session, which is always fun.
Over coffee I’d tell you I dredged up this old Balega coffee pic in honor of one of my favorite ambassadorships ever, that ended in 2022 when the company was sold. Over 5+ years we not only enjoyed amazing socks, but we were encouraged to spread the joy throughout the community. One of the programs I did every year was to bring running to a local women’s shelter. I never spoke about it because the location must remain anonymous, but Balega was my loyal partner for all the years. The running group will continue but the partnership with Balega will be sadly missed.
What Did I Accomplish in 2022?
Over coffee I’d ask you what aspects or milestones of 2022 you are most proud of. I runfess I had to sit for a second and think about that because, off the top of my head, all the negative stuff came up first. I won’t go into the details, but we really circled the drain here during the last quarter of the year with some unanticipated health and professional issues in the family. As a result, our long-awaited Australia/New Zealand trip to celebrate my big 6-0 was quietly and sadly cancelled. We are on the rebound though and you know what they say: The comeback is always better than the setback.
I rarely talk about my job besides the coaching I do. I work as a marketing and social media consultant/strategist for a variety of companies in the health & fitness space. In 2022, I let go of a long contract with a client that rhymes with bathleta in order to begin a new, exciting relationship with a client that rhymes with hulumelon. It’s been crazy, exhausting fun so far.
I’ve also done my share of coaching both on my own and for ZOOMA and Skirt Sports. On that front, I think I am most proud of the 16 runners I coached toward their first Boston Qualifiers in 2022. My running goals shifted away from myself and toward others years ago. I tell myself I have nothing to prove and everything to share. Seeing other people realize their dreams because of wisdom I’ve shared gives me so much joy.
While I no longer set running goals, other than running 3x/week for an hour or less, and hitting up the weights on the regular, I am constantly waging the war against middle-age weight gain and belly fat. With the help of my Lumen, I was able to dial in my macros (especially protein), reduce my sugar intake, and lose 7 lbs. in 2022. It may not sound like much, but when you’re 5’2″, it’s significant.
Heavy strength training is something I’ve done now for 25 years so that’s nothing new, but it’s definitely one of the best things I’ve done for my health. Ever. What’s crazy is that while my running pace has slowed, I’m every bit as strong as I was in my 30s. I will take it!
2022 was a year where I was able to really dial in a solid morning routine. According to Peloton, I did a morning meditation every single day. Other consistent components of my morning routine include setting intentions and priorities for the day, a little stretching and of course, gratitude.
Last but not least on the health front, 2022 was the year I was finally able to nail meal planning. Huge score for this seat-of-the-pants girl!
While we didn’t get to take the epic Australia trip this year, I did get the treat of going to Oregon to help Thing 1 get set up for her internship at Nike. Running on the Nike track was surreal to say the least. We also spent time in Atlanta and enjoyed a wonderful girls’ weekend at ZOOMA Amelia Island in October.
While we are dealing with some heavy stuff in the family, thankfully my daughters are amazing and it has been so much fun watching them grow and flourish. Thing 2 is beginning the college selection process and Thing 1 is all set to graduate on May 6, which will be here before I know it.
While I fired my cleaning crew a few years ago, 2022 was the year I felt like I really got a decent handle on cleaning and organization. Why? I schedule it so I do small chunks throughout the week, making the job much less overwhelming and more manageable. Of course there’s always room for improvement and purging/decluttering is a work in progress, but things are moving in a positive direction!
Over coffee I’d ask how your holidays were. While I thoroughly enjoyed the holidays and all the delicious food that went along with them, I am feeling pretty fluffy about now and my sweet tooth has been reawakened. Between having Covid in December and then all the food, my Lumen has been giving me off-the-chart readings for longer than I care to admit. While I don’t regret all the cheesecake and charcuterie one bit, it’s time to get back on track.
Finally, over coffee I’d ask you if you selected a “Word of the Year” for 2022. Here are my words for the past couple of years along with this year’s.
2021: Mindful
2022: Energy
2023: Focus
Looking back at what I wrote, it is clear to me why I chose FOCUS. It’s very easy for my mind to be scattered, flitting from task to task. The goal this year is to be more focused and intentional with what I do.
I’ve babbled on way too long. What would you tell me over coffee? Any highlights/lowlights of 2022?
I’m also linking up with Darlene, Michelle, Renee, Jenn and Zenaida, for Fit Five Friday.
Wow, Marcia, sounds like you’ve done quite a bit of soul searching these past couple of months. Sometimes when things don’t go well, it makes us step back and reassess our choices. It looks like you’re headed in a really good direction for 2023! I wish the best for you as we move into the new year.
I’m sorry you’ve been dealing with some challenges. It’s definitely hard when you’re in the midst of a tough season to sometimes see the good things, but your reflection shows some great wins for the year. I hope 2023 is good to you!
I really don’t know how you do all that you do, Marcia. I’m so sorry about the canceled trip. That is definitely at the top of my bucket list.
I’m only 5’1″, so I get that 7 pounds is huge. I have maintained my weight for about 10 years, and suddenly this Summer I gained about 5 pounds. It is frustrating — it’s not like I changed my eating habits & while my diet isn’t perfect, I eat pretty damn healthy. It’s so frustrating, I get it.
I have thoughts about our 40th anniversary (in 3 years). God I hope that we are free to travel further away at that point!
I am sorry to hear about the ish you’ve been dealing with, but glad other things are going well — especially with your daughters and new work gig.
I hadn’t heard that Balega was sold. It’s probably good news for the owners but makes the long-time fans nervous.
Her’s to good things in 2023!
Sorry to hear about all the stress and frustrations of ’22. I deeply admire your work with the women’s shelter; what a fantastic role model you are, and what an inspiration (to us, and to all those women in need).
It sounds like you all have a lot going on in your life. You did accomplish a lot this year and all of those small changes sound like they will serve you well going into the new year. I do hope you get that trip to Australia back on your calendar. It’s on my bucket list as well. You work at the women’s shelter is something to be proud of and I am sure so rewarding. I did not know Balega was sold. Focus is my word as well -lets do it. Thanks for linking up
2021 ended on a low note for me, but I was in a much better place this time. You’re obviously facing some challenges, but things will get better- they always do. You did accomplish a lot in 2022, so you can be proud of that. Is you Thing 2 a senior? That’s a stressful year! I hope everything goes well.
I don’t do words, but I love the idea. Congrats on all you did in 2022, especially the consistency and routines. I know 2023 will be more manageable and healthier all around. xx
That social work must be fut hard
Thank you for this post, Marcia! I feel I can learn a lot from you – especially the way you handle setbacks. My year didn’t end well either and I tend to overly dramatize all the negative things. Knowing that others experience far more serious stuff and handle it calmly puts things into perspective for me.
Congrats on the new contract! Although exhausting, I’m sure it’s a lot of fun as well. So many would love to have your job!
I’m sure that you will get to do that epic trip sometime soon. Here’s to a successful and focused 2023!!
Aww, that’s so sad to hear about Balega — I liked their socks!
I’m sorry that your Australia/New Zealand trip had to be canceled but hope you get to go eventually!
Yay for getting meal planning down! I tried and failed to do that last year but am hoping to truly get back into that this year!
The end of the Balega Ambassadors is very sad. I loved how much they encouraged the giving and spreading of joy. Sigh.
While the cancellation of your trip must have been devastating, I am so excited to see what’s next for you! It sounds like there is lots of excitement ahead!
Oh wow, where do I start? Thank you for sharing everything with us. Sounds like an exhausting year but hopefully, things will be better. That is exciting about the new client! Oh, and honestly, I didn’t know what your job was so thanks for telling me. Well, I am sure you have mentioned it in another post and I forgot. It happens. I like your attitude: The comeback is always better than the setback. I hope this Summer we can meet up again for lunch.