Just like that, we are cruising fast toward February and I continue making space. Before we get to that, here’s how the week in workouts went.
Monday: Walk 4 miles, otherwise rest
Tuesday: Walk 4 miles, Trail Run 3 miles + Sauna
Wednesday: Walk 4 miles, 1 mile treadmill warmup run + Strength
Thursday: Walk 4 miles, rest
Friday: Walk 1 mile, Bike Bootcamp + Sauna
Saturday: Walk 2 miles, Treadmill Run + Core + Sauna
Sunday: Walk TBD, Heavy Strength
I feel like I did all of my workouts indoors this week, but that is not the case. I made it out to the trail early in the week and took zero pics. Without pics did it even happen?? My treadmill turned 22 years old this month and I have so much gratitude for how well is still works. I wonder if there’s an odometer on it somewhere because I’d love to know how many miles we’ve racked up together over the years.
Making Space

This week I continued on my quest toward better focus and less distraction by continuing to declutter my physical and mental spaces. As I purged, I paid extra attention to how great it feels to have the open space where the purged items once lived. This goes for letting go of negative thoughts and work projects that no longer serve me as well.
New On YouTube
Tokyo Marathon Course Tips. Because I get so many questions about the Tokyo Marathon, I veered away from my usual workout videos and did a little course talk to help anyone who’s running in Tokyo this year, especially those of you who are assigned to a corral toward the back. Those course cut-off times can be intimidating!
I’ll leave you with this pic from our snowy Saturday. After a mostly mild January, it looks like winter finally arrived. We’ll see what the groundhog has to say about spring!
How was your week? Does decluttering bring you joy?
I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down. Join us!
Yes. I feel great when I declutter. Thanks for the reminder.
I almost gave away my stationary bike because it’s sitting unused. But as soon as I do I may need it.
Remember in Bermuda discussing how sad it was that tokoyo was canceled. Who knew?
Decluttering sounds good and I always mean to do it-hard to make it happen. WE have had a really mild January as well. Who knows what next month will bring! Have a great week
I need a MAJOR decluttering around here, and I’m sure once I get myself to do it, it will bring me tremendous joy. And I really think physical decluttering is linked to mental decluttering- it’s hard to declutter your mind when your physical space is a mess.
I love the snowy photo! From afar. I don’t think I would like it if I were there. Nice job getting your workouts in!
I feel like there should be an odometer somewhere on treadmills, but who knows? It wouldn’t help me determine how many miles I’ve run/walked on mine because many of my clients use it for warmups and intervals.
Decluttering brings me much joy, except when I need one of those items a few weeks after tossing it. 😉
I’m trying to do a thing where I either lose something from the house or put it in a better place every day. I have cleared half the back sofa of a pile of random stuff and (ahem) two boxes with new trainers in, so getting somewhere. Also making the effort to register books on BookCrossing then move them out of the house … Hope the snow recedes soon. it’s finally a little warmer here.
I do like decluttering. I have a hard time letting go of things, but when I am an a roll I can be merciless and enjoyed that freed up space!
The snow looks lovely. We had a pretty mild week this week — almost hit 60F yesterday.
I need to channel your purging mojo and get to it. We have so much stuff that needs to either go to the kids’ places or the dumpster…as you know, it’s a bit overwhelming even knowing where to start. I’d be curious how many miles are on my treadmill’s “odometer.” Probably not a fraction of yours, LOL.
Decluttering and organizing give me joy. I was on a roll and now I need to get back at it. My closet and my workout gear is the next target. I want to list some of the stuff on Poshmark. I need a day to do it. But we are starting to get in good shape over here.
I’m glad to hear that you are taking control of the work situation.
It feels great to clear the clutter, doesn’t it? I’m chipping away over here and hope to do more if I can keep my schedule under control.
22 years is amazing – it would be fun to know how many treadmill miles you’ve logged!
Great job on the decluttering! It does feel so good — why is it so hard to do? Glad your treadmill is still ticking along!
Our treadmill is maybe 15 years old. We have 19, 613 miles on ours! I think we are both really getting our money’s worth out of that investment!
Yay for decluttering!
One of these days I will have to post a photo of our apartment here in Cape Town. It is absolutely empty!
We only have a table and four chairs on the balcony, a desk with a chair in the office and a bed in the bedroom.
I kind of like it that way!
I agree it would be interesting to see the total miles on the treadmill!
How nice to do some decluttering, and also on the mental side. I live in a very cluttered space because we moved from a large house in Sweden to a very small house in Ireland, and after almost 4 years we’re far from being caught up with the decluttering. I’ll start doing a decluttering project in my home office this week because it’s truly horrible! Decluttering always feels so good, liberating in a way!
I do enjoy decluttering. We did a huge purge when the carpet got installed and it feels great. Now, I want new things to organize the old things LOL. That’s not how it works!
Pretty snow pic!
I ran Tokyo in 2015, but they changed the course quite a bit since then.
Decluttering is the best! I need to do that with my closets soon…London flats are not well known for the closet space 🙂
Whenever I go through items to either donate or toss, I always love seeing the empty space created. It makes me feel so much more organized!
Once I declutter I can fill those spaces with positive energy and influence.