The past week was all about keeping the New Year energy and momentum going. Before I get to that, here’s how the workouts went:
Monday: Walk 1 mile, Train Run 4 miles
Tuesday: Walk 2 miles, Treadmill Bootcamp + Core
Wednesday: Walk 4 miles, 10 min bike warmup, Strength
Thursday: Walk 4 miles, otherwise rest
Friday Walk 4 miles, Trail Run 4 miles + Core
Saturday: Walk 4 miles, otherwise rest
Sunday: Walk 4 miles, Trail Run 5 miles
After the polar blast over Christmas, our seasonal temps in the 20s and 30s seem warm to me.

We have more than our share of gloom though. While the pavement has been dicey due to black ice, my trails are still clear so that’s where you’ll find me. No gloves in January? I will take it!
Keep That New Year Energy Burning
My purge/declutter project is ongoing, although before the New Year it picked up considerable steam. With my help, Thing 2 was able to find an entire drawer of empty dresser space. There’s so much truth to that feeling of accomplishment you get when you get going on a project. That feeling of making space is amazing and it energizes me to do more.
This week, the highlight of my purging project was the pantry. While I’ve done many half-assed pantry purges in the past, this was the first time in a long time I did the whole thing at once. The purge probably deserves it’s own post but for now I’ll just say, “holy expired spices, Batman”.
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Low-Impact Strength Intervals. Grab your moderate and heavy hand weights and join me! Your posterior chain will thank you!
I’ll leave you with this desolate trail pic. I kind of love how the snow forms a little carpet right down the center of the trail.
How was your week? Are you back into your normal routine? Any fun things coming up?
I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down. Join us!
I have considered hitting the trail around the in-town lake, but don’t want to take the time for the 5-minute drive to get there. Pathetic, right? The trail is very scenic and tranquil, and it offers a good deal of wind cover…but that drive, LOL. The youngest daughter and I did a nice pantry de-clutter recently…lots of hidden “treasures” (many with expired dates on them as well).
That is a nice trail photo with the snow… but you’re reminding me how gray it is up there right now. That’s the main thing that drove me away- not the cold, ice, snow, or wind (although those are horrible too) but the unending grayness. Shudder.
We did a full pantry and fridge purge last summer, and it was… interesting. There was a bottle of hoisin sauce that won the grand prize- I forget but I think it expired in something like 2016. Oops.
Your trail is really pretty! I need to do some serious decluttering too (bc I keep buying more stuff) WE have some house projects coming up and I hope that will motivate me. Have a great week ahead
Your trail run in the first picture looks fabulous. What a good place to run!
I had a quite good week but not completely back to normal routine yet – that will be the coming week. Nothing special coming up but I’m looking forward to more running and weightlifting and to continue making progress.
I’m still in purge mode, working on my basement project. I need to take a few bags to Goodwill this week. Next purge will be my closet. The hubs and I have to tackle the upstairs bathrooms–I want new vanities in there. Stay tuned for that one because this is a project I’ve been bugging him about for a year!!
Love that trail photo!
Awesome job on your decluttering! I attacked my mom’s house yesterday and cleared her second bedroom, filling 6 boxes with clothing and bedding for donations. Now I need to turn my attention to my own home. Feels good, doesn’t it?!
I did great with the de-clutter when we re-did the kitchen… but I need to continue… My drawers are overflowing.
That trail does look lovely!
I intended to clean out some of my drawers over the holidays, but I never got around to it. Maybe I’ll get motivated next weekend.
Yay for no gloves! Same here in Switzerland!
We have a very minimalistic lifestyle and don’t have much stuff. But I can never keep up with the spices’ due dates.
Purging feels nearly as good as running! Nice job, Marcia!
The snow on your trail looks so pretty. We’ve not had any snow yet here in the DC area.
Spices have expiration dates? LOL Actually, I got rid of so much “stuff” last year when we redid the kitchen; however, it’s been a couple of years since I threw out expired cans in the pantry. It’s a sin how much food I waste by letting it expire. 🙁
I love purging items to either throw away or donate. I did a mini purge right before New Year’s and it felt amazing. I wouldn’t consider myself a minimalist, but I truly hate clutter, so the more items I can get rid of, the better!
I joined you in the pantry purge. Do I want to tackle the fridge next? Sigh. I guess.
Great week! Let’s keep it going!
Isn’t it amazing how spices just keep accumulating? I went through all of ours when we moved and we definitely had some that were well past expiration. The feeling of de-cluttering could almost be as good as that runner’s high, ha!
Haha, that is too funny about the spices. I can understand how satisfying it must be to purge and get rid of stuff you no longer use/need. We have so much stuff in the pantry that I wonder how long it will take to get through all of it without having to buy more food.
You’d think we were actually doing a kitchen reno with what’s gone down this week. Well, first world problems but 2 non operating dishwashers in my small kitchen . . . .At least it won’t take months like an actual reno!