Hello winter! I hope your stay is brief and you spare us some of your icy wrath. You sure arrived with a doozy of a storm. That said, let’s open the runfessional one last time for 2022. Let’s get started so we can begin 2023 with a clean slate.
Winter Runfessions

While my actual time with Covid wasn’t terribly severe, I runfess I’m noticing some residual bran fog. While out running the other day, I placed my water bottle down on the trail where I stopped to take some fake running pics (FRPs). I was a good mile away before I realized I’d left my bottle sitting there, so I had to backtrack to retrieve it. I suppose that’s one way to ramp up mileage.
I’ve told you before how the Caveman seems to have an affinity for all of my running-related fuel and equipment. I’ve caught him using my GU and Nuun before his strength sessions and he’s a huge fan of “my” foam roller. In an effort to do more yoga/stretching, recently I decided to treat myself to a new yoga mat. I runfess I might have chosen one that looks a tad…um…not as masculine as my old black camo mat…in an effort to repel a certain someone. Is that wrong? Knock wood, so far it’s working.
With the recent polar weather came lots of indoor workouts. While I am grateful for a variety of pain cave options, I runfess I’ve been forgetting to wear my Garmin when I’m on the treadmill or the spin bike. I also runfess that when the time comes to replace my Garmin Fenix, I probably won’t get another one. I runfess I simply could not care less about my pace, distance or any of the rest of the data anymore.
Ok your turn: What have you to runfess? What are you looking forward to in 2023? Any fun NYE plans?
I’m also linking up with Darlene, Michelle, Renee, Jenn and Zenaida, for Fit Five Friday.
I have to Garmin-fess that I’m starting to wear mine daily, and for all of my cardio stuff (including walking & elliptical). YIKES! I don’t know what’s happening to me, LOL. I certainly didn’t see that Garmin OCD coming. Your yoga mat looks nice! Maybe I should upgrade to a prettier one…maybe that would give me the motivation to actually use it more frequently.
In contrast to your hubs, mine could not stay farther away from my fitness equipment. Altho he did ask for a pair of Brooks walking shoes for Christmas, which I was happy to oblige. My Garmin is starting to show its age but I’ll probably replace it with another basic model, which gives me all the data I need or care about.
Happy New Year!
I don’t really care about mileage, but I like to know it as far as knowing what to do week to week. As you know I also find tracking my RHR & Stress levels to be super helpful. There’s a lot of walking & hiking I don’t track, mainly because the battery doesn’t last as long these days.
I WISH I could get my husband to foam roll! But when we practice Yoga together (it’s been a long time), I don’t let him use my favorite mats. he gets the cheap pink one, LOL!
Have a Happy New Year, Marcia!
I would probably hide my stash of things if anyone else showed any interest at all in using it. Well, at least your husband wants to exercise! So there’s that 🙂
The brain fog is real! It stuck with me for quite some time! Glad you are feeling better!
Oh, good strategy on your new yoga mat! My husb doesn’t venture much into my basement gym. He even got his own set of weights to keep in the family room and use randomly while he watches tv.
Interesting views on your Garmin. I like seeing my data although I analyze it way less than I used to.
I hope 2022 ends well for you!
Can’t blame my brain fog on Covid. Left my leftover in the restaurant last night.
I never wear my Garmin when I run. Only racing. I don’t care about pace or any of that stats. I just run.
Happy new year.
Whoa! You’re turning into quite a rebel. Although I see above that Darlene also does not wear her Garmin for regular runs. I do wear mine, but mostly just pay attention to distance (looking at pace got too depressing, ha ha.)
FRPs- good term. That’s what they are!
No big plans here for New Years Eve- my husband will be working and I’ll be home with the kids. Have a happy one!
I love the thinking behind your new yoga mat 🙂
Funny you mention the Garmin stats – I was just gifted a new model for Christmas that has far more bells and whistles than my last one….I’ll be curious to see if I pay attention to any of it.
NYE will be a quiet affair here and honestly that’s just the way I like it. Happy New Year Marcia!
I thought you were going to say the Caveman wore your Feetures socks – LOL
I ditched Garmin a while ago and I like running free! I do track with the Nike run club app or map my run to see the distance.
Happy New Year to you and yours!
i’m sorry about your brain fog. That’s hard.
I would also get gear that only I would want to use. Sharing is caring, but sometimes, we just want our own things.
We will see friends for New Year’s and then celebrate Mr PugRunner’s birthday on New Year’s Day.
Ha, great strategy! Kai steals ALL my nice stuff.
I got a really nice water bottle from Hoka at the Berlin Marathon. Guess who I caught using it last week?
Then my physio gave me a neat wooden board to use for my calf raises. I had hardly brought it through the door when Kai was using it “for his shin splints”.
I’ll need to get my stuff feminized!
I have heard more often that brain fog really is an after effect of covid! hopefully that is also a thing of the past very soon! and about your yogamat.. yeah I think I’d have done the same! I stopped recording every single thing with my Garmin a while ago but I’m going to go back to the data and distance side of things again to help me to reach some mileage goals. Nothing big, just want to feel like I’m doing something again and am kind of a nerd about the data. Don’t care about pace at all though.
Staying in for NYE, but will join the neighbours at midnight to see fireworks and wish everyone happy new year.