I so wanted to regroup and decompress after Thanksgiving and all the wonderful food! I swear its the leftover food and snacks that hang around for days after a holiday that derail me. Instead, work is off the leash, I’m doing my best to ditch the colds, flu and Covid (ColFluvid) that everyone seems to have around here, and the reindeer games began. Here’s how the week in workouts went:
Monday: Walk 4 miles, Trail Run 4 miles
Tuesday: Walk 4 miles, Bike Tabata, Upper Body Strength
Wednesday: Walk 4 miles, rest
Thursday: Walk 2 miles (so cold), Strength + Core
Friday: Walk 4 miles, Rest, I mean work
Saturday: Walk 2 miles, rest (work)
Sunday: Walk 4 miles, TBD
Let the record show I ran a whole ONE time this week. It was the nicest day of the week because old man winter arrived again with polar temps and crazy wind. Tis the season.
Amidst the chaos, I did manage to hit the 15k minute mark on Peloton and did my 450th meditation. GO me.
December is time for all the office reindeer games and since I have a pretty long list of clients, I get invited to all the pot lucks, parties, mug exchanges and Secret Santas. I also get exposed to all the ColFluvid going around. So far, fingers and toes crossed, I am holding my own but wow, it’s been a helluva season for germs.

I stayed up way too late at a holiday staff potluck. In an effort to be healthyish for selfish reasons, I made my Roasted Red Pepper Dip and it was a hit and a welcome alternative to #allthesweets.
New On YouTube
Eccentric Strength Workout. I love doing Eccentric Workouts because they’re a real change up to my normal routine and they keep my body guessing. Grab some moderate weights and join me for this one!
I’ll leave you with this pic. I’ll channel some serenity wherever I can get it.
How was your week? Is everyone around you getting sick? Has holiday chaos ensued? Do you do Eccentric workouts?
I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down. Join us!
Yes, there’s been something going around at work- so far I’ve miraculously managed to avoid getting it. Then I had a dream my husband had Covid, and it was so vivid that I keep looking at him suspiciously and asking if he feels okay. After what happened last year, our WHOLE GOAL is not to be sick on Christmas… fingers crossed.
One thing my (lame ass) trainer said during my session on Wednesday was to make the concentric movement quicker and powerful, and do the eccentric movement slowly. I liked that! So I got something out of it, at least.
Hope you stay healthy.
Yes there is a lot of Flu and colds going around.
All my parties are about to begin.
I better keep running
My daughter also has covid looks like its going around again. Sounds like you have really been swamped with work. Will that be easing up for you in the new year? Do you enjoy it still? Congrats on hitting 15K- I don’t thing I am going to make it. I don’t do any of the runs or walks. Oh well!
Holiday chaos is here and I am leaning in hard! Yay!
RSV and the flu were pretty big here. There was a nasty stomach bug too. Yuck.
Glad you had fun at your holiday party. That dip looks yummy. I was at an event last night and spent a lot of time in the raw veggie tray. Yum
I hope you stay healthy! Being sick is never fun…esp at the holidays! Good luck.
The pepper dip looks amazing!
Yes! I’m seeing all the illnesses, not just Covid/Flu/RSV. I’m just not surprised by anything right now! Stay healthy!
That dip looks yummy. I might have to make it for my family Christmas gathering!
Well, I topped you by one run, LOL!
My mom has been exposed to COVID — again — but seems ok and of course I am going to visit tomorrow because that’s just the only day I have this week. Fingers crossed & trying to stay positive (or maybe that’s really negative!).
Good luck, Marcia, and may you stay healhty!
Here I haven’t heard yet of any big disease surges except flu and RSV, I hope it stays calm and good, it would be so wonderful if the Christmas season could be worry-free.
I hope you escape all the germs, but it’s hard at this time of the year with events of all kinds!
From your photos, the areas where you run look stunning.
I feel you on the crazy work situation – I keep waiting for things to calm down and they’re just not…sigh. Everyone seems to be getting sick and we just got an alert of a positive covid test at work. I hope you stay healthy!
Knock wood, I haven’t seen a lot of sickness going around, but I’m sure it’s out there. The wind has been so psychotic! We have out big office shindig this week – all the sales reps are coming in from Chicago, Omaha and Denver, and a hefty chunk of the employees as well. Fingers crossed everyone stays healthy! You had me at red pepper…I have to checkout the recipe!
Kai was sick as a dog last week and now I’m feeling a sore throat…
If I had those Thanksgiving goodies and leftovers in my house I think I would eat them all up in a few hours… I’m terrible like that. Add work end-of-year parties in the mix and the disaster would be complete.
You did very well with that healthy snack!! Excellent idea!
That dip looks delicious! Yes, everyone is sick. No fun at all. I hope you manage to avoid the germs!
Awesome job hitting the 15K mark for Peloton – that’s awesome! Fingers crossed that you continue to stay healthy this holiday season.
That dip looks delicious – perfect for a holiday vegetable plate!
Coughing and colds at my house, but I expect that after flying somewhere in the winter and also with the dust stirred up around my house with holiday decorating! Luckily no COVID but I do have a supply of tests all ready to use just in case. I hope you all stay healthy at your house!!
That sunrise. Wow
And yes, one hell of a season for germs. Why didn’t the cooties shot of our childhood work?
WTG on 15K minutes, and why are we not Pelo friends?