Well here we are folks. The final month of the fastest year ever is upon us. It’s time to sit down with Deborah, Coco and you one final time before we plunge into the rest of the holidays and the end of the year.
Age is Just a Number…Right?
Over coffee I’d tell you it’s my birthday month. It’s the big 60 and I’m trying hard to feel good about that number. Yes age is only a number and a state of mind and time waits for nobody, but still. Age comes with so many stereotypes too. I wonder at what age I’ll begin to feel proud of my age? That happens, right?
Over coffee I’d ask you if you’ve ever seen handywork like this. This is the work of one of the neighborhood beavers. Now I know where the term “busy beaver” comes from. For the record, this tree fell the next day, however it fell away from the water so the beavers cannot use the wood to build their dam. It’s still pretty amazing though…in a destructive way.
Over coffee I’d ask you if you did any online shopping on Cyber Monday or thereabouts. I’d tell you I made a good dent in my holiday gift-giving list. I’d also tell you sadly that a couple of my orders have been delayed. One order was “out for delivery” with FedEx for two days until its progress mysteriously stopped and now the shipment has been marked “delayed” for almost two weeks. I think a better description would be “package lost”. Ugh.
What would you tell me over coffee?
I’m also linking up with My First 5K and More, Running With Attitude, Run Laugh Eat Pie, Runs with Pugs, and Zenaida for Fit Five Friday.
Wow, that tree is impressive!
I bought one thing on Cyber Monday — at least it was a gift. Sadly, the $$ coffee grinders my son wants were not on sale.
At this point I guess it’s good we don’t feel our age?
I love the photo of your Starbucks mug in the snow!
Wow on the busy beaver! I have seen some of their handywork, but never quite like that.
I did do some shopping. For me. 🙂
I knew Wendy and I were the same age-ish, but somehow I missed you were in the club too Marcia. I’m the baby of my family & so far age has never bothered me. My celebration was very low key. February isn’t the easiest month to celebrate unless you go somewhere. Still 60 didn’t bother me. I will admit to being a bit peeved that my brother never even acknowledged my birthday this year . . I know he has his own problems, but we worked hard to make his 60th (during the Pandemic) special. Ah well.
Celebrate life! Not everyone gets to see 60.
I have some weird delayed deliveries from Fedex and then they magically appeared. It is fun when all the packages come rolling back in. You will be rocking your 60’s!
Yes, age is just a number! When I had my training session at the gym this week, he asked how old I am and when I said 56 he said “Oh, you’re in the gray area.” What? What happens next? Black? Anyway… it’s up to us to show people that women in their 50s, 60s and beyond can be strong and healthy. So far you’re doing a great job!
I’ve never seen a beaver-chewed tree like that in real life- somehow I feel like it’s the type of thing I only see in cartoons. It’s pretty cool and I feel bad that the beavers can’t use the wood they worked so hard for!
Wow, that tree is very impressive!! Well, I definitely don’t feel my age & often times get frustrated with friends who “marvel” at my energy & daily fitness …honestly they could embrace a more active lifestyle if they so would choose to, right? They’re always encouraged to join me, and I plan to keep inviting them 🙂 Happy early Birthday!
That beaver handiwork is pretty wild!
I’ve had the worst luck with FedEx lately – I hope your package is found soon.
Age is definitely just a number and I’m all for breaking down those stereotypes! Enjoy your birthday month 🙂
Hitting the big 70 in Nay 60 seems young to me. Lol.
But my running actually improved in my 60s. Not time wise but enjoying it more.
Besides you look younger than your age. And as you said it’s just a number.
60 is the new 30, especially if you keep yourself fit! I’m very close to 50 and determined to be happy about it and celebrate what I can do despite – or perhaps because of? – my age.
I’m having a hard time believing any of our blogger friends are these ages I am reading because you are all such an amazing group of ladies, and amazingly fit and active!! Dang, well done!
I did end up buying a Christmas present for myself at the early Black Friday sales 🙂 I also got a good start on the shopping season this year. Hope that’s a sign that it will be a stress free Christmas for me!
I’ve seen some impressive beaver work along the Des Plaines River Trail, which I assume is where you found that! Also along the Salt Creek bike path, where I run on Fridays. I know it’s destructive but wow, the perseverance!
You’re rocking 60, don’t let anyone kid you. I’m hating being 60 but I refuse to let it rule how I live my life.
Happy early birthday!! I like to think you’re only ever as old as you feel and age is nothing but a number!
I definitely did some Cyber Monday shopping this year, but got a lot of stuff that I’ve been watching for most of the year, so I feel like I didn’t go overboard(?)!
I hope you get the package eventually! :[
Hi! I am here from Jenny’s blog. That tree is amazing, but I feel sad for the beavers that they can’t use it.
I did some shopping this week — got a bunch of my gifts taken care of and also got a few gifts for myself.
Happy birthday month!
That tree!
You don’t look anything like 60, so i am team “age is just a number.”
I did so little shopping. I need to get on that.
I had no idea you will be 60 this month! You look GREAT!!! I love how you are still very active. I also have that same mug which I love. I do wish it came in other colors, but then again, maybe it is a good thing they don’t cause I would be buying all of them.