Covid finally paid our home a visit. I felt “on the edge” for awhile and yep, I slipped down that ugly path of body aches, chills and extreme fatigue. Caveman and Thing 2 followed and it’s been a tough couple of weeks here. Although I do have some lingering chest congestion, I was able to get back to some semblance of light workouts this week.
Monday: Walk 2 miles, Trail Run/Walk 2 miles
Tuesday: Walk 4 miles, Lower Body Strength
Wednesday: Walk 2 miles, Bike Bootcamp, Upper Body Strength
Thursday: Walk 4 miles, otherwise rest
Friday: Walk 4 miles, Heavy(ish) strength
Saturday: Walk 2 miles, Treadmill Bootcamp
Sunday: Walk 4 miles, TBD
I did not take a single running or workout pic.
It broke my heart that Thing 2 had to miss her holiday concert. That said, there is a silver lining. While the Caveman was not as fortunate, I really only felt bad for one day. Honestly I’ve had flus that were far worse and much longer lasting. Thankfully we were all testing negative before Thing I arrived from Atlanta for an abbreviated visit.
We ventured into the city for the Christkindlmarket. Light snow fell throughout the day, making it super festive. It’s going to get much colder this week so the timing was right.
The Big 6-0
I told you how much I was not looking forward to this particular milestone, however my perspective shifted when a colleague (who is 62) told me she’s sorry I’m turning 60 because it’s “a terrible age”. She continued on lamenting how “we don’t have much time left” and the time we do have is “miserable” because “everything goes wrong”. At that moment I reminded myself that age is not a gift afforded to everyone so I decided I’m going to be grateful I’m here, feeling great, and make the most of every day. I’ll bet my future 80 year-old self would not consider 60 as old.
New On YouTube
Barre Strength & Sculpt. Join me for this low-impact, all-standing Barre workout!
I’ll leave you with a festive pic of our town’s covered bridge, all lit up for the holidays.
How was your week? Are you done with your shopping? Wrapping?
I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down. Join us!
I’m so glad you are feeling better! You make 60 look good. I will admit that particular milestone hit me hard, but since there’s nothing I can do about the march of time, I don’t have to succumb to it!
Enjoy your time with your family!
So glad you are feeling better! Seems like so many people got the C bug this time around. My daughter also had it last week. My mom keeps reminding me that she would love to be my age again. Age is just a number and we just have to keep doing everything we can to stay active and healthy and strong. Hope you had a great birthday!
I’m so sorry you got COVID but glad it was mild for you! It’s SO individual.
I reminded my mom how fortunate she is that at almost 95 she can still walk! But her takeaway was how awful it would be if she couldn’t. Sigh. Of course it would be, but still. I’ll be revealing 2023’s word soon — it might just be a bit about this subject. 😊
So many in my family didn’t get to 60. I do try to look at it that way but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t somewhat fearful about the future, too.
Anyway enjoy your holidays!
Happy birthday! You do not look 60- fitness keeps you young! I’m sorry you had Covid though…it definitely still out there. Sorry your husband had a rougher case too. I feel that mine was pretty mild, but terrible timing!
I’m glad Covid didn’t keep you down for long. I’m hoping it doesn’t catch me this week. But it is making rounds.
Glad you got to see Thing 1.
Sorry your friend has such a bad outlook. An attitude like that can be self-fulfilling. You certainly set a better example. Happy Birthday!
Ugh, I’m sorry you were sick, and I’m especially sorry your daughter had to miss her concert. Honestly, that’s the thing I fear most about Covid right now- it will strike at a horrible time and we’ll have to miss something really important. So far so good, but it’s probably just a matter of time. So many people are sick right now.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY. I know… I’m turning 57 this year and well, 60 is looming. It sounds so old, but we don’t have to make it old. I feel sorry for people who think like your colleague. People do AMAZING things in their 60s and beyond. People like us!
I’m glad you’re feeling better and everyone tested negative before your oldest daughter got home. My husband and got Covid it in early October and luckily we both had mild cases. Even though I felt fine after a few days, I couldn’t return to the gym where I teach classes until I tested negative and that took almost two weeks.
Happy 60th! Don’t listen to your friend, you’re only as old as you feel. I’ve got five years on you and it’s not so bad!
Great perspective on celebrating that new number rather than dreading it. As has been said by others, many people don’t get the privilege of seeing that number. Glad you’re feeling better and Covid wasn’t too dreadful. The vaccines did far more damage to me (in terms of aches and exhaustion) than the virus itself did…for which I was quite grateful! Happy Birthday 😉
HBD! In my family, we would chide calling you “old and old.” I said that to my granny just before she turned 96. Her response was “trying to be.” I love your perspective, like hers. She is beautiful and healthy. We should all hope for the wisdom and joy that come with making it to 96!
Sorry Covid hit your house – I’m glad everyone’s on the mend and tested negative before M got home.
Happy Birthday! It’s too bad your colleague has such a negative mindset. I think you’ve got the right perspective.
That is so awful what your friend said. I will be turning 70 and I feel better than when I was 40..
You are as old as you feel. or as you act. I hate when people say “I’m too old to…”
Happy Birthday!!!
Love the covered bridge, and glad you were able to enjoy the trip in. So festive and warm.
Hope Thing2 navigated the concert as best as possible
60 will be wonderful
Sorry about Covid – you’ve all avoided it for so long! My son hasn’t had it yet, but we all did last year. Happy birthday!!
You don’t look 60 at all, Marcia!!! In fact, I was wondering who was hitting 60 when I saw your subtitle “The Big 6-0”.
I remember feeling old at 40. Now at 54, I wish I was 40 again. It’s all a matter of perspective. Your fitness regime is keeping you fitter and healthy than many half your age.
Lovely photo with your two daughters!
So sorry to hear about Covid visiting! At least now you’ve had it and can relax over Christmas.
Your colleague makes me cringe a bit. I agree that everything is going wrong but.. life is only as good as you make it! Your 60s can be a wonderful age, so just keep going and enjoying life.
Ugh! So sorry to hear that your household got hit with Covid this month. That is such a bummer 🙁 Glad that everyone is feeling better now.
Your colleague sounds like she could use a shift in perspective for sure! Age is just a number and honestly I know people in their 30s and 40s that are way more unhealthy than people in their 60s and 70s. It really comes down to perspective. That being said, I hope you had a WONDERFUL time celebrating you’re 60th birthday!
Ugh! I’m sorry you were all sick, but glad you are getting back to normal. I don’t think I’m done, but who knows. I’m giving it up to luck at this point.