It’s November already and it’s time to sit down and catch up with Deborah, Coco and you over a cup of something warm. I’m going with some Starbucks Gingerbread coffee I found at the grocery store. Yeah I know I’m rushing the holiday season but who are we kidding? Christmas was alive and well at Target and Costco weeks ago so I’m going with it.
I’ve got my New York mug out in honor of everyone running NYCM this weekend. I can’t believe it’s been 8 years since I ran it. It’s a great race, but you already knew that.
Over coffee I’d ask how Halloween went for you. We get few if any trick or treaters at out house anymore, but inevitably I panic and buy way too much candy “just in case”. This year I held my ground and bought only two bags. When I opened them on Halloween to discover there were a paltry 12 small pieces in each bag, I panicked again. At around 5 pm we got a huge group of kids, parents, grandparents, dogs at our door, wiping out about half my candy stash. As it turned out though, they were the only trick or treaters we saw that night so it’s all good. Phew!
Over coffee I’d ask you if you’ve lost Twitter followers recently. I’ve lost about 20 in just the past few days and I suspect it has something to do with Elon Musk’s purchase of the platform.
Over coffee I’d have to share a proud mom brag and tell you that Thing 1 finished her undergrad work and is now working towards a Masters degree in Economics. She was taking a couple of undergrad classes she thought she needed but after seeing her advisor, he assured her she’d already met the requirements, so she picked up some graduate-level classes instead. She’s also deep into the job-interview process and is very close to accepting a full-time position for after she graduates in May. She makes it look easy and I well know it is not!
What would you tell me over coffee?
Congrats to M! It’s amazing that she knows what she wants and goes for it. I know how proud you are of her.
We didn’t have a lot of trick or treaters here, even though we live in a big neighborhood. We’re on the edge of the hood and they just don’t want to come this way, I guess.
Wow, congrats to your daughter! I’m sure you don’t want to share where she’s hoping to work, but will it be close to home? The job market is crazy right now. You have to do your work to land interviews but then companies are competing for good people.
We had a similar experience with trick-or-treaters. In years past we’ve had 0-5 kids. This year we had about 15, but they came in two groups. We also ended up having rain on Halloween, so I’m sure that kept some kids home.
Congrats to your daughter. That’s awesome.
I’m have NYCM FOMO. I’m wearing my shirt tomorrow.
I ran out of candy last year so this year I bought too much.
Congrats to your daughter that’s quite an achievement! I don’t have FOMO about NYC but I am looking forward to the half in March. I did not buy any candy this year bc we were going out. So, no worries about those Reeses calling my name
Oh, congratulations to Thing 1! (I had a little bit of a proud mom brag in my post today as well.) I’m excited to hear what job she’s interviewing for. I can’t remember- is Thing 2 graduating this year is well or is she a junior?
We get a moderate amount of trick-or-treaters, and did well with the candy. Except that I waited till the last minute to buy it and ended up with a bag of tootsie rolls, which apparently no one likes anymore? My daughter told me to get GOOD candy next year. Sigh.
Huge congrats to your daughter! As Coco said, I hope the job opp is close to home 🙂
I was surprised at how many trick or treaters we had this year! Thankfully we had just enough with only two mini Twix left over…and yes I took care of those LOL.
Yay Thing 1!
I’m not super active on Twitter. I’ve lost a few IG people, but so it goes.
Halloween was quiet. We live on kind of a hidden street so we didn’t see a lot of traffic.
Our neighborhood is real hit/miss with trick-or-treaters. I was going to boycott, but wound up buying two bags of candy on impulse. We had six pieces of candy left…so I guesstimated that with near-perfection, LOL.
Congrats to Thing 1!
We stopped doing Halloween candy a long time ago, and obviously we weren’t home anyway. At least the kids in this neighborhood are polite and don’t trash your house!
I’m drinking from my new WV mug today. 🙂
We apparently got a lot of trick or treaters but I was off at dance practice and didn’t pass out much candy (my SO did it all ._.). We made sure to get candy we liked though just in case! 😛
Congrats to your daughter!! :]
Congratulations to Thing 1. Fellow econ major here.
Have you tried Eggnog? That’s my new weird holiday blend