I was able to catch my breath a bit this week. Let the record show I had no super early work mornings to contend with and the extra sleep was amazing. Here’s how the workouts shook out:
Monday: Walk 4 miles, Trail Run 4 miles
Tuesday: Walk 4 miles, otherwise rest
Wednesday: Walk 4 miles, Bike Bootcamp, weights for arms
Thursday: Walk 4 miles, 20 min Bike Tabata, Lower Body Strength + Core
Friday: Walk 4 miles, Trail Run 5 miles
Saturday: Walk 4 miles, Heavy Strength
Sunday: Walk 4 miles, Trail Run TBD
This has to be one of the nicest autumns on record here. Mother Nature has totally outdone herself. While we’re well past peak color time, the temperatures remain mild with generous sunshine. I will take it!
Our twice daily walks on the wooded trails are pure joy, although this week I had to finally retire my walking shoes, which were formerly my running shoes. We went through a lot together: The Tokyo Marathon, the London Marathon and all the walks we’ve done since the pandemic started were done in them. I did not do a good job of tracking the mileage but with an average of 28 walking miles per week for well over 2 years, plus the running, there are thousands. They are soooo worn out it’s ridiculous. The treads on the soles are long gone and the uppers are torn. They have zero cushioning or support anymore, but the reason I finally retired them is because the right one started to squeak every time I took a step, which drove the Caveman nuts. Haha! So goodbye to my trusty Asics. You’ve served me incredibly well!
In other news, marching band season is over. We enjoyed the second Band concert of the school year. This one was all chamber music and of course it was wonderful. There’s a holiday concert coming up in December that is going to be amazing.
New On YouTube
Strength and Balance Exercises. Ever trip and fall? I have, once on a trail when my toe caught a root in mile 20 of a 20-mile run. I fell forward, scraped a knee but was otherwise fine. I continued on toward home, swearing under my breath all the way. That incident helped me to be more mindful AND to commit to strength and balance work. Do this quick sequence once or twice a week and you’ll be amazed how quicky your balance improves.
How was your week? What’s the longest you’ve kept shoes “in service”? Are you enjoying our “extra hour” today?
I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down. Join us!
Well, I guess you got your money’s worth out of those shoes!
Glad you got to catch your breath. We’re having a good season with the tree colors. My neighborhood is really lovely! Not sure my husband appreciates the fallen leaves as much as I do, since he’s the one that gets them off the lawn. 😉
I finally parted with six pairs of retired running shoes (which had morphed into walking and ind00r cycling shoes), but I still have several remaining pairs to access when needed. I get a lot of mileage out of my running shoes, especially when they’re well past their prime. Glad you had a less-stressful week to enjoy!!!
Glad you had a more sane week! You got in some good workouts. You must have been really attached to those shoes. When I get new running shoes, my old ones become my walking shoes… so my walking shoes are replaced as often as my running shoes. And, I’m definitely enjoying the extra hour today! I love turning the clocks back.
My running shoes also become walking shoes and they’re usually in service for a few years. I will retire them before they’re quite as worn out as yours, LOL!
I’m so glad you got a much needed break. We all need that sometimes!
I definitely enjoyed my extra hour of sleep today but I know I will not like it getting dark at 4:30 pm. Glad you are feeling more rested this week. Makes a huge difference. Have a great week ahead
I’m still wearing an old favorite pair of Adrenalines for my everyday shoes–yes, those very same shoes I brought out of retirement for my 20k race last year. So much good juju in those shoes and they are so comfortable. I hope they never wear out!
When I first looked at the photo of the woodwind ensemble, I thought why are they wearing black hats? Then I realized you put black dots over them, lol. My vision has not been the best lately–I’m due for new glasses. Good thing I have an appointment scheduled for December!
Same here with the delightfully beautiful fall weather that’s lasted for weeks.
LOL on your squeaky shoes. I had worn a pair of Nike Pegasus for years when I started training for my first marathon. They were ripped from the sole from just behind the toe to the middle of the shoe, yet I wore them throughout the summer until about a month before the MCM when my friend told me I’d better get new shoes and break them in before the race. I bought a pair of Asics and learned I should replace them every 500 miles. After that, like you, once I retired a pair of shoes from running, they’d become my walking or lawn mowing shoes.
Hooray for being able to get extra sleep this week!
I agree that this has probably been the nicest autumn on record in a really long time. I just hope this doesn’t mean that we are gonna get hit with a lot of snow this Winter 🙁
So nice that you finally got a bit of a break! Do you track your sleep? I’m sure it would be satisfying to see that sleep number go up!
I love your shoe story! I hope you did a special Mari Kondo goodbye ceremony for them.
Great to hear you finally caught a break this week. And extra sleep is just the best, isn’t it?! I hope things stay quieter for you for a bit.
I’ve got a couple of pairs of retired running shoes now doing time as walking and/or gardening shoes. You definitely squeezed all you could out of those shoes lol! I’m actually surprised you could walk in them as much as you did!
The extra hour was much needed. I worked 15 hours at the polls and now we have a hurricane. Good times.
We have two more weeks of band, and then our concerts start. It’s just the next chapter, right?
I do still have my shoes from the Boston marathon. I don’t wear them anymore because just in general I have a lot of shoes!! But also, memories. Your shoes have seen a lot of great miles!