It was all fun and games until Old Man Winter came to visit. We enjoyed record heat, a beautiful Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse and then? Here’s how the week in workouts went:
Monday: Walk 4 miles, Trail Run 4 miles
Tuesday: Walk 4 miles, Bike Bootcamp, Upper Body Strength+Core
Wednesday: Walk 4 miles, Trail Run 4 miles
Thursday: Walk 4 miles, otherwise rest
Friday: Walk 4 miles, Full-Body Strength
Saturday: Walk 4 miles, Trail Run 5 miles
Sunday: Walk 4 miles, Heavy Strength
I finally cleared off our deck and put all the flower pots to sleep for another season. Why does summer fly so fast and winter come so soon?? I harvested the final, kind of pathetic tomato and the bird bath was stowed in the garage. While birds no longer bathed in it, squirrels seem to take great delight in drinking from it, so I left it out longer than I should have.
By the weekend I was digging out my winter gear. Although you can’t see them, there were snow flurries during this run. It’s mid-November after all. This run reminded me that winter running is mostly not that bad and even enjoyable. Last year I was able to stay on my trails throughout the entire winter. Hopefully I’ll be that lucky again, but we’ll see.
On the home front, we seem to be fast-forwarding right to Black Friday and Christmas at the stores. I pulled down my Halloween stuff but the fall decor will stay until after Thanksgiving. Speaking of Turkey Day, it’ll be here before we know it. I’m counting the days until a certain college girl (who accepted a job offer for after graduation!) will be home!
Thing 2 started a Field Hockey Winter League, which she’s enjoying so far, but it’s about 45 minutes away in the evening on a school night, and it runs through March. I predict foul winter weather may become an issue with that commute, but for now it’s all good
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Strength & Conditioning Workout. Grab your moderate and heavy hand weights and join me for this low-impact combo of strength and cardio intervals.
I’ll leave you with this pic. Now that we’ve turned back the clocks, we’re enjoying the gorgeous sunrise on our morning walks again.
How was your week? What are your Thanksgiving plans?
I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down. Join us!
I need to go find my gloves this morning! We woke up to chilly temps after a crazy 72 degree day. We are hosting Thanksgiving and it will be great to have everyone home together. It is a lot of work though!
I just don’t know how to dress anymore, lol! Congrats to M on the job. She is one focused girl!! It sounds like J is really enjoying field hockey. Good for her!
Congrats to your daughter on the job! Very impressive. Snow flurries! I agree, winter running isn’t all bad, its just the ice and slippery conditions that stress me out!
Yes, I’m looking forward to Saturday when my son comes home!!! Now that he’s in college I look forward to Thanksgiving so much more.
I’m glad you’re getting out your winter gear. It was been SO WARM here, and we can’t cool down till you guys do. Now there’s hope. I’m over the humidity and temps in the upper 80s. UGH!
I love the sunrise picture!
November weather returned this week too – I predict I’ll have to break out the winter gear when I get home. For now I’m soaking up a few more days in the 60s 🙂
Big congrats to your daughter on her job offer! How wonderful to have that wrapped up so soon. I hope she’ll be close to home!
I always love your photos Marcia!
Once it snows that’s it for the trails for me (unless it warms up, but the trails tend to take forever to melt.
We are once again at my moms for Thanksgiving. They say we can eat in the dining room. They’ve said that & changed their minds before, so it could get interesting.
Mega props and congrats to the soon-to-be graduate! That’s awesome news!! The eclipse was so pretty (I saw it, from my bedroom window, as I was getting dressed for my morning workout). I did manage to catch a couple glimpses of the sunrise last week, but the sunsets were quite amazing as well.
Oh no on snow!!
I don’t want to break out the winter clothes yet but I may have to next week.
Family dinner at my MIL… fun fun (and I’m being sarcastic).
Congrats to Thing !! I’m sure you all are grateful for her to have made that decision.
Ugh on the drive to hockey practice. I do not miss those days, even though my husband or my mom did most of that weekday shuttling.
I wore shorts for my run yesterday, but next weekend will probably be legging weather.
Ugh, winter! I ran outside today and came home twice to change clothing as it just kept getting colder and colder. Definitely running more with my “trainer” Tommy Rivs on the treadmill this winter. I LOVE IT!
Where did Thing 1 get a job? I will have to text you. I hope things are going okay…I know it’s tough. Thank God for running, huh?
Love ya, Lou!!
It’s tricky to get a good photo of the moon but you nailed it!! Fantastic photo.
Congratulations to Thing 1! She’s becoming more and more independent. I guess it’s a bitter-sweet moment for the parents.
Have a lovely week!
You’re so consistent with your 4-mile walks! Do you combine it with the other workouts (back to back) or do it as a separate workout during the day?
The week was definitely a little crazy when it came to the weather. I just saw on the news that we might get our first snow later on this week. Oh how things can quickly change, lol.
Congrats to your daughter!!
I am debating putting up Christmas. I only care about Thanksgiving in the being with loved ones sense and since spooky season was crappy, I want to milk the happy in this one.
Yay for your daughter coming home!