I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! These months seem to go faster and faster as we near the end of the year. It’s time once again to open the Runfessional so we can greet December with a clear conscience. Let’s get started, shall we?
I runfess I need another drinking vessel like I need another hole in my head. And yet? I keep dragging them home. This month alone I acquired 5 new mugs/bottles/cups. They’re so cute though!
I was so excited for Planksgiving. I clicked right through to the link to get started, and then…..I never even downloaded the planking calendar. Sure I’ve done plenty of my usual corework but I runfess I’m a Planksgiving flunkie.
I runfess the coyotes are toying with me by leaving their poop smack dab in the middle of the trails lately. Don’t worry I’ll spare you the visuals. When you have the entire prairie and forest to poop in, why would you go right on the trails?
I also runfess I’m pretty proud of my Spidey senses lately. Recently the Caveman and I did our usual morning walk and soon after I headed out to run, as I frequently do. On my run however, just as I was contemplating pulling off to take some Insta-worthy fake running pics, I noticed that part of the trail had been raked. The guy whose property backs up to this part of the trail regularly clears the leaves, he even had it sprayed for mosquitos. It dawned on me that the trail had not yet been raked when we came though on our walk, so the raking had to take place very recently. I suspected the trail guy was likely still out there lurking and raking, so I skipped the selfies and continued my run. As soon as I rounded the corner, boom! There he was.
Have you seen those Insta posts that flash pics and you take a screenshot and you get a message or something that pertains to you? I runfess I can’t resist them. Recently Lululemon had one so of course I played along. Except the item on my “wish list” was….um….nothing! Haha!
Ok your turn! What have you to runfess?
You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!Click here to enter
I’m also linking up with Darlene, Michelle, Renee, Jenn and Zenaida, for Fit Five Friday.
I am super impressed that you know that “stuff” on the trail came from coyotes! Do you often see them on the trails? That would frighten me!
Have a great weekend!
Those screenshots are a bit creepy! I saw a potential Xmas gift idea on Insta, screen-shot it (to show the daughters), and had the ad flood my FB feed a few minutes later. I felt a bit invaded! I totally agree with these months, time in general, speeding by far too quickly…
You know my fondness for mugs. I only came home with two though (and I’m the only one that uses them, btw, Mr. Judy has his own mugs). Yours are very cute!
Although we’ve seen the odd coyote close to our neighborhood, not IN it, and so far, I’ve never seen one on the trails either. Kinda reminds me of my trail half though, only the cow patties . . .
We had a coyote stalking our neighborhood for a bit – thankfully he seems to have moved on.
I runfess that I’m also a bit addicted to water bottles and mugs — I need to do a purge soon before I run out of cabinet space lol!
I runfess that I had no idea that poop on the trail belonged to coyotes! It’s always full of um, interesting items! I also runfess that I haven’t seen those IG posts. Maybe I’ve just scrolled on by…
Yes I too keep getting mugs. Oy.
I’m glad to hear that I’m not the only plank flunkie. I’ll runfess that next month. At least you do core work.
I know there are coyotes in our area but haven’t seen one in years. We have paths that are covered in goose poop. Challenging.
i absolutely love that teal Starbucks mug- they have it at my Starbucks and I’m eying it longingly every time I go in. And, if it makes you feel any better, I’m also a Planksgiving flunkie. Well, maybe I get a D- I did a few planks here and there.
We see lots of deer poop on our trail and backyard. No coyotes here just fox. I did not do the planksgiving challenge but did keep up w my usual core work. I hear ya on the coffee mugs!
Mugs are hard to resist! Plus it’s nice to sip a cup of coffee out of a mug that reminds you of a trip, etc.
I guess I have not been on IG enough to see those ads. My patent attorney brain goes to wondering about the coding and algorithms behind them!
Happy Black Friday!
Oh, the Creepy Trail Guy again! I wish he would stop killing insects and raking leaves in the forest. I would be so annoyed about this fellow! You did the right thing, just continue to run.
I got to buy 6 new mugs this week! The owner of our flat took out all his furniture and kitchen stuff so that gave me the wonderful opportunity to indulge.
I runfess… I failed Planksgiving, too!
I am proud of myself for resisting mugs lately! I did get a cool new pint glass at NYC Marathon at the Streakers party (it was a gift!)