October is slipping away and the universe has spoken so I need to listen. It’s time for the Spooky Edition of the Runfession Friday linkup. Let’s get the party started.

I’ve talked about my super early work days here before. I’ve told you how I feel progressively more tired as each week goes on. It doesn’t matter though, I just keep pushing through, zombie style. Until the universe stopped me in my weary tracks…
I runfess this week I had a footwear incident. I got to work for my usual 5am shenanigans when a colleague told me to look down. To my horror I discovered that in the vampire darkness when I get dressed, I managed to put on two shoes that did not go together. And I never even noticed. I think this is the universe’s way of telling me this early madness has to stop.
I wrote a glowing recap of ZOOMA Amelia Island here but I runfess I did warn you that there was a dark side there as well. Let’s call it attack of the fire ants. Yes, I had my first encounter with those little suckers and let me tell you it was not fun. I must have stepped on an ant pile at 0 dark thirty when we were setting up the finish area. I felt a sudden burning around my ankles. Days later I had a gross blister for every freaking bite. It’s the gift that keeps on giving too, since I’m still itching almost 2 weeks later. Yuck!
I also runfess that my return trip from Florida to Chicago was possibly worse than the 9-hour one I had getting to Jacksonville. Let me elaborate. I called an Uber to get me the JAX airport. Turns out Uber would not pick up from our beach house. What?? The nearest pickup was at a hotel down the street so I packed up my bags and hoofed it down the street (no sidewalks of course). Wait it gets better.
When I finally got picked up and on my way, we were on the highway when there was a loud bump, then some thumping as we pulled off to the side. We had a flat tire, and while I sat in the car deciding if it was better to remain in the car while the driver repaired the flat or get out and away from the car, the driver informed me he had no spare tire at all. If Uber will not pick up from a beach house, rest assured they will not pick up from some random shoulder on the highway. The driver vacillated between “call another Uber” and “cancel the Uber I’ll call my son and he’ll take you”. Um, hard no to the latter.
To make a long crazy Uber story short, the driver ended up driving his flat-tire car on the shoulder until he could exit and left me in a liquor store parking lot until a replacement Uber came. This is why we allow plenty of time to get to the airport. Let the record show, I made my flight, but not by much. Exhale here.
Ok your turn! What have you to runfess?
Ever break down in an Uber? Experience the wrath of fire ants? Go to work with mismatched shoes?
I’m linking up with My First 5K and More, Running With Attitude, Run Laugh Eat Pie, Runs with Pugs, and Zenaida for Fit Five Friday!
Oh WOW, that Uber story is one for the books! I’m glad it had a happy ending, but I can’t imagine how stressful it had to have been as it all played out. I don’t think I’ve ever worn mismatched shoes, but I have had favorite sandals “die on the scene” and and then had to resort to less-than-pretty substitute shoes until I could remedy the situation. Yes, a first world prob, but an inconvenience none the less.
Sounds like an overall rough week for you! I was bit by fire ants years ago in Florida and I will never forget it! Yikes. And yes, I once worse 2 different shoes to work, which made everyone laugh all day.
That Uber story sounds like a nightmare. I would have been crying for sure. What an awful way to end a vacation!
Yikes. I can’t top that. Hope things get better.
It’s easier now that I work from home. I’m out of practice. So I may have similar stories when I go back.
oh wow that’s a crazy story all around! Ouch to the fire ants that’s gotta hurt. Lol on the shoes. I have done that before. I have never had an Uber break down but my driver almost hit a cyclist a few weeks ago. I hope now htat you are back from Zooma, you are able to get some more sleep?
Good grief that Uber story is crazy! It’s amazing that you still made your flight.
Fire ants are the worst – I’ve been bitten by them and it is an experience you never forget…ugh!
Oh, yikes! Last week I had my first Uber just not show up. Luckily I was tracking him and didn’t too long before ordering a replacement. When we were in CA the Uber was a Tesla and didn’t have enough charge for our two-stop trip. It was my colleague who had to jump into a second one and run to the gate!
Fire ants sound horrible!
Okay, this is pretty funny. The mismatched shoes… I mean they’re not even close! It’s almost like you did it on purpose to make some kind of a fashion statement. You could start a new trend.
Yes, I’ve been bitten by fire ants but never that many all at once. And that Uber story… how can an Uber driver not have a spare tire??? I’m glad you made your flight.
I think you might win for the craziest runfessions this month!
That is funny about your shoes. My sister did that a few months ago at work. She didn’t even notice until a student pointed it out to her…haha.
Holy cannoli! What an ordeal! I’m so glad you are safe.
Where I live, it’s near impossible to get an Uber. We are just too far from anything worthwhile for the drivers.
Matching is overrated. I think your shoes were fine lol.
Oh, that Uber story! I just told it to my husband.
Here in Cape Town, I use Uber quite a lot to get around. With petrol being so expensive, the drivers sometimes don’t have enough petrol in the tank to do the ride. So we first need to stop at the petrol station.
Then my dad forgot his cell phone in an Uber – obviously, never to be seen again. Luckily, we could replace it quickly with a cheap phone that he still uses today!
Well… they’re the same shoes! So it could be a style choice. I once wore two different black shoes (one from each pair) and didn’t notice until mid day. Oh and more than once took one running shoe from one pair and one from another! So call it a fun fashion choice!
That Uber story is one for the books!
Yikes! I’m so sorry for all the craziness. I runfess I have never Ubered on my own & really still dislike the idea of it. And yes, you do need a break!
I HATE fire ants. Every time we consider a place to move to I ask do they have fire ants? Because we had them I’m TX. I used to treat the lawn several times a year.
Matching is entirely overrated.
So sorry about the fire ants, they’re evil little bastards.
Glad you got home safe