Like it or not, October arrived in all it’s chilly glory. Although it’s cooler than what is “seasonal” here, I’ve really enjoyed our crisp days and abundant sunshine. The trails are way too nice to ignore, so I’ve spent more than my share of time on them. Here’s how the workouts shook out:
Monday: Walk 4 miles, early work
Tuesday: Walk 4 miles, Trail Run 4 miles
Wednesday: Walk 4 miles, Bike Bootcamp
Thursday: Walk 4 miles, Trail Run 4 miles
Friday: Walk 4 miles, Upper Body + Core Strength
Saturday: Walk 4 miles, Trail Run 5 miles
Sunday: Walk 4 miles, Heavy Strength
I did all of my runs on the trails this week because there is truly nothing better than wooded trails in fall.
We got our first official frost of the season. Seems earlier than normal. Now I know why the geese started migrating so early.
The Field Hockey season is winding down, with just one more game to go. This week spectating was not for the faint of heart. We endured 40 mph wind and blowing rain to cheer Thing 2 and her team on to a 9-0 route. I felt the slightest bit bad for the other team as the entire game was played right in front of their net. Yikes.
Having just one early work day instead of two made all the difference in my energy levels toward the end of the week. By Friday I still felt energized and ready to seize the day.
This Week…
I’m jetting off to Florida for ZOOMA Amelia Island. The entire ZOOMA team will be there, so plenty of fun will be had, I’m sure. I’m bummed though, that while I’m gone, Thing 1 is coming home for her fall break, so I’ll miss her completely. Wah!
New On YouTube
Eccentric Strength Workout: Grab your hand weights and join me! We’re working eccentrically today so we’ll focus on slowly releasing the weights. Eccentric workouts not only keep the body guessing, they help prevent injury, increase muscle flexibility, joint mobility and fire up your resting metabolic rate.
How was your week? Did you watch the Chicago Marathon? Good luck runners!
I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down. Join us!
Oh no on missing thing 1! What bad timing. But you’ll have fun anyway!
We got close to a frost, but grateful we are not there yet.
Fall is always lovely when it isn’t reining, which it hasn’t done TOO much late. 🙂
I’m watching the Chicago marathon right now! Ruth C. is keeping things exciting again.
Sounds like you had a great week (three trail runs, yay!). And you’re heading down to Florida! You’ll be quite a bit further north than where I am, but you should still get some warmer temps (frost… brr.). I hope you have a great time.
Yeah, we had frost yesterday morning…not a lot, but in the shady patches. I thought it seemed earlier than usual as well. Just this week, we have some trees starting to turn…now THAT seems a little late, LOL. I don’t embrace the cooler temps, but I do love all the fall color.
Your photos from the trails are always so pretty, and Ozzy looks so adorable in his dog coat! How is he liking the colder temps?
No frost here but it dipped into the low 40s last night so I’m sure we will have the first frost soon.
Your trails do look fabulous right now! sounds like a great choice. Have so much fun on Amelia island can’t wait to hear all about it. Are you running any of the races?
This week at Deer Grove, the squirrels were going crazy gathering nuts, so I knew something was up! How do they know?
I’m glad you are going to Florida–last time you mentioned it, you weren’t sure. Have so much fun! i know you’ll be sad to miss M.
Too bad on the timing with Amelia Island and Thing 1 being home, but at least you saw her somewhat recently at Parents Weekend. I bet you will have a lot of fun!
We had a record-setting low high of 55 one day last week, but then it was in the 80s on Friday. I saw some 30s in the long-term forecast for next week!
9:0! What a fabulous score. I’m sure your daughter is playing a key role in that team!
Enjoy Florida – I’m sure we’re going to get some lovely photos.
Have fun in Florida – bummer about the timing of your daughter’s visit.
We had our first frost advisory the other night which is definitely on the early side. Overall the days have been crisp and sunny – so good!
I love fall, but we didn’t have crisp until today. We had soggy. Quit sharing! 😀
“truly nothing better than wooded trails in fall. ”
Enjoy Amelia Island!
What lovely colours, thank you for sharing!
It’s a little bittersweet when those school activities come to an end! What will we do next?
I am looking forward t seeing you in Amelia Island!
Ozzy in that coat, so cute!
Have a fabulous time in Florida!