As you read this I am likely still in Florida for the big ZOOMA Amelia Island race weekend. Check out my Instagram for highlights. Here’s how the days leading up to my departure shook out.
Monday: Walk 4 miles, early work
Tuesday: Wal 4 miles, Strength
Wednesday: Walk 4 miles, Run 10k, Travel Day
Thursday-Sunday: ZOOMA Amelia Island
Do you always feel like you’re scrambling to get everything ready before you travel? Just me?
We had some mild, rainy, windy fall weather before I left. Thing 2 had her final Field Hockey game of the season and oh my it was a soaker! The whole game was played in windy, driving rain. Thank heavens it wasn’t horribly cold as well. She was soaked to the bone and I was grateful for a loooong raincoat. I think the colors will officially reach their peak while I’m gone, which I believe is a week earlier than normal. A cold snap will do that I guess.
New On YouTube
Standing Arms & Abs. Here’s a new version of one of my most popular workouts. Grab your hand weights and join me.
How was your week? Any races? Any travel coming up?
I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down. Join us!
So exciting.
I remember our Zooma Bermuda weekend.
Hope we can meet up again.
Have fun.
I’m sure you’re enjoying the warmer weather!!! I think I read that we won’t hit peak colors until early November. I hope so because I’ll be out of town next week.
Let’s plan something when we’re both back! I miss seeing you!
I hate packing and preparing for travel, so there is always some last-minute mad scrambling involved.
Florida sounds awesome! Looking forward to seeing some photos.
I’m always in a scramble before traveling! I saw your photos on IG – looks like it was a fun race weekend!
No idea when our colors are peaking…seems like they just started to come to life this past week or so. Amelia Island sounds like a blast! I assume you’re having a great time 😉
I hope you had a great weekend! It looks pretty stunning even before you left.
And no, getting ready to travel takes me weeks. Literally. I’m in the midst o that right now! We’ll see if maybe THIS time I started early enough. Probably not.
Your photos are beautiful! This is the time of year where I’m questioning why I live in Florida (but never fear, that question will be answered in a couple months.) I hope your racecation was fun- I can’t wait to hear all about it!
Even though we travel quite a bit, I still get stressed when I pack for trips. You’d think I would be a pro by now! Hope you had a fantastic time in Amelia Island. It’s on my bucket list
Oh, but how nice it must have been to be back with those gorgeous leaves!
I’m so glad to finally get to meet you! That was a huge highlight to my trip!
Oh man, poor kids having to play sports in that kind of weather! So far we have lucked out with good weather for all of the Friday night football games. Only one more to go and the forecast is still good. Hope you had a fun trip!