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Well October you sure were a quick one. I know I’ve said that about every month but wow, I feel like we’re in the holiday whirlwind already. I even started my holiday shopping…well one thing….but still! Here’s how the workouts went:
Monday: Walk 4 miles, early work
Tuesday: Walk 4 miles, Warmup on Bike, Strength + Upper Body Barre
Wednesday: Walk 4 miles, Trail Run 4 miles
Thursday: Walk 4 miles, otherwise rest
Friday: Walk 4 miles, Warmup on bike, Strength + Core
Saturday: Walk 4 miles, Heavy Strength
Sunday: Walk 4 miles, ZOOMA Virtual Halloween 5k (Halloween run with Pelo’s Matty M)
My workouts remain on autopilot as I continue to deal with personal and professional stressors. This week I bid farewell to a long-time client in order to accept a new opportunity. It feels uncertain and super bittersweet, but I’m moving forward.
We’re past peak color time here, but it’s still beautiful. We’ve enjoyed one of the most perfect autumns here that I can recall.
According to my Peloton app I’ve got a 52 week workout streak going on. Yes, it’s been a whole year of using the app. I know I can easily do without it, but yet I continue on.
Care to guess what I’ve done the most of? It’s actually meditation, with over 400 sessions over the past year, which for me is unheard of. The Pelo app really helped me refine my morning routine to include some meditation, even on days when I have to be up before 4am. I also finished the Countdown to Turkey Burn in case you were wondering. Haha!

It’s also been a full year since I started using the Lumen Metabolism tracker. I’ve been super consistent with it and I’ve learned SO much. When I started I was a total carb burner, which you’d expect an endurance runner to be. By dialing in my macros, tweaking my workouts and timing my fuel differently, I’m mostly a fat burner now, which is amazing. Of course it’s not magic and you still have to be patient and do the work but I’ve lost 7 pounds in the process and 5″ of belly fat. Lumen has a Halloween Sale going on now so if you’re intrigued, definitely check it out.
New On YouTube
Arm-Sculpting Barre. One of the keys to strength training is to change it up to keep your body guessing. This week we’re going super light but upping the reps. Grab your lightest weights and join me.
Happy Halloween! How was your week? Any races or other fall fun?
I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down. Join us!
Wow, congrats on the consistency with your diet plan and Lumen. One thing I love about the Peloton week streaks is that it doesn’t require a daily workout — although I usually do something every day I like that they don’t play into that obsession.
Sorry about the personal and professional stress.— especially the personal since I find that harder to cope with. At least work is just work. New opportunities can be scary at first but hopefully things will fall into place — or be wrestled into place.
Well, now I know what “early work” means- you’re there at 5 am wearing two different shoes. I’m impressed with your Peloton streak- especially the meditation. 400 sessions??? That’s great.
I’m also impressed with the 5″ loss of belly fat- like you said, Lumen isn’t magic and I’m sure that took a lot of work and patience. Nice job.
Congrats on your streaks! I had to take a break from Lumen as it was proving to be a source of frustration. Awesome that you’ve had such success with it – you give me hope 🙂
Really sorry you’re dealing with both personal and professional stressors – always hard when you’re dealing with it on both fronts. Sending hugs your way – hope things calm down for you soon.
Hugs on the stress… hope things settle down for you.
I am not a meditation person… I wish I could be. It seems to work for many.
That’s great and losing weight and inches!! You look great (but I thought you did before. )
No races this weekend but I did volunteer and had so much fun.
that is great that Lumen is working so well for you. I am off and on with that. I hope your new work situation is not as stressful for you. Can’t wait to hear what you are up to
Congrats on your one year Peloton meditation streak! I’m also glad to hear that the Lumen is working so well for you.
Seriously, November looks much less hectic for me. Let’s try to squeeze some time in for lunch.
Sorry for the continued stress, Marcia. I hope things mellow out for you soon. My Pelo streak is at 49! I accidentally missed a day (back in late January, I believe) otherwise I’d have a continued daily streak…but no big whoop on that. I’m glad the meditation has been a good fit for you (I have yet to try it #mybad). Also, congrats on your Lumen success!
Oh wow, it sounds like the metabolism tracker worked well for you. Congrats on the hard work and sticking with it. Good job on the meditation. I hope it’s helping with the stress you’re going through.
I always see your 4-mile walks and I imagine that to be very calming. That, along with the meditation sessions must be very helpful.
It’s hard to lose weight with so much stress going on. Well done!!
Sorry about the personal and professional stressors..thinking of you.
Impressed with your meditation!
Totally agree with you about this month. I feel like it went by faster than the others. Congrats on the Peloton streak!
Sorry to hear about the work and personal stressors – I hope that things improve soon.
Happy Halloween. It has been an absolute whirlwind. I barely even remember Halloween – it just went so fast.
Just a Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving. That’s all I can think of right now.
Those are some awesome streaks. I have a redonkulous one wiht My Fitness Pal but have broken up with some streaks in the last couple of years when they were no longer working for me, especially my crazy step goal. It served a purpose, and then it was time to go.
HUGS on all the things