It’s time once again to sit down with Coco, Deborah and you for a cup of something nice and a little catch-up session. I’m going with a cinnamon blend coffee I found at The Fresh Market with a splash of Half & Half and a scoop of collagen. What’ll you have?
Over coffee I’d tell you I’m pretty exasperated with our health insurance. Or maybe it’s my doctor’s office. I had a routine, annual mammogram back in January and I’m still jumping through insurance hoops. How is a routine mammogram not covered?? The insurance company claims they asked my doc for “more information” and never received it, so I keep getting a bill for several hundred dollars. All the calls I’ve made so far have been to no avail. Why does healthcare need to be so difficult?
Over coffee I’d ask you if you have any races coming up. I’d reluctantly tell you that my friends and I decided to not run ZOOMA Amelia Island, but it’ll still be a work trip. While I’m thrilled I’ll get to spend a long weekend in Florida, I’m bummed we don’t have another girls’ trip on the calendar yet. Sigh.
Over coffee I’d tell you I’m really looking forward to attending Thing 1’s final parents’ weekend of her college career in a couple of weeks. We went to parents’ weekend her freshman year and then the whole Covid thing happened so we haven’t been to another. It’ll be so nice to be back on campus. I did look at the academic calendar and graduation day is May 6. We all know that’ll be here before we know it! Seriously I feel like we just dropped her off for Freshman year.
What would you tell me over coffee? Have you been to Vancouver?
I’m also linking up with Darlene, Michelle, Renee, Jenn and Zenaida, for Fit Five Friday.
Going to Cape Cod? I’m not but I had considered it. Maybe next year.
A weekend away always sounds fun.
Wow. Those college years have flown by.
Gosh, last coffee date of summer, last Parents’ Weekend for Thing 1, …. You are facing a lot of changes. 🙂
Ugh on the insurance issues. We’ve had pretty good luck but also haven’t had anything unusual in a while — not that a mammo is unusual!
yes, I have been to Vancouver on our way to Alaska a few years ago and loved the city. Do they still have that Seabreeze race? Didn’t you do it once? I looked at running Zooma Amelia Island but wasn’t sure about Florida in October. You are working it but not running it? We need to find a race vacation for next fall that all the blogger peeps can do!
Do not even talk to me about college graduation! When I took my son to school for his sophomore year, it suddenly hit me, how fast it’s going to go. I’m glad you’re getting there for parent’s weekend! That should be fun.
Yes, health insurance makes me crazy. I haven’t had a problem like you’re describing, but considering how much money we pay every month it’s astonishing how many things are NOT covered. What a scam.
I think the college years go so fast! Our youngest just started her final semester, yikes! It will be odd, and I’ll feel quite “old” (but proud) to have three college grads soon. Enjoy your weekend:-)
Ugh on all the health insurance hoops – it really is all unnecessarily complicated!
Amazing to think that your daughter is already a college senior! It’s great that you’ll be able to go to Parents’ Weekend this year.
It is amazing to thing your daughter is a senior!
I’m not sure why you’re asking about Vancouver — I’ve been a couple of times, but both were pretty long ago. Like more than 10 years. It’s a great city and we enjoyed both visits.
My parents dropped me off Freshman year and came to graduation and that was pretty much it. Times were different, I guess!
I had a similar issue with my colonoscopy–I ended up paying 700 out of pocket, which makes no sense to me since it was a screening. And I had the ABUS along with my mammogram that generated another large bill. Hello, it’s a ‘screening”?
We have college graduation on the calendar for May as well! We have the lake house, so we will just stay there. I’m really excited that it is going to happen.
I’ve always wanted to visit Vancouver! I hear it must be a really nice city.
Also, I’ve never received a mug at a race. Now that would be a nice souvenir – much better than a t-shirt!
So you’re going to Amelia Island but need to work while you’re there? Is that because you’re a Zooma ambassador and need to do all the PR?
Health insurance is a nightmare. I’m so sorry you are frustrated.
I’m also super bummed you won’t be doing ZOOMA. Not sure if you’ll still be in the area of the northeast Florida area, but maybe we can plan a quick hello!
I feel like the Covid years need a re-do! My friend’s daughter just graduated but 2 years were during the pandemic so it somehow doesn’t feel like she did more than one year!
Sorry to hear about your health insurance – surely a routine mammogram should need any further explanations. Hope they sort it out asap.