Whether you love it or you’re sad to see summer slip away, fall is here in all its pumpkin spicy glory so we’d best make the most of it. Here’s how the week in workouts went here:
Monday: Walk 4 miles, early work
Tuesday: Walk 4 miles, Trail Run
Wednesday: Walk 4 miles, 40 mins, strength, 1 hr pickleball
Thursday: Walk 4miles, early work day
Friday: Walk 4miles, Trail Run + Core
Saturday: Walk 4 miles, Heavy Strength
Sunday: Walk 4 miles, Run of some kind
In classic Chicago-area fashion, our 80+ degree weather rode right out of here on some chilly North winds. It’s a whole 44 degrees here as I type. Gotta love a good 40 degree temperature plummet. The cooler weather is absolute perfection for running though. Now if I can just remember how to dress for it.
Since we were in Atlanta last weekend, I did not get a chance to do the Rundown. Let’s just say parents weekend was super fun, and just the getaway we needed.
In the past we’ve done the sorority events, but this year after the sorority brunch we went to a fraternity tailgate where I had my first go at Beer Pong. Well for this non-drinker it was water pong, but still, I showed those boys who’s boss! Haha!
It’s hard to believe it’s been 5 years since I ran the Berlin Marathon. Berlin was my 4th World Marathon Majors star and my first international marathon. In some ways it feels like I was just there, and in others it feels like a million years ago. Anyway it was fun to put together this highlight reel. Good luck to everyone running this year and huge congrats to Eliud Kipchoge who broke his own world record!
New On YouTube
Chest, Back, Biceps, & Triceps Workout: We’re working a little heavier this week to strengthen the entire upper body. Join me!
I’ll leave you with this pic. The sunflowers are finally blooming here!
Runfession Friday Linkup
I runfess I can’t keep my weeks straight but, THIS Friday is the Runfession Friday Linkup! Join us!
How was your week? Did fall weather arrive with a vengeance where you are?
I’m linking up with Kim and Deborah for the Weekly Run Down. Join us!
Yes. Fall arrived. But with it done needed rain and wind.
Still only cool in the morning. Not appreciating how dark it is.
Sounds like Atlanta was fun.
It seems like yesterday that you were running the majors.
I was flying home from LA when that cool front moved through. The turbulence wasn’t too bad, but it was breezy waiting for my Uber.
I’m so glad you had fun at Parents Weekend. Sounds like you really needed a break.
Love the new Runfessions photo.
A gradual drop in temperatures would have been nice, right? I too was having to remind myself how to dress. I could have used gloves on Friday. I will take the feeling of less effort, tho.
I’m glad you had fun visiting M. I think you needed it!
Mike planted sunflowers but as usual, the squirrels dug up the seeds and ate them. All but one and that flower finally bloomed this week–it’s a whopping 3 feet tall, lol
I tried to play beer pong when my son was in his frat last year. Let’s just say, no one wants me on their beer pong team! LOL Parents’ weekends are always fun. Glad your daughter is having a great experience there. We have the same weather fluctuations here but I will take it when it comes. Have a great week!
Alright, I can tell I’m going to get REALLY cranky hearing everyone talk about their beautiful fall weather. It’s sweltering here (although the hurricane heading our way might cool things down a little.) Your time in Atlanta sounds so fun! One of these years I’ll get out to Baylor for Parents weekend- I would also have to convince my son to attend the football game with me- ha ha, he’s really not into it.
I haven’t read the results of Berlin yet so I didn’t know Kipchoge broke his record- he is amazing!!! And, I’ll definitely try your workout this week (since you missed the rundown last week, you don’t know that I did a “triple Marcia” on one day and did three of your workouts!) This one looks good for me- I need more upper body.
We have autumn here now, not too cold, fairly bright and lovely running weather!
Fall came in on cue for a change! With lots of rain, but we needed that after our drought this Summer. I may not love the shorter days but I do love the cooler temps — although just a tad warmer would actually be nice.
Sounds like you had some great times with your girl!
What a fun parents’ weekend!
I ran Berlin in 2013, and it was my first international one as well. Great memories!
Fall has settled in here and I’m very happy 🙂
Looks like parents’ weekend was a lot of fun – so glad you had a good getaway!
We had a parental lesson session on Beer Pong a couple years ago…the three kids certainly had some game on us old folks, LOL. Yes, Fall did come in with a vengeance in Iowa as well. BRRRRR! We had a major temp drop and wind upswing. Glad you had a great time with the daughter last weekend 😉
Glad you had a great parents weekend. That T was awesome!
We had a crazy fall swing too. Now we’re somewhere in the middle again. Stability please?
A lovely family photo!
And you played pickleball, too! Sounds like a lot of fun.
I took a similar photo yesterday in Berlin. Unfortunately, I had to DNF at KM 30 because the Achilles was screaming at me. I’ll have to go again next year!
Oh my gosh, what a fun college weekend! Way to show them how it’s done 😉 I’ve never played beer pong!
We had similar weather here. The first “official” day of Fall was pretty chilly here, and lots of wind!
So glad that you had a great time visiting your daughter during Parents Weekend 🙂